Chapter 7

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Juniper wakes up in Davina's bed groaning because she does not want to deal with today's events

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Juniper wakes up in Davina's bed groaning because she does not want to deal with today's events. Regardless of what she wants she gets out of bed changing out of last nights dress, into more comfortable clothes she then leaves to go get breakfast for Davina. When Juniper gets back to the church she hears Marcel and Davina discussing the Annual Dauphine Street Music Festival, the young witch is begging to go while the over protective vampire decides against it.

"The whole point of you being up here is so you're not spotted out there. You know what's smack in the middle of Dauphine Street, Sophie Deveraux and you know what the witches will do to you if they find you. Plus your sister will kill me if she knows I let you out." Marcel explains not hearing the Demon Queen walk up the stairs.

"But you control the witches. Make her go away, please. Marcel its one night." The youngest Claire begs.

"You're not going, I will not have you spotted and killed by those witches." The eldest Claire speaks authoritatively.

"I do anything the both of you ask but sometimes, I think you forget what I'm capable of. Did you know I can make someone's blood boil? All I have to do is focus" Davina informs them as she focuses on boiling the vampire's blood causing him to sweat, she stops and smiles proud of herself when she sees the smirk on Marcel's face. Davina turns to Juniper frowning when her older sister is gazing at her with an irritated look on her face.

"You're not going and that's the end of it." Juniper shakes her head 'No' leaving the Church. Marcel tells Davina something before going after Juniper.

"June wait!" He calls after her using his vampire speed to stop in front of her. "Let's talk about it, I mean it's for one night. How much trouble can she get into?"

"Hmm, let's see..." The Demon Queen trails off pretending to think, "Oh, I know. How about getting caught by the witches, getting sacrificed for the Harvest Ritual, being punished by the Ancestors, because they are such a delight. Or being kidnapped by your best friend the Psychotic Hybrid and his slightly less psychotic sister, and being used as his 'Secret Weapon'. Or someone pisses her off to the point where she murders people within twenty feet of her. Shall I go on?" Juniper rhetorically asks counting the number of possible outcomes for the night if Davina is let out.

"June listen to me, I have it covered. Camille can take Davina they will have a good time, your men can be back up just in case anything happens. And Davina can take care of herself." Marcel gets through to June changing her mind.


The Demon Queen, comes out of the kitchen with Hayley's and her lunch in hand, giving the pregnant werewolf her plate as the witch Agnes tries to convince Hayley to go to the Doctor that is in the Bayou for a check up. When the witch first offered to take Hayley to the Bayou Doctor, June immediately denied the offer saying that she knows someone out of town that can do the check up.

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