I ain't bowing to you (Chapter 1)

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So yep starting over. A bit different but again woman in the book cover is sinner. Her full name is Sienna Montrose. But everyone just calls her Sinner.She is Furyan yadayada she can see in the dark by adjusting her eyes to see either in the dark or day. She is an Alpha. She can turn into a panther as one of her powers. She is second most wanted and she is badass. I'm done on with the story.


Sinner's POV

They say that during Cryo-sleep your brain shuts down and you're not aware of your surroundings. Well, that's a lie especially to the people that have animal instincts. I was free. Well, me defining free to me is running away from mercs and having the time of my life.

Til I got captured by a merc called Nathan Fly stupid him and stupid me. He shot me from behind with a tranq 4 TIMES. Yes that's how much they need to take me down. Cheap shot.

My name is Sienna Montrose. But nearly anyone I meet aka mercs just calls me Sinner. They always do. Not only that but I actually like that name. I think of myself of being a Sinner many times. But to me, there is no god. Only the devil.

I come from Furya. Everything was fine till the Necromancers attacked. My parents saved me. But I also heard from a prophet that a male alpha Furyan also escaped. He is supposed to be my mate and we were supposed to save Furya. That's not gonna happen anytime soon.

I am also an alpha. I bow to no one. My eyes can adjust to see in the dark too. But when I go outside my eyes are still a bit sensitive so I wear sunglasses. I also have a power. Every alpha has one. Me? I can change into a panther. A pure black one.

When Nathan captured me he thought it would be a 'good idea' to pretend to be a cop and take a civilian transport. I also heard that it will take a couple of weeks to reach the planet. A perfect time for something to happen.


I can't sleep with that smell. Actually, I still can't sleep even in the Cryo-sleep. I can smell him. My mate. I never thought I would find him. And I never thought I would ever get a mate. I can date and sleep whoever I want. No mate can stop me. Wow, I just sounded like a whore. But moving on.

I can tell he's awake even with the blindfold on. I growled at him. He growled back. Oh no, I will not back down. I growled even louder and I heard him chuckle. Oh god, that chuckle was sexy... What the fuck did I just say?!

I heard him sniff around and saw his head turn his head to me. Wow, he was ripped. That's a lot of abs. No no, stop thinking like that what's wrong with you? He started chuckling again. That is so sexy. I looked forward and saw Nathan. That son of a bitch.

The ship did a sharp turn and I hit my head. Shit that hurt. The ship started creaking and shaking. However, I could do nothing being chained. Too bad. I really wanted to just go over there and kill Nathan. Hmm too too bad.

At least Nathan had my bag. Idiot how stupid are you to take criminals things and take them with you?! Like I said he was very stupid. At least I had my equipment. While not on me, near me.

I heard the pilots talking and I could smell fear. Hmm good. "Fry what the hell are you doing?!" The male pilot said. Well, at least I know what the female pilot's name is. "I got to drop more load," Fry said obviously trying to stay calm.

"Look I've tried everything else. And I still got no horizon." She continued. "You better try everything twice, 'cause we don't just flush out--" the man said, but Fry interrupted. "Look if you know something I don't, get your ass up here and take the chair."

Well we're screwed I thought. "Listen, the company said we are responsible for every one of these people, Fry" the man yelled. "So what we die out of nobility?" Fry said. "Don't you touch that handle Fry!" The man yelled.

Yep so so screwed. Well, I just wanted to say I found my mate and die as soon as I meet him. Fucking awesome I thought. "I'm not going to die for them," Fry said. I stopped thinking after I hit my head again on the Cryo-Tube.

Again. I blanked out.


You know I might actually like this book better than the other one I made. Maybe... Hmm anyway I'm tired but since it's the holidays I will try to update more often

YAY ok yep I'm done now. Plz people read. I'm actually proud of this chapter.

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