Butternut squash

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As they all came down his parents seemed ecstatic. Unusual.. But nice none the less. With Marco going from detention to detention and being away from home for who knows how long maybe they've just decided whatever "Marco time" they get is a good thing? Who knows. "So uh.. This is Tom"

"Tom..? Haven't we met him before hijo?" Marco thought back, there probably was a time or two when they might have seen Tom. "Probably, but that was before.. We were-" He sighed and forced the words out, "Together..." Tom held Marcos hand interlocking their fingers, he couldn't care less but Marco was always a nervous wreak when it came to things like this. This parents smiled at the cute sight and invited them to sit on the couch. Janna snapped a quick picture on the two holding hands. "Actually-" Tom didnt bother sitting, "Marco is going to meet my parents this weekend. In Mewni.. And we have to leave soon since Its a long trip"

Marcos parents nodded a little, "Well at least stay for lunch before you head out, we haven't had much time to catch up with our boy." He hesitated but he couldn't really expect to take him away after he had only been back on Earth for a few days. He nodded, "That'd be lovely.. Would it be alright to take a picture with you? I want to show my parents what his family is like." They both smiled, he was so, polite! "We'd love to Tom" Marcos mother said happily, Star had Toms phone ready, she put a thumbs up as the stood together.Tom casually wrapped an arm around Marco, he froze for a second before leaning on Tom a little and smiling shyly. Janna also took a picture, he sighed but he didn't actually care that much..? He kinda liked liked Toms hugs.

After that Marcos mother made food for everyone, it was a bit cramped but everyone fit at their table. While they waited on food they chatted a bit and told storys, "Yeah, Hekapoo had almost tricked me into jumping off the cliff but when I saw her vanish I was like, 'I didn't spent four years learning how to levitate to dive head first into the pit of tar and acid, you cant trick me that easily' it was crazy"

"Mejo you really spent sixteen years away..? How is that possible!" Marco shrugged, "Time passes differently in different dimensions, I guess one minute here is two years there or something. Which kind of sucks?" He laughed a little turning to Tom, "didn't know you had a thing for older guys haha"

"Oh, funny, I didn't know you had a thing with the scissors enforcer~"

"I- I didnt.. We never had a thing! I don't know what you mean" Star laughed, "Wait a second did you really have a crush on her??" Tom nodded, "Oh yeah, when we were hanging out a while back he told me all about clone 246 and 247 and oh boy I could go on for ever" Marco blushed shoving Tom lightly, "Cmon man stop- That's embarrassing!"

"Fine fine, it doesn't matter anyway. You're mine now~" He chuckled and kissed Marcos cheek. He wasn't sure if that was too far but everyone else seemed to fawn over the act. Even Marcos dad looked like he was a hand hold away from squealing like a little girl.

After lunch he said his goodbyes and went to his room with Tom, he didn't need much but he wanted to make sure he had what he wanted, "Uhh.. Sorry by the way"

"For what man?"

"The uh- I kissed your face, and I didn't know if that was ok like I didn't even ask." Marco blushed a bit and laughed, "It's fine, I didn't really mind that much. And my parents seemed to think it was cute.. No harm done"

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