Good For You (03-28-21 update)

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//Reozine Xiu made the video | Song: Dear Evan Hansen - Good for you//

Okay so quick time skip cause I'm too lazy to describe these gays taking their clothes off.

^^I edited the last chapter so my dick shtick is over at last and we can all pretend you never had to even read that weird shit .
Now you can imagine A bulge or Tentidick or whatever less weird ideas would fit and I'm never looking back lmao. You're all welcome.

Yknow whats really crazy? How long I've procrastinated getting meds for my migraine this morning. It's nearly 5pm I've been up for 12 hours.. Yikes...

Also uhh, sorry for the wait again I've been kinda getting my heart ripped out lol so I'm depressed again and there's a lot going on that I don't wanna deal with 🤷 I'm trying lol it's 4am now

I'll publish this then I'll make a new part to talk about that crush I mentioned, sorry for the wait itll be explained later too.

Also hey I turned 18 so heres more smut stuff, in this Marco is a bit of a hoe so I dunno

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Marcos face was as red as his hoodie as he moved his hand forward slowly, he's never touched anyone but himself like this and that was a rare event.. He bit his lip and gently gripped the base of Toms foreign parts. His was out too but that was only because..

-Like five minutes ago-
"You first"

"Why should I go first yours is the one I want to see-!"

"Cause I'm curious too dum dum, I won't unless you do"

"Fine! But then YOU have to finish what YOU start too got it?"

"Oh my god you dork fine"

-Back to present time-

Tom was glad their anatomy was similar, and hopefully compatible? He was never very clear on how two people with the same parts could mate.. He'd ask Marco more later when this wasn't going on.. God it felt kind of embarrassing to be like this, they're both so unskilled and uneducated or so he thought, he should have done more research on his part..


" Tom-"

"Huh-?" Tom perked up, it was probably the third or fourth time his name was called. When he looked up and saw Marco he blushed darkly.. The way he looked... Oh man- He was on his knees panting lightly as he moved his hand up, pressing his thumb against the top of Tom's length, his demon wasn't sure how to react, it felt great though.. "Ahh~ M-Marco.."

"Kiss me"


"You heard me.. I... Want to feel more of you, so.."

Tom chuckled softly and gently set his hand on the back of Marcos neck pulling him in and kissing him sweetly. Marco kissed back passionately as he moved his hand more, making stroking motions now, he wasn't sure how demons worked but he hope that felt as good for Tom as it would when he did it to himself.. And it did, he's never felt like this before and he honestly loved it and wanted more. He wanted Marco to feel this way too and reached over trying to do the same, but grabbed too hard and went too fast, he helped and pulled back as a reaction, tears pricing at his eyes. "Shit, did I hurt you-??"

" Y-Yeah.. " He said softly, quickly leaning back in once the first jolt of pain settled down, "..Do it again~?"

Tom looked a little confused but nodded and did just about the same thing, not building up to anything, just going fast right of the bat and continued the motion. Marco moaned softly burying his face into Tom's neck, "Mm.. F-Fuck yeah~" He moved his hand a little faster against Tom's length but not going to hard. Tom moaned softly, "S-So this is how humans to it~?" He said softly, "I-Interesting" Marco chuckled softly, "This is just one way, but if you wanna get more intimate I can show you something else~?"

Tom blushed and nodded a little, he was curious. "You're magic right? Cause I doubt you have lube in this place but you can just magic some up right?"

"What is that..?" Marco rolled his eyes and chuckled lightly, he whispered into Toms ear what the use was for, making him blush darkly, then he nodded. "Ah.. Well, we do actually have something similar, a-and I might have some"Marco smirked, "Oh~? What have you been doing without me hm?" They bought laughed a little and with a snap of his fingers the small brightly colored bottle was poofed into his hand."Nice.." Marco said quietly, "So, I'm assuming you have no idea what to do now right?" Tom shrugged, "I uh.. No I know this one.. You um, then I- And we-" Marco kissed him softly, "I'll show you, well do it together alright? Give me your hand." Tom did as told and let Marco take his hand, pouring a bit of the contents on his fingers Tom made a face, "Its warm.."

"That's a good thing in this situation." He laid back and motioned for Tom to get closer, "You're a smart demon, this part should be pretty easy." Tom nodded a little as he pressed one finger against his entrance, hesitating a moment before entering him. Marco bit his lip, holding back any noise just in case. "G-Good.. N-Now slowly move it, like this" He moved his finger so his boyfriend could copy the movements. "A-And in a moment you can add a second finger, is this alright?" Tom nodded and did as instructed, soon adding a second finger earning a soft moan from the human.

After a bit Marco figured he was fine and it was ready for the rest of Tom. "A-Alright, slowly remove your fingers, and then you can put that in" He said pointing to Toms dick. He nodded a little doing as told, "Yknow, next time, I'll remember all this, and you'll be in for a surprise." Marco chuckled and nodded, "I can't wait then, but there's no shame in being taught~"

He whined softly when he felt Toms fingers retract, "A-And go slow, I'd like to be able to walk after this heheh"

Tom nodded as he slowly inserted himself, Marco moaned softly, his hands reaching up and holding onto Tom, "L-Len in a little, please.." And he did, giving Marco a better hold on him, "Ah~ T-This feels pretty good."

"Yeah~? Same for me, you're bigger then you look. That's a good thing"

//I know I spoke about this before but I'm coming back to it now cause I have a new crush who is much less toxic and I also got a job and I'm doing well. He lives pretty far away and tbh I have no idea if were even gonna date cause theres a girl who's trying to pursue him but I know he likes me back so I'm just gonna step back and let him choose

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