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So this is gonna be a bit sad lol

In a nutshell I'm no longer talking to him, I'm not gonna explain everything cause  dont even know what really happened but yall wanna hear it so yeah here we go

This is really long. I didn't mean for it to be but I always type a lot without thinking so






















ALSO: Please dont comment on this hating on him I'm sure he's going though something or just dealing with whatever happened differently? Cause I dont know what happened so I dont know how to take anything. That's all I just dont want it to seem like I'm hating on him or like I'm trying to make him a bad guy cause he's really not this is just what happened.


So alright, I dont know the full story, but something happened while we were hanging out. I literally dont know cause I thought everything was chill like he's been a pretty okay friend we were hanging out like every weekend having sleep overs after he graduated and whatever else since I've moved back right. But after Thanksgiving he ghosted me and blocked me out of no where, there was no conversation so the last thing I said to him was a text I said I was gonna try and do something for my birthday the weekend before but I think the next day I said that if he didn't want to come that was alright cause I know he's not a fan of being around lots of people (No one ended up showing  anyway) I was like you can come over the day after or anytime and it'll be just you and me, or something similar to that I'm not gonna go though my texts to find the exact words lol but that was the last thing said before all this. 


And I have bad anxiety so like I do with everyone I talk to I kept checking my messages every few hours to see if he replied or even read the message, few days go by and nothing. But he isn't the type to respond really fast even before this it would take hours to days to hear back from him, I have other friends like that so that in itself didn't make me too worried.


Anyway I posted about him blocking me without talking to me about anything cause once I found out I was pretty upset and somehow he was still able to see my posts or whatever like ok cool, so I don't remember how much I talked about it but I only mentioned it on my Instagram and then I think I was high when this next bit happened.


So I saw an OC of his, didn't really look like mine and the hair color wasn't even the same shade like I was just high, sleep deprived, and petty. It's not an excuse for how stupid I am, and the post I made was suppose to sound more sarcastic then anything like OoOo LoOk At ThIs He A bLoOdY rAp ThEiF bEtTeR cAlL dA fEcKiN pIgS


But I said something like "I post a black OC with pink hair then he blocks me and posts a black OC with pink hair, Hmmmmmmmmmm" Idk if that was the exact words but as soon as I got some sleep and realized how stupid I sounded I edited the post and took that out cause I wasnt trying to start shit, I was being petty and thought it was funny when it wasnt.

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