Morning Fluff

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Let's just pretend this is Marco's first time meeting the Lucitors since I dont feel like rewatching any of their canon interactions..//
Lookie I made the laces of my jumper into nooses ^3^ //

When we last left off our little gaybies were taking a nice long nap in Tom's room. And a well deserved one at that. Tom had been the one to wake up first again, he looked over his boyfriend and all the mark's hed left. Which thankfully werent many, but it was noticable enough to make the demon give a prideful smirk..

He slowly got up and stretched, putting on some clothes before going and digging through his things to find an unused first aid kit, probably got it when he used to get into way more fights.

Reguarless of what it was first acquired for he had it now, he gently set in on the bed and wondered if he should wake Marco up first or if he could get away with it wthout waking him up at all..?

Marco rolled over leaning into the warm indent Tom had left in his bed. His head tilted out enough that his biggest mark Tom had done was now on the open, a perfected opportunity if Tom had ever seen one.

Tom carefully got back onto his bed, brushing the hair from his boyfriends faces, and blushing when the lil fucker turned and leaned into his touch.. Tom was definitely gay, well.. Bisexual might be the better word, but holy shit were guys cute. This guy specifically. He shook the thought from his mind as he slowly lifted Marco's head into his lap. He got some medical goop and let it sit on his hand for a little to let it warm up before applying it. Obviously Marco wasnt is too bad of shape, he probably wouldnt be sleeping so soundly if he was.. But Tom knew aside from how fragile humans were that this was just the nice thing to do for his boyfriend.

Marco shifted a little, it looked like he was walking up but didnt exactly seem ecstatic. He wasnt really morning person, though he wasnt the type to sleep till noon either.. Someone in between, and as it stood his internal clock was telling him 'dont wake up my guy, it is way to fucking early'

But he did. His eyes opened to see the cute but blurry vision of his boyfriend, "..Hey" He said softly. Tom could only let out a chuckle. "Hey?" Was that really the first thing he said? "You're adorable yknow that"


"How ya feeling?"


"Anything else?"


Tom rolled his eyes and finished up what he was doing, "Well we dont have anything to do till tonight so we can sleep a bit longer if you want to?" Marco nodded and Tom got into the covers with him, Marco fell back asleep in maybe a minute, two at most. Tom watched for a good bit, just admiring his face, but then he got the idea what watching someone sleep was a little creepy and decided to close his eyes for a bit.

Only about an hour passed before Marco woke up actually ready for the day, whatever was left of it. He turned to see Tom, who looked, and was, fast asleep beside him. Perfect chance to pull one of those anime scenes.

Marco scooted in and kissed Tom's head beside his third eye as his hand caressed his cheek. Tom's eyes slowly opened to see Marco smiling at him, that alone made the demons heart skip a few beats. "Well Goodmorning"

"Gmornin babe, it is morning right..?"

"Yes Marco, its morning"

"Good heh.."

Tom let out a soft chuckle and pulled Marco into a sleepy kiss, he felt more tired then he did the first time he woke up which always sucks, but hed get over it in a few minutes.

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