Picking back up

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"Just.. Mm~ More"

Tom hesitated at first but he finally gave in, shifting himself a bit to be more comfortable as he moved his hips faster. He kissed his boyfriend deeply, their lips crashing into each other.

Marco had definitely thought about something like this before but not with other guys, or any guy.. He wasnt a bottom in his daydreams either, a lot can change though, like how from now on the hottest thing he could think of was, in fact, not Jakie-Lynn Thomas giving him hickeys behind the bleachers. Nah.. Now it was the image of Tom pinning him down after a heated, deadly, intense fight, scratches littering the two and small cuts and soon to be bruises covering more space then untouched skin. Then Tom would slowly lean down into to a hard makeout session.. Shit.. Alright you're literally getting fucked now is not the time Diaz..

Tom snapped Marco from his thoughts when his sharper then average chompers left a nice mark on his collar, "Ahh~!"

"Shit- Sorry, did that hurt?"

"Y-Yea.." Tom was about to pull back but Marco's hands cupped his cheeks pulling him back to meet his lips. "Do it again." He said softly after letting Tom pull back.

Holy shit..

Now, Tom wasnt one to have his mind in the gutter.

Okay that was a lie.

Tom often had his mind in the gutter.

In fact you could that that's where his mind lived.

Like a mutant turtle humanoid with the martial power of bootleg Jesus who had an unhealthy obsession with pizza.

What is it with me and turtles... I'd swear I'm normal by someones standards but, yeah I couldnt say that with a straight face either.

Marco gasped and moaned when he felt his demon lover carefully bite down on his neck, the soft tan skin caving under Toms jagged teeth made him feel something almost like a high, of course he wouldn't know what being high felt like.. Maybe more like the second wind you get when you've been running from monsters too long or the chill of excitement you get after successfully sneaking past the guards to a villains hideout! All similar feelings really.

But nonetheless it was a rush Marco had been craving. That shape rush mixed with the spike of pleasure was driving him nuts, he probably should have asked Tom to be more careful for a first time, but this is all fake so let's do the opposite.

"Ahh~ T-Tom~"

Tom felt a little bad as he notices a tiny drop of blood coming to the surface where one of his teeth had accidentally punctured his boyfriends neck. Oops.. He carefully slid his tongue over the nic and kissed it, making a mental note to patch him up later. Humans were so fragile, but I seemed like a common thing to get mad if it were to be adressed.

"You feel amazing~" Tom said with a little smirk, "I dont know if I can keep this up" Marco nodded in agreement. "Same, mm... I'm getting close~"

Tom kept his hips going, his hands trailing down Marcos chest. Everything was so.. Soft, he couldnt help but explore. "Ngh-!" Tom glanced back up to see Marco enjoying himself quite a bit, his hand seemed to brush over something sensitive, "Oh~? Did you like that?"

"S-shut up, dont tease"

"Tease? Me? N e v e r~" He moved his thumb back up pressing against the soft nub, "I'm just.. Exploring~ I'm a very curious guy you know-"

"Mm~ Bullshit! You little-"

Tom shifted again leaving a trail of kisses down Marco's chest, "Little what~?" He asked in an amused tone. Marco, despite loving this, was having his own thoughts, something along the lines of flipping Tom and ride him like his dragon-cycle Nachos. What a good bike..

But as it stood he wasnt in a position to do that, everything Tom did made him feel amazing, weak even. Maybe next time hed flip the script and surprise Tom~

Snapping out of his thoughts again by a wave of pleasure Marco gasped at the feeling. Tom wouldnt help but feel a bit of pride with all the noise he was hearing. He pulled back and went a litter harder know Marco would probbaly like it, which he did.

"Mm.. T-Tom~ I-"

"Y-Yeah, me too babe"

It wasnt long before Tom hit the right spot sending Marco over the edge. And that feeling around Tom was more then enough for him as well.


Marco rolled over in the bed having just gotten back from his shower, Tom following soon after, neither of them bothered to put on clothes, why would they. Tom just carefully covered them both in his blanket. "I wanted to put something on the uh.. The mark, on your neck.. But it looks fine now."

"Yeah I'll be fine, if it hurts or something I'll let you know though okay?" Tom nodded and wrapped his arms around Marco's waist, doing what most would call being the big spoon. "I um.."

Marco chuckled and turned his head then kissed Tom sweetly. "I love you~"

Tom smiled softly and snuggled up to him a bit more, "Yeah, love you too"

A little nap wouldnt hurt. So that's what they did.

Boy its been a hot minute since I've even watched the series.. Yeah shame on me
But whatever you got your sex lmao

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