Chapter 7: Are We There Yet

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//Most of these chapter titles are meme references cause I'm trash lmao. also I think I'm only gonna make 10 chapters? I'm not sure yet..

Finally the two boys were on their way to the Lucitor castle. "So hold on.." Marco said, sitting up from the bean bag chair in toms carriage. "Run this plan by me one more time" Tom sighed turning the music down, "Ok so you're my boyfriend"

"I got that part"

"My parents want me to have 'someone' in my life cause they fear I'll be alone forever or be evil or something like that. So i'm bringing you to make them think I have someone. Honestly I'm just not ready for a real and serious relationship. And everyone I've dated so far except Star has ended badly, at least she's still my friend and all but yeah" Marco nodded a little and looked out the window. The ride was pretty boring, "So.. Are we there yet?" Tom sighed, "No, I'll let you know when were close though. In the mean time we should practice.."


"You flip out when I touch your hand, it's obvious.. So we should cover all that mushy stuff so it doesn't look fake ok?" Marco nodded and came away from the window sitting on the couch with tom. "So we just have to hug or hold hands or something till I don't freak out as much?" Tom shrugged, "Pretty much, we just have to get really comfortable with each other, and fast." Marco nodded and took a breath, he didn't really know what he was in for.. But he'd really didn't mind that much.

Tom snapped his fingers putting on music as he held Marcos hands in his, interlocking their fingers. He bit his lip a little before leaning in and kissed Marco quickly. They both blushed, a little speechless from the action. Only a moment later had Tom snapped out of it "I- Sorry I just"

"Its... Its ok" Marco smiled shyly, "Its not like it was bad heheh.. Just unexpected, warn me next time ok?" The demon nodded with a soft smile. Suddenly the cart shook causing the two to fall back, Marco landing on Tom. "We hit a bump your highness- but everything is fine!" A voice called out from the front. Probably the dead horse.. Though tom was to busy staring at the boy on him to hear anything else but his heart that was beating a mile a minute. "M-Marco.. Can I kiss you again?" The brunet blushed darkly and gave a little nod slowly closing the gap between their lips. It was actually really nice, Marco had kissed and been kissed before no doubt. But this was different.. Maybe is was because Tom was a demon? Or the closest thing to a guy he could get? Whatever it was he really liked the feeling. 

The boys closed their eyes wrapping their arms around each other not wanting to let go for even a moment. Marco wondered if he ever kissed Star like this.. He mentally cursed himself for the weird thought and tried to push it to the back of his mind before breaking the kiss and sitting up again with a little smile. "So um.. Wanna play some ping pong?"

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