Tenth Oopsie

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And: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02nMDzTRuFk


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"Are you're horns real or cosmetic?" 

"Just look at him Rafael!"

"Aww-such a little cutie"

"Aww-such a little cutie"

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Ok story time

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Ok story time

They should be there pretty soon.. Tom was fixing a snack for the movie Marco suggested, though most of what he had was just cereal... Marco didn't mind though, cereal was the one thing you could have any time and it not be weird!

"Tomorrow morning we can go and get you something more.. Suitable... To wear"

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing now- Oh.. Wait, never mind haha I get it. Alright, did you have something in mind aside from my princess dress?"

"Marco you're my boyfriend, you'll wear a suit. And yes, I did have a few ideas~" He smirked to himself and sat down next to Marco handing the boy his bowl then starting to eat from his own.

"So.." Tom started, "We're super into dark colors, but I know you might not be.. So maybe we can compromise of a color for the outfit?"

"Can it be something like what I wore for the blood moon ball?"

Tom thought back to then, he blushed a little, "No."

"What do you mean no? That's like, the most formal thing I have-"

"Fine.. Maybe- But I'm going to change some things about it.." Marco yawned and nodded, "Fine, just not too much got it?"

"Whatever, just don't go to bed just yet alright? Or you wont be able to sleep when we get to my room." Marco nodded and finished his bowl then leaned back trying to stay away, but the more he thought about it the more he wanted to sleep! Marco sighed and laid his head on Toms lap, the getting comfortable with each other was going a little too well.

"Wake up you dummy, you did the one thing I told you not to-" Marco rubbed his eyes looking around, "Were here. Get you stuff and follow me." Tom got up and went to the door, Marco followed still half awake. Tom just walked up to his room, his parents were going to greet him but they figured they should let them rest up and they could meet tomorrow.

"Mmm How big if your bed? Like, normal, or big, or like.. Real normal big?" Tom chuckled a bit as Marco, his words, though he could understand what he was saying, weren't really correct. He took Marcos hand leading him to the bed, "It's fairly big, but id doesn't matter, I still plan to sleep right next to you." Marco smiled and let out a quiet yawn, "Perfect, the one thing I can do- Sleep hahaha" He saw the bed and flopped down already about to fall asleep. Tom chuckled softly and laid beside him leaving his arms open for the boy to snuggle into him. Once in each others arms he pulled the blankets over them, he'd stay up a little longer though.

It was about half an hour be fore there was a soft knock on his door, it was a guard, they were changing shifts and usually they check in with him when doing so so his parents know he hasn't snuck out. He moved his hand giving a small wave rather then talking and risking waking Marco up, the guard gave a nod and softly closed the door. He smiled a little when he looked back at Marco.. How cute.. He gently moved the hair from Marcos face and kissed his head finally closing his eyes for the night.

[Yo so um, I moved again, shit's be crazy as hell and I just.. Man it's just crazy is all I can say.I won't be updated as often and I'm super sorry about it but motivation is leaving quicker then a guy who just found out his girl got knocked up. Ill try and work on it tho]

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