Super long A/N

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// A/N: Heeeyy so um, I don't update often but I'm on this ADD medication that's supposed to make me more productive or something so hopefully with that and other stuff I'll be more inspired and update more often.  I know there aren't many reader right now but even so I'd hate to lose any of you. Anyway I'm hyper af rn so here's a little rant/update on how my life is if you're interested. So I got to therapy every Thursday and last week she canceled, and thats fine cause we're good friends and they're supposed to be moving into another building and everything is changing so it would be a dick more to not be respectful of that. Anyway, I want to talk to her about getting an ESA (Emotional Support animal) Becuase I've wanted a pet for about five years, maybe longer since my two ferrets passed in New Jersey about seven years ago. My brother had a dog that I got to "have" when we lived with him but things happened it got crazy and a year later I'm here and I almost never leave the house and I get depressed easily and animals make me so so happy and having one would help me go out, to walk it and give me a responsibility that isn't overwhelming. And being able to take it with me would make me so much less anxious in public. Other then that I've been learning Japanese and that's going pretty well actually, I feel good being able to learn on my own since I'm home schooled and idk it just helps me not feel like a waste of space. My ADD meds make me hyper but also super productive, like normally I'd lay around on the phone or try and sleep the day away but today I'm doing the laundry I made myself some green tea, I cleaned a bit of my room and make a cardboard cut out for these slippers I've been wanting to make for a week, so things I've been putting off for a week to a month, has all gotten done today. I even woke up and went right to breakfast! I usually never eat in the morning, I have to because I have to take my meds with foor or I get sick and dizzy and stuff but normally I'd but it off for an hour or two. But today I just, got up and took a bit to wake up before doing things. I even worked out a little to some of my favorite songs like I'm really happy today, sorry I'm typing so much I just really wanted to share this. And for anyone who made it this far or may even be going though something similar, you rock, you are doing so so well and being alive is proof of that! I am so proud of you!

Anyway yeah thanks and all that good stuff!

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