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It's been like 8-9 months since I updated...

So I'm in New Jersey, I graduated about a month ago (I'm 17) and I might be getting a job soon I really hope so cause being broke sucks lmao. Anyway I stopped writing for a long time because a lot of things were going on and it was crazy and uh, if you didn't know hi I'm trans so Ive been trying to get a lot of shit done with that whole thing and I have my first appointment at the end of the month I'm so excited and nervous but Ive been seeing people ask me if I'm still writing and all these comments on different stories asking me to update so, while I'm waiting for those things I figured I could try to write some more..?

If anyone is going to Philcon in NJ this November I'll be there so lets hang out maybe? Ive been drawing a lot too and working on that so please go follow my Instagram Saltwater.Ink and give me art requests I'd really appreciate it. Hell if you ask for a drawing from my story I'd be happy to make art for them and replace the cover with it, But I'm too lazy to do it myself lmao I need to know people will like it if I put in the effort or send me a picture to reference.

Okay, anyway. Thank you all so much for your continued support and patience, I'll try not to take such a long hiatus next time lol, back to the story-

Morning came and Tom was the first to wake up, he looked to Marco and his first thought aside from how adorable the male looked was something along the lines of, "How can such a small human sleep so much?"

 With a snap of his fingers Tom replaced himself with a body pillow and he was free from his boyfriends clutches. (The pillow was like the Dakimakura but better)

 (The pillow was like the Dakimakura but better)

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[This is the only one I could fine]

Marco hugged the pillow tighter while Tom took a shower and got dressed. He wasn't going to dress in formal clothes just yet, he'd probably wait till dinner when Marco would get changed as well. After his shower Tom got dressed in casual clothes and then gently shook Marco to wake him up. "Come on sleepy head, let's go get some breakfast." Marco shifted and slowly opened his eyes, looking up to Tom he raised his hand patting the demons face, "Squish!" Was all he said in a childlike tone before closing his eyes again. Tom couldn't help but laugh at the action, he forgot that humans needed time once they wake up to get back to full function. "Marco c'mon, I'll carry you downstairs if I have to" A minute of silence passed before Marco sat himself up and rubbed his eyes. "I'm up, I'm up.. You said something about breakfast?"

Tom nodded with a soft chuckle and ran a hand though Marcos hair, "Yes Marco, breakfast. Get dressed and do what you need to do so we get there before all the food is gone I usually get up extra early and eat before the palace staff but I slept in today since I have a cutie keeping me company."

It took a while but Marco woke himself up and got dressed in the casual clothes he packed  hoping that was good enough for a castle. Tom had his usual clothes so he was sure it'd be okay. "When are we meeting your parents? I just.. I'm still nervous, I mean we're dating now right? So were not lying but it still kind of feels like we are? I don't know, am I just over thinking?"

"Marco hush, it'll be fine. We won't have to be all formal till dinner and I'll be with you the whole time. It's not as bad as it seems, well probably see them around and talk before that but it's just a formal thing cause royalty and all and other people will be here, Star didn't tell you about it?" Marco sighed, " No.. She said nothing about any of this! " He leaned against Tom burying his face into the demons back not wanting to really talk about it any more, "Lets just get some food, then we'll talk about it"


//Sorry its so short I'll try and update more and start the next chapter tomorrow though

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