god finally PART 1(I got tired)

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//So I did end up rewatching a bit of the lucitor interactions in the svtfoe series, just cause I didnt wanna sound like an idiot. I love Dave lmao

Finally it was getting close to dinner, Marco was actually pretty excited, While they wondered around the castle Marco has heard lots of loud and ominous noises. And hed seen a lot of cool paintings of- Would monster be the right word? Would that be offensive..? Probably not.. But nonetheless they all looked super cool!

And after a nice long walk Tom led Marco into one of his rooms, this one being full of Toms clothes.

Tom nudged Marco closer to the full length mirror he had, "You stay." He said, his arms out like he was telling a puppy in training a new command. Marco rolled his eyes, "Like I have anywhere better to be?"

"I'm gonna get you something to wear so just, dont wonder off.. This closet has been known to swallow people from time to time and I dont actually know where they end up." Marco nodded and looked into the mirror as Tom left him in the front, hoping he didnt end up in another dimension or worse. He smiled to himself as the tried to think about everything thatd happened in the last few days. He was throught headfirst into a new and fairly queer relationship, then dickfirst into Tom's bed, though that was his own fault.. And now? Letting Tom dress him up to actually meet his parents.. He was just going to wing it before all this real stuff happened.. But now that it wasnt fake anymore he was starting to get nervous-


Tom came back few minutes later and tossed Marco some formal clothes, "Here, you're a little bigger then I am so none of my shit would fit you.. Probably. I didnt really think that through before getting here. Maybe on my way to drop you off we can do a little shopping? Since you'll probably end up coming back at some point."

Marco's eyes lit up for a second as he remembered that Tom was not only rich, but had always been more then happy to pick up a bill. But he quickly came back to his senses, "Maybe. It would be nice to see some shops.. Just to look though."

"Well you could also bring a souvenir back for your parents? They've got some really cool stuff here."

"Really? Well.... Maybe, I would like to bring something back for them.." Marco thought about it as he got dressed, Tom doing the same. He wondered what he could bring that would be too freaky, or alive, or murderous..

Once the two were dressed they turned back to each other, blushing a bit cause holy shit suits looked good on boyfriends.

"No fire though.. Or anything alive, or dangrous... My parents are.. They mean well but I don't want them to get hurt."

"What about one of those soul paintings? The ones that talk to you. Theyd love the company right?"

"..Dont they trap real people in there?"

"Some are artificial."

"Oh.. Huh... Well nah, hearing one in the middle of the night would be pretty unsettling.. Oh! You guys have phones right? Or those mirror things? For over dimensions? I could totally get one of those for them so they could call me when I'm away!"

"Thats.. Actually not a bad idea?"

Looking over the suits, both Tom was in black with a red tie and Marco was the opposite in a red suit with a black tie.

Tom shook the oncoming lewd thoughts from his head and took Marcos hand, "Ready then?"

Marco nodded, "As I'll ever be.." Tom kissed his cheek and led him out and down the hall into their dining room. It was.. Well... Huge.

Which admittedly was to be expected, but still, Marco figured hed just never get used to royalty and how they lived compared to him. His mind started to drift to the dizzying labyrinth of Stars house/castle but he quickly shot it down. "Maybe later we can go on a tour, I feel like I'd get lost just looking for the bathroom here haha"

"Pfft.. Yeah, we could do that. I mean, the more you come to visit the easier itll get too"

Tom pulled out a chair for Marco and sat in the next seat over to stay close. Tom's dad was in the other end already preoccupied with reading something. Till Tom cleared his throat and his dad noticed them. "Oh! I didnt even see you. You were so quiet haha. Oh and who's this! I'm Dave, Tom's dad"

Marco was a bit surprised by how human his dad looked. And with a name like Dave.. He smiled anyway bowing his head a little, "Its an honor sir. I'm Marco Diaz-"

"Marco..? I swear I've heard that name before.. Tom didnt you try to kill a guy named Marco? For some drama with Star?"

Tom blushed a little, "A-A few times maybe yeah.."

Dave chuckled a bit, "Thomas has never been the best at socializing haha, but I guess it a worked out huh?"

Marco held back a laugh. "Yeah.. I mean, when I first met him I kinda thought he was nuts- But we were all a lot younger and had way different cultures so I'm sure I looked like an idiot just doing what was normal for me."

Tom nodded, "Oh yeah, you did a lot of weird shit, I mean.. I'm not a guy with many normal friends, but you take the cake on weirdness, I-I think it's kind of cute though.." Tom was about to say something else when he remembered the picture Star took for him. "Oh! Speaking of that, dad I wanna show you the picture we took before we came over." He opened his phone and slid it across the table to his dad who eventually caught it. "I see you there, and Marco, oh that's his family right? They look, nice." Tom nodded, "Yeah, they've been super chill about us, b-being together that is"

Dave smiled a bit as he slid the phone back, "Well have to get together sometime, maybe when its gets warmer outside we can all go to the beach house"

"..Er- Maybe not the one with lava, I'm sure theres a place we could meet in the middle though! Since they arent exactly fireproof"

Marco was so confused, there was a lava lake around here? That sounded so cool! But Tom was right, Marco and his parents were not fire proof by any means sadly.

Suddenly the floor started to shake, as if a titan had emerged from the castle. Which wasnt entirely inaccurate..

Wrathmelior came into the room, Marco at first was a bit confused but he could see the resemblance. She looked very familiar aside from that though..

She made a thrilling sound to witch Dave smiled and waved, "The is Marco hun, Tom's boyfriend."

Marco would still have to get used to that phrase.. Tom's boyfriend

Marco nodded, "Its a pleasure to meet you ma'am" He bowed his head a little hoping she could see it from way up there. A similar sound resonated and he paused. He couldn't exactly understand it, but there was something about the sound.. He was able to get the general idea of it, something about likeing the castle so far?

Tom leaned over a little, about to translate before Marco spoke again. "Oh, uh.. Yeah, it's been really cool here. We went and looked at the paintings earlier, gotta find out where to get a decent painting, last time I went I almost died, terrible service haha"

She laughed muttering something along the lines of 'I know how that is'

Tom was a bit surprised, "You can understand her..?"

"Well.. Not well... I never studied other languages too much cause I didnt think I'd need it, but I can get the general understanding. Like I mean.. Feel it more then hear it? I dunno, why am I not supposed to?"

"No no.. It's actually really cool, bit it's just usually people who arent related cant."

"Well if I'm with you wouldnt she be like a step mom? So doesnt that count?"

Tom blushed darkly. "It might, if we were married. But as far as I know we havent even been dating for a whole year so that's a big no-" Marco laughed a little, "Huh, well it's still cool, didnt know I was so- Universal" Tom rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Sure Marco."

Dinner came out not much later. "I uh.. Dont know what you like so.. If anything is gross you dont have to eat it."

"As long as it's not moving I'm sure I can handle it.. And if it is I can at least give it a try."

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