10.The Purpose Of A Fork

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Taehyung's P.O.V

Jimin fell off of his chair, his body sprawled onto the floor as we all laughed intently at the state of him.

Jimin, like Namjoon, even I, were really clumsy. Jimin couldn't make a step without falling down or tripping over his own two feet and Namjoon couldn't touch anything without breaking it. Then there was me, I did both. That was exactly the reason why Jin would freak out when either of us went near something he liked, because he knew something bad would happen to it.

I turned my head to the right to look at Jungkook and Aria, but my smile quickly faded when they were not in their seats and I saw them walking out of the room together, hand in hand.

My jaw clenched tightly, my blood heating up in my veins as I felt the anger rising, but I also had this weird feeling in my heart and it seemed to be oddly familiar.

Intuitively, I was ready to get up and follow them, feeling insecure about what they were going to do all alone.

But deep down I knew that that would be selfish of me, so I stopped myself and tried to calm down.

I was starting to lose my mind,I wasn't my self anymore. Every time she would talk or touch or be intimate with him, I went into a trance. I became the masked form of myself where all I could feel was anger, and I wasn't an angry person.

I felt angry at myself, because I knew that what she felt was not towards me. I knew she felt something for Jungkook and I was sure that Jungkook felt something for her too.

I couldn't help but look at them together and want to punch him really hard because I knew that he was better than me and I couldn't change that. I wanted someone to feel the pain I felt when she chose him over me from the very start.

I knew that what I was doing was dangerous. I was becoming obsessed with the idea of getting her back, of remembering the way her lips felt against my own, but that was too much to ask.

I wanted what was best for her. Yet, even though I knew that that was Jungkook, I couldn't help but feel like I needed to claim her as my own when she wasn't even close to being mine, or atleast she didn't remember it.

All I knew is that I was becoming posessive, and that was certainly not a good thing.

I pushed the thought aside and turned my attention back to the boys.

The air was filled with the sound of a muffled banter between them as they spoke loudly about what I think was the purpose of a fork.

"I know right?" he asked "What the hell do these sharp things do?".

"What do you think they do?" Hoseok gave him an annoyed look and Yoongi just patted him on the shoulder and put his feet onto Hoseok's lap.

"It's a fork, let it be" He said, unbothered and popped the last bite of food into his mouth.

Yoongi never really seemed to be fazed by the boys behaviour. Whatever they talked about, whatever stupid thing they were discussing, if he was out of it, he would let them know.

I chuckled at his attitude and joined the conversation.

"You know that the sharp things are for stabbing the food right?" I replied, putting up a smart façade, my lips forming a smirk.

They all turned to look at me with confused looks on their faces.

"That just sounds too violent" Jimin said, throwing the fork at Namjoon.

Namjoon picked up the fork that Jimin threw from his lap and seemed to have gone haywire.

"Ya, what did I do?" He complained, leaving the utencil on the table and looking back at Jimin.

We all laughed at his reaction and he slumped in his chair, pouting.

"Aww pour little baby is upset" I mocked him and pinched his cheek. He immediately slapped my hand away, glaring at me as I shot him an innocent smile.

"Very funny Taehyung" He picked himself back up and regained his proper position.

We all talked loudly for a while before getting up to tidy the place up.

Seokjin went back to the kitchen with Namjoon to clean up the mess he had made while cooking and we were all left in the dinning room to pick up the plates and take them back to the kitchen for him to wash up.

I grabbed my plate and glass, throwing my used chopsticks into the bin outside the kitchen and leaving my dirty dish on the counter.

"Taehyung ah" Jin shouted at me and I turned around to look at him. He handed me a broom and smiled handsomely.

I huffed. There was no point in arguing, I couldn't get out of doing it in any way.

I walked back into the dinning room to see Aria picking up her plate and chatting with Hoseok.

Oh she's here. I thought, my eyes searching for Jungkook in the room.

He wasn't there. It didn't make sense to me,I mean if they left together they would probably come back together too.

He's probably in his room or something. I shrugged it off and started sweeping the floor.

Everyone around me was tidying up the space and Hoseok was wiping down the table.

"Come on Yoongi, pick up your plate" Hoseok complained, but Yoongi didn't even make a move to pick it up.

"I'll do it in a minute" He said, making a noncommital handgesture. "What's your problem anyway?".

Hoseok rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"I can't wipe the table with your stuff in the middle, that's my problem" He shouted and waited for him to do what he asked him to, but nothing happened.

"Don't worry, I'll take it" Aria said and picked up Yoongi's dishes, then walked away.

"Thankyou" Hoseok said to her and I heard her footsteps behind me as she walked towards me.

She stopped.

"Uhm Taehyung?" She asked me "Can you tell me where the kitchen is?"

"To the left, second door" I said bluntly, avoiding to look at her in the eyes and continued sweeping.

Okay so this chapter is mostly a way for you to see Taehyung's feelings. I know some of you may find him delusional right now, but when you find out why he is acting this way you will understand.

Anyway, you know I would love for my readers to not be ghosts, so leave a comment once in a while, I like it when you give me feedback.

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