11.Find Him

592 40 11

Aria's P.O.V.

I trudged to the kitchen, entering with a pile of plates and cups that I couldn't cary on my hands for any longer.

"Ouch" I heard someone shouting from the kitchen and when I got in, I saw a very interesting sight.

Seokjin was pressed to the floor, Namjoon lying on top of him with his hands pressed on either sides of his chest.

Seokjin was freaking out from under him, trying to push Namjoon off of him as his weight pressed onto him.

"Get off of me" he shouted and Namjoon let out a little giggle before picking up the spunge from the floor and getting up and off of Seokjin.

"Okay, chill hyung" he reached his hand out, lifting Jin up from the floor.

I started laughing at them, clutching my stomach and trying to contain any inhumanly sounds as I laughed histerically.

They shot me unreadable looks, looking at eachother before raising their heads to look at me in embarassement.

I didn't know what to think. I mean Namjoon was literally lying ontop of Jin.

You could clearly see that Seokjin was annoyed about the whole thing, but Namjoon, he seemed to be enjoying it.
The smirk on his face and his playful attitude gave off the idea that he liked watching Seokjin suffer more than we thought. Maybe he was bored of the idea that Seokjin was the eldest of the group when he acted like a fifteen year old teenager and ran around, flailing his head around and talking really fast when he got worked up over every little detail.

"You idiot, learn to control those legs of yours" Jin folded his arms over his chest and ducked down to clean up the broken pieces of glass that were scattered all over the floor.

"Ah, that was not my fault" He defended "The stupid water was on the floor".

Seokjin stopped cleaning up and looked at Namjoon with an unamused expression on his face.

"Well I'm the one that has to clean all this up now, so it doesn't matter to you does it?" He complained and they just continued throwing the blame at eachother.

I exited the kitchen, letting them argue with eachother in peace. I mean if they wanted to argue, who was I to stop them from doing that?

These guys were are truly something else and they were all completely different, yet at the same time they resembled eachother so much. Together, they were complete. Each of them was a piece that completed the puzzle in each of their hearts and their bonds were all special in their own beautiful way.

I was kind of jealous, jealous that they had this brotherly bond that I had never had with anyone.

I never really had friends, I mean Luke and Jacob were my friends but they were also my cousins, so that didn't even count.

My best friend, well, she was my mother. She would talk to me about my feelings and hers, she would make jokes when I was sad to make me feel better, she would get up and dance with me in the middke of the night, she would do anything to make me happy, and it worked. Until, one day she took the train to go visit my Aunt as another one came in from the left, obviously taking the wrong direction and hitting them, killing almost every passenger inside.

Then after that I guess I became closed up, my father mourned every single day and turned to alcohol to drown his feelings. Once the news was out, nobody wanted to be the friend of the girl with the dead mother and the alcoholic father.

It didn't stop there. He became obsessed, coming home drunk every night and passing out on the couch.

If he could keep himself consious, he was aggresive and that's where I came in. I became his human punching bag, taking a hit to the ribs, the face or the knee by the man who called himself my father and at that point, I was the one that didn't want to make any friends.

I put my thoughts aside and turned to look at the four boys sitting in a circle on the floor and looking at eachother with looks on their faces that screamed boredom.

They noticed my presence and Jimin turned around to look at me with a charming smile on his face and patted the floor next to him.

I walked towards him, but before I sat down, I remembered something.

"Has anyone seen Jungkook?" I said and Taehyung's head immediately snapped to the side.

"I believe you were the last person to see him" He said, eyes glued to the floor.

He seemed bitter. Why that was, was another question.

I shrugged it off, focusing on the subject I had just brought up.

"Nope" Yoongi said.


"Is he in the kitchen?" Hoseok wondered and I shook my head in response.

After what happened, I knew Jungkook was confused. It was clear to me that he needed some time to clear out his feelings and cool off, but for Jungkook, who knew what that meant.

I felt a sickening feeling in my stomach and my mind was coming up with all kinds of awful scenarios that could have occured.

I was worried.

"Well then I'm sure he's not around here" Taehyung said "That is if he isn't in the rope room".

The rope room? I mean that sounded like an odd room to have, the whole idea of it made no sense in my head. Yet, I'm sure it was named like that for a reason.

"He's not, I passed by earlier" said Hoseok, picking himself up from the floor.

They all stood up and folded their arms over their chests, complete silence filling the room as they seemed to be in a deep state of thought.

"Did anything happen between you two?" Yoongi asked, his eyes never leaving the floor.

"Yes" I answered almost immediately, giving it my every shot to help him find Jungkook's whereabouts.

He raised an eyebrown.

"Did he seem upset or angry in any way?" he asked again, clearly onto something.

"Yes" I paused "He needed some fresh air or something".

Taehyung and Yoongi looked at eachother in epiphany, finding a possible location where he might have run off to.

"I think I know where he is" They said in unison and I couldn't help but chuckle at their cuteness.

* * *

I paced around the room, hand on my chin as I impatiently waited for Yoongi to come back, hopingly with Jungkook walking next to him.

"Take a deep breath" Namjoon advised "They will be back".

I nodded and at that moment Taehyung came running in.

"They're here" Taehyung said and we followed him to the front door "But it's not looking good".

The door swung open and my eyes widened in shock when I caught a glimpse of the view infront of me.

I need to sleep.

Anyway it's a double update woah.

I wrote this while I was out with my parents and I'm posting this at 2am so don't judge haha.

It's bad, I know


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