28.Hear Me Out

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Taehyung's P.O.V.

"Hear me out" he said, a hint of hesitance audible in his voice. I sat down, not really knowing what else to do as he pulled me down from my wrist. "I noticed something Tae". His eyes met mine, staring into them deeply. "It's important that you know this" He said. My heart clenched in my chest.

He was serious, that was for sure, for Jungkook, that was a rare thing.

"What is it?" I asked him, the curiosity building up the more he delayed his answer.

He swallowed hard, his Adam's apple popping loudly. "It's about Aria" he paused, mid-sentence. "You.. and Aria".

I raised my eyebrow in question, oblivious as to where he was going with this.

I mean me and Aria, how was there anything that he could say about us? There was no us, it was as simple as that. Well, I wish it was.

Aria, she was different, she always had been. I knew alot more than she thought I did, but if I told her the real reason, she might not have liked it. Her hazel eyes, chocolate locks, and bright smile, they were more than familiar, they were like my safety. I guess hers was Jungkook's.

My attention turned back to the boy that was sitting next to me, waiting to get me to listen to him.

He stared at me intensely, as if figuring something out.

"You were thinking about her weren't you?" He asked, a naughty smirk spreading onto his face. I could slap that thing off of him right then and there.

I shook my head sharply, denying his statement, my eyes never meeting his.

I was lying, he knew that.

"I know you are lying" he said to me, moving his head to the side as if it would get me to look at him. "Come on Taehyung, It's obvious".

I didn't budge, fighting the urge to do so and keeping my eyes onto the door ahead. "Why do you think that?".

He giggled heavily, the couch falling as he moved further back. "Because I know you too well" He said under a smile, trying out another one of his methods. Thing was, I also knew him too well. "When you lie, you don't look at me, your lips become a straight line and your neck tightens, you can always see that vein on your arm too Tae, you are doing all of them right now".

I broke out a smile, giving in. "Okay, I was thinking about Aria". He smiled back, arms crossing behind his head. "That's more like it".

This boy had a gift; he could make you admit to anything, that's why he always got away with everything. At some point, someone would give in to his charm.

"I know you like her Tae" My head turned to look at him, eyes wide.

"I-" I slurred, not sure how to react.

"Don't deny it" he said, smiling brightly at his success "I can see it in the way you look at her".

"How are you so good at this?".

"It's happened before Tae, when we were still up" He couldn't have mentioned this, he couldn't have possibly known. No one did, if it came out, everything would be over.

"What do you mean?" I asked, still more than confused as to what he was implying.

"I know" He paused "We all do".

They knew, that could mean alot of things. But how much did they know exactly?.

I turned away, my voice monotone, emotionless.

"How much do you know?" His face flipped forward, nearing mine as I tried to avoid him.

His voice sweetened, his eyes softer.

"I know why you fell, that it wasn't your fault, that you framed yourself for somebody else's crime just because you wanted to protect him. You did it for another reason too Taehyung, and I know what it was, I just don't know who it was for".

He knew, everything.

The one thing that was still uknown to the boy, was something that my gut told me he had already figured out.

"You like her" he repeated, insisting on his observation. He was trying to make me confess.

He was too smart, too mischievous, too tricky. He would do it, at some point.

"Come one Taehyung, I know you do" He urged me on. Why was this so important anyway?

I swallowed hard, shutting my eyes tightly.

"No" I denied, opening them.

"Lies" He said.

I stared at the floor. I couldn't look him in the eyes while confessing my love for a girl that he felt so strongly for.

"How long have you known?" I asked, my tone harsh.

There was a momentary silence.

"A month".

What? He did all that, despite knowing how I felt?

My mind travelled back to the time when he kissed her while we showed her our powers, how he pulled her close whenever they were together. He did all that while being aware of my feelings.

Maybe he liked her after all, and if he did, he had already won, she always seemed to give into his irresistable charms.

"Do you like her?" I asked, hoping the answer was something different than what I expected.

"No" he answered.

"Then why did you do all that?" My gaze met his, my eyes shining with hurt.

He chuckled lightly.

"To make sure" he said, a knowing tone to his words. "To make sure that you liked her".

I put on my poker face, masking all of the complex emotions that I felt at that moment. Anger, sympathy, love, hate. All of my emotions were mixong together, binding into one unrecodnisable weapon.

"She likes you too you know" Kook said, there was a sincerity to what he was saying.

He meant it.

He didn't know her, he couldn't be sure. It was all just a way for him to make me fall into his trap, but I couldn't help but believe him, I wanted it to be true. I needed it.

"It's none of your business" I shouted, getting intense, trying to get him out of continuing his speech.

"I need you to be happy" He confessed, smiling at me sweetly.

I looked at him with a penetrating gaze, nothing more personal than this moment.

I was happy. I had them there, next to me, through every hardship and struggle, through every smile and victory, they were there. That was all that I needed.

"I am happy Kook" I sighed loudly, rubbing my palms together in nervousness. "I just miss her".

His big, bulbous eyes became even bigger.

His eyes staring deeply into mine.

I covered my mouth with my hand. I couldn't believe that I let that slip, after all this time.

"It was her" He paused, coming to a realisation. "Wasn't it?".


I don't know if you like where this is going, tell me yout thoughts.

Kookie is a smart bun isn't he, and I finally gave you what you wanted, kind of.

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