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Aria's P.O.V.

Everyone was acting weird lately, well weirder. The only person who seemed to have kept a sane mind was Jungkook, and maybe Seokjin, but Tae, he didn't look well, he was a bit; twisted.

"So Jungkook, what is going on?" I asked, my eyes roaming the perfect blue scenery that unfolded before us.
"I don't really know" He giggled lightly, taking a sip of his drink, which was actually fizzy water. I mean, he was high on the bubbles. He sat there, smiling like an idiot while his blue wings that flapped lightly into the air. He was kinda tipsy from the amount beers he had downed earlier that night, but I think he could handle it.

He passed me the empty cup, and I stood up, walking to the kitchen to fill it up again. Apparently normal water did nothing to him, except quench his thirst. To get over hangovers; it had to be fizzy. I smiled at the thought, about to exit the kitchen and get to the boy who was waiting for me upstairs, in his room.

"Hello beautiful" I jumped back, startled by the sudden sound of a deep voice in the empty room.

"Hi Tae" I said, hand on my heart as I leaned my body onto the kitchen counter. He walked closer, approahing my surprised form.

He smirked, eyes dark, his voice raspy, a mischievous undertone to it.

He's getting worse. I thought.

The last few days, he had only been a bit down, wanting to be alone all the time, becoming aggrevise. Now, he seemed...crazy.

He came close, stopping right infront of my thin form, towering over it.

"You know Aria" His hand moved to tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear. "I always thought you were beautiful".

I felt the heat rise in my cheeks as he teased his tall body closer to mine, his head lowering.

"You're just not thinking straight right now" I denied, I still couldn't help but blush like the reddest cherry.

"No, I am just confessing all of the words I didn't have the guts to say when I was sane" He said with a raspy, sexy tone in his voice, his hand drawing circles onto my cheek.


"Shhh..." He placed his finger over my lips softly, shutting me up, his face slowly inching closer.

You were scared, you knew what was happening, but in some way, you were longing for it.

Our noses rubbed onto eachother lightly, and then, with a long, intense stare into my eyes, he pressed his lips softly against mine, a simple, lingering kiss.

I smiled from under his lips, but before he could move away, I wrapped my arms around his neck loosely and kissed him back. He was taken aback at first, but soon found his rythm, our lips moving in complete sync, perfectly fitting into eachother. It was beautiful, all feelings high. The kiss was intense, filled with caged up lust and tender nothingness. He moved me up against the wall, his body touching mine. He pulled away.

"You don't know how long I have been waiting for this" He smiled, mysterious, his lips crashing onto mine with a harshness, an intense want. It was hard, yet expressive, intense. It was the exact opposite of our first kiss. It was unreal.

The feeling that overcame me was confusing. I felt comfort, like I knew something more, like this man infront of me had kissed me a thousand times before. It felt; familiar.

The sweet sensation of my lips against his was something I could savour for ever. He tasted of strawberries and dark chocolate, bittersweet. And as the kiss deepened, someone walked into the room, breaking our intimacy.

"I was wondering why my water was taking so long" Jungkook said, filling up his glass with the water from the fridge, an annoying smirk on his face.

Taehyung moved off of me, taking his hand away from my neck, his eyes shining brightly.

He huffed loudly.

Him and Jungkook just walked out of the room, but not before he shot me a long glance, signalling that he had more to say.

I could hear their loud rambling from there. They were arguing (?) about something, well that's what it seemed like.

I touched my lips, already missing the sweet taste of them.

I didn't know what it was, but I knew it felt right, yet at the same time, it felt utterly and completely wrong.

It was amazing, intense, caring.

All of that was taken away by the fact that he was not in his best state of mind, that he was a bit twisted. It all happened so suddenly, that it seemed like it could be fake, maybe one of his spontaneous thoughts.

My head though, it told me that it wasn't the case. That Tae had known what he wanted, what he needed. It looked unplanned, yet wished for. It felt like that too.

I had never felt this way before, not with Jungkook, not with anyone. It was different, a good different. I had feelings for this boy, and the sure thing was, that I liked him. Oh, maybe it was more than that. Fuck it, I loved him. I loved him and I had known all along, I just needed something to help me realise it.

For now, that would remain a crazy thought. For now.

I sat back onto the counter, replaying the scene in my mind, my lips still tingling from his kiss, body burning from his touch.

I was a bit mad at him too; there was a chance that all of this was nothing to him. Infact, I was sure.

I had to forget about it, I was dreaming a little too much for my own good, and I couldn't handle the dissappointment when he would wake up just to laugh at my face, the fact that I gave into him with such ease.

I couldn't handle the pain.

It would be for my own good.


This was written in so many sittings it's not even funny.

I finally gave us what we wanted, but maybe not exactly like you wished it would be. I'm sorry if it was bad though.

Btw when I edit the chapters I keep writing in 2nd, instead of 3rd face and it is so annoying. Because if the other stories that are written like that.

I think this book is getting bad, isn't it? I mean with my writing and all.

Ugh, anyways.

Goodnight buns, our family is growing, slowly but steady.

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