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Jungkook's P.O.V

I opened my eyes to find them adjusting to the bright light that came in from the small opening of the shades that were covering the window. I put my arm over them, sheltering my vision. It was too hard for me to look at it.

I stood up, or atleast tried to. My whole body felt weak, not able to move a single limb.

I was confused, my mind was a blank canvas waiting for answers. I couldn't remember a thing.

The door slammed open, three figures walking in. I recodnised them as Seokjin, Aria, and Taehyung.

"Jungkook are you okay?"Seokjin asked, his gaze fixing on me.

I lifted my chest up, wipping the cold sweat off of my forehead. "What do you mean?".

He chuckled lightly, but then stopped, coming to a realisation. "Wait..."
He paused, his eyes meeting Taehyung's. "He doesn't remember, does he?".

Seokjin didn't answer, he just looked at me up and down.

"What don't I remember?" Seokjin and Taehyung helped me move upwards, getting me up from the floor and setting me on the couch. "What's going on?".

They looked at eachother for a moment, trying to communicate through their stares.

My gaze fixed on Aria. She just stood there, eyes on me. She had a look on her face, it read worry and surprise, something overwhelming.

"What do you remember Jungkook?" He asked, his words sharp and emphasised. I thought it out for a while, figuring out my latest memory.
I travelled back to the day before. I was doing my rope practises in the room, trying to calm down. "Yesterday? I was hanging off of my string in the room because Taehyung was..." I thought out my next words "Missing".

I ogled him, trying to see if he was real.

"How are you back?".

Taehyung smiled slightly, his eyes gentle. "That's the part where I enlighten you" He said, sitting down on the couch next to me.

I was worried, well I could feel my heart pumping loudly in my chest, but why that was, I couldn't tell.

"Where do I start?" He asked, roaming the space until his eyes met Aria's, she nodded at him. They smiled at eachother. "Uhum" He cleared him throat, coming back to reality.

I just waited, but the boy seed unable to form any words.

"Jungkook that wasn't yesterday" Taehyung started, but I was struggling to understand.

I did that, and I slept. I remember that correctly. I thought.

I raised my eyebrow in question, passing him the message.

He awkwardly moved around in his seat, shooting a glance towards Aria every once in a while.

"You were in a coma for two days" He said to me, and my heart skipped a beat. I couldn't understand, there was no way. "You are the reason I am back".

Multiple questions kept forming in my brain as he shot me his words. I felt like a lost puppy, not knowing how to react to this.

He continued anyway.

"You tried to get me back, so you used the poison. I don't know if you remember, but look around, everyone is going mad. You were the only one left to help the situation".

I let his words sink in for a moment. I actually did that? I used the poison? How could I forget that? How was I even alive? There were too many questions left unanswered, too many things to ask.

"What do you mean?" I asked, baffled.

Seokjin stepped infront of me, catching my attention with ease.
"He means that you were worried so much that he wasn't going to come back, that you were willling to risk your own life" He answered, looking at me with eyes that shone with respect.

"I-I don't know what to say" I slurred. I wasn't sure if I was getting it right, but it was all too much for me to process.

"You don't have to say anything" Taehyung said, putting his hand on mine, a comforting touch. "Thankyou".

He didn't have to thank me, I did what was needed. This man next to me had helped me overcome every fear I had, had taught me how to live carelessly, no regrets. I could never repay that.

"Don't" I said, and with the look he had given me, I felt every memory of that very day I didn't even know existed flood back.

Namjoon, his countless attempts at finding Taehyung's where-abouts.
Jimin's worried rants, and Yoongi's soft crying at nights. Seokjin's mental breakdown and Hoseok's craziness. Everything started to make sense. I was just trying to make everything get back to normal, but that wasn't something I could help us with. I couldn't control it.

"They are going through the changing aren't they?" I asked, Taehyung nodded in response.

It was scary, nobody knew our fate, I could be next, and there wasn't a single thing I dreaded more than that.
I didn't want to lose my Wings for a mere sacrifise, or watch Namjoon suffer for a crime he didn't commit.

"I'll let you rest for a while" He said, looking ahead at Aria's back as she engaged into conversation with Jin hyung.

I studied his face. It read; passion.

He was about to stand up, but I pulled him down by his sleeve before he could take a other step.

"What is it?" He asked, and I remembered exactly what I had been planning to tell him for a while now.

It was time.

"We need to talk" I said, and he sat down again, a confused expression on his face.

Aria and Seokjin slowly disappeared into the hall, the door shutting itself with the wind.

At last, we were alone.

"Hear me out..." I started, not really know how this was going to go down.


It's 2am but who cares I can't sleep anyway, so my brain isn't working properly. Excuse any mistakes or crappy parts.

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