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Please put this masterpiece on repeat while reading this, Ten is such a talented man and it just happens that this song sets the right mood for this chapter. Two times should be enough. I hope you enjoy.

Taehyung's P.O.V.

I sat at the corner of the room, nothing but my concerning thoughts twirling inside my busy mind. I had messed up, and that was the truth, the one thing I had been hiding the entire time I had been down on earth was now threatening to escape, and it was all because of the one person I had tried to keep it from in the first place.

My wings flourished into the wind and my soft feathers caressed my bare colarbones. "Taehyung?".

My head stayed as it was, looking ahead, the small window covering the light blue wall looking out into the street. I imagined her shyly leaning against the door frame, her eyes training my back, just being the beautiful girl that she was.

"Yes Aria?" My wings flung back in, and my back slowly straightened.

There was a defening silence.

I caught the sound of a small step, Aria coming towards me.

I felt her fingers carress the frame of the plush chair, her hand barely touching my body as it stopped right next to my shoulder and her body came to stand next to me.

"Why won't you tell me what happened Tae?" She said, and my head whipped to the left to look at her, but I never met her face. "Are you afraid?".

Her voice was soft, sweet, a caring undertone to her words, yet a tone of worry was also present.

"Babe I-" My eyes met hers, and right then, I knew there was nothing I could do other than tell her.

Her eyes shone with a look that was urging me to tell her all of it, yet she was right, I was scared. This; it was more than just a secret.

"Taehyung?" I jumped out of my thoughts, startled by the sudden sound.

I took a deep, long breath, moving forward in my seat.


I sat there, back hunched over as I thought of what to say, and how to say it.

"I-I can't do this" I spoke, and her gaze fell to the floor. She seemed; disappointed.

I walked away, about to exit the small room. But...

This isn't right Taehyung. I thought. You can't hide this from her forever.

I came to a sudden halt, leaning over the large table next to the entrance. I just had to find a way.



She will hate you.

My concious, it had decided for me, and that was that I couldn't just leave her hanging like that and pretend like I care, pretend that I love her when I am scared to lose her over something that is the simply, or not, truth.

"Why are you scared Taehyung?" She spat, her gaze burning holes into my back.

I flipped at the words that escaped her mouth, scared. I am not scared.

"I AM NOT SCARED" I turned around, shouting, pinning her to the wall behind us.

Her eyes widened at my words, and mine softened at the look that had suddenly appeared on her face. She was afraid of me, she couldn't be.

No baby, don't be scared.

"Tae..." She whispered, a long moment of silence now broken. She tried to meet my eyes, my head had turned away. "Whatever it is, I'll still love you you know".

Her encouraging words had given me strength, a ghost of a smile growing on my lips.

"I just want you to know..." I paused, staring deeply into her warm eyes.
"... That I love you always and forever".

I huffed, dropping my hands from the wall.

"Aria" I started "I have known you for longer than you think I have, and I fell in love with you for the mere reason that I knew how perfectly imperfect you are. How strong you are, how much you have lost, what you have gone through".

I knew what she was thinking; how was that possible.

It wasn't, well, it shouldn't have been anyway.

"I feel in love with your flaws, your talent, your smile...".

The whole galaxy shone in her eyes, the stars, the moon and the milky way. They were as beautiful as ever.

"You knew me that well?" She asked, her finger moving to her chin. "How come I didn't know you?".

She was concerned, maybe even a little creeped out by what I had told her. I wasn't stalking her, not in that way.

"You did, very well". She raised her eyebrow in question. "You just don't remember".

At that moment I realised that explaining this would be harder than I thought it would ever be.

This was going to take some time.

"What do you mean I don't remember? How can I not remember you? This is-" I placed my finger over her mouth, shutting her up. She was panicking, trying to get to a conclusion on her own. That was impossible.

In my mind though, I had a hunch that she knew exactly what I was implying, she just didn't want to admit it to herself.

"I know you know what I'm talking about Aria" She exhaled deeply, looking from the window back to me.

"You mean you were?...".

"Your guardian angel".

"My guardian angel".

Her face dropped, eyes softened at the sound of my words.

She knew now.

This was it.

"How? What? I-" She mumbled, dumbfounded by the news. "What happened?".

"I fell in love with you" I explained "I risked being with you even though I knew the cost, which was falling. When I couldn't fall completely, and I was weak, and stuck in between.... I took the place of another angel. Me falling... Meant that you would forget everything, even the fact that I existed. Your life would go back to normal and I had to live with the fact that you would never miss our kisses and our talks, the ones we had every night after I revealed myself to you".

That was too much to say, and I knew exactly what she would tell me.

"You mean..." She slurred "You sacrifised yourself for me?" She pointed to her chest and I nodded slowly.

"Wh-Why would you do that? Are you nuts Taehyung? You loved that place way too much to do that" She spoke, harshly. She was getting mad, this was exactly what I feared would happen.

"You don't get it" I replied "The boys were gone too, and I simply couldn't live without you, they had banned me from ever even laying my eyes on you again".

"Why didn't you tell me then?" She asked, her voice lowering.

"I was afraid you would hate me..." I confessed, my voice shaky.

I couldn't lose her again, not this time.

"Taehyung I-"

There was a loud thud from outside, and I stepped closer to the door, opening it slowly.

"Well, hello there".

My body hit the ground.


Sorry it took so long, and sorry if this wasn't good argh.

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