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Aria's P.O.V.

We came to a halt right infront of the bedroom door, everything was quiet except from some ocassional noises coming from inside. Seokjin curled his fingers around the handle, turning around to look at us.

"Just..." His eyes softened "Be gentle".

He seemed worried, and this time, that was a little more important than it could ever be.

Namjoon, gentle, worry.

There was a faint clicking sound as the door swung open, and Seokjin walked in with a slow step. I followed behind, and my eyes widened at the horred scene I was met with.

This can't be happening. I thought, and turned to look at Taehyung who walked in with his eyes trained on the broken boy.

His eyes met mine, and his face dropped. He approached me, his long arm wrapping around my shoulder.

"Is this-" I slurred, pointing ahead, and Taehyung nodded firmly.

He swallowed hard.

"He-" Taehyung choked, his voice scratchy. "He went through the changing, It's done".

Namjoon was the unlucky one. He was left simply in a tragedy. One that couldn't be fixed in any way.

"Can you see this?" Namjoon cried, his fallen body, his arched back with nothing but scars of fiery red wings that previously grew out of there beautifully. They were cut, broken, useless.

His head whipped around and his gaze met ours, his eyes were red from the endless tears he had shed.

"It's over, It's all over" Namjoon was collapsing, fast. His past life had now faded into a bright memory in his mind. He couldn't fly, he couldn't feel the warmth of the feathered frames as they wrapped around him. This marked the end.

I took a step forward, stepping down to meet his hunched body.

"Namjoon..." I slurred, a caring tone in my words "Everything will be okay".

His eyes were blood-thristy, dangerous. He looked ready to kill.

"NO!" He threw me down, his anger overcoming him.

Taehyung stepped forward to attack him, but I gave him a look which pointed out how that could be the worst mistake of his life. Namjoon was vulnerable, mad at his best. Taehyung couldn't fight that.

He huffed, letting out his anger

"W-What can we do Namjoon?" He said, still sending his death glares at every moment.

Namjoon faintly whispered, but his tone was still harsh. "There is nothing you can do Taehyung".

There was a point. Taehyung had his wings, he had his life. He had barely gone through the changing in the first place. As I heard though, Namjoon's crime was sinful at best.

"You don't get it" Namjoon stood up slowly, landing onto his feet firmly. "None of this is normal".

The boys turned all their attention to the man infront of us. The man whom was obviously broken.

"It's over" His eyes switched between theirs, making his point.

"I can't fly, I can't feel the warmth of my feathers, useless or not, I won't be able to feel the wind hit my body or look down at the town from high above".

There was silence, pure silence. Namjoon spaced out into his own depressing thoughts, creating this emotional picture that we felt in our hearts.

"You can all do that again. I can't. You don't know how hard it is to be the only one".

I was at the verge of tears. Namjoon's voice spoke sadness, his words cut like knives.

There was a comforting awkwardness in the room. The boys simply couldn't form the right words. They felt pathetic, in a way.

On another note, he had stated that Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi hadn't lost their abilities to fly. That was a plus, but for Namjoon, that was a bigger void on his side.

"I can help you"

"I DON'T NEED HELP" He shot at me, and then took a step away. I was taken aback, also moving away from him.

I walked into Taehyung, and he held me by the shoulders, comforting me with his touch.

"I-I'm sorry" He leaned onto the table behind him, his back to us. "I-I just can't".

There was the sound of footsteps heard from behind us, and the forms of four boys were now present in the room.

The puzzled looks they had on their faces slowly formed into ones of aknowledgement.

"Good, the whole group is here now" Namjoon looked at them "Care to join the party?".

They didn't know what was going on. Well, not completely.

"Namjoon, don't be like this" Seokjin said.

"Don't tell me what to do" He reacted.

Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi and Jungkook exchanged glances for a moment, then turned to look at Namjoon again.

"It's your fault you know".

"You commited a crime Joon".

"Yous should have expected this".

Their words cut through his skin like weapons.

"You know it wasn't my fault" Namjoon shouted harshly. "You know it was a mistake".

There was a long pause.

"Well...." Yoongi stood forward "We have no proof Joon".

Namjoon's expression changed into one which was unreadable. A mixture of hate, hurt, disappointment and betrayal.

"I thought you were my friend Yoongi".

"I am your friend Namjoon" He stepped closer to the tall man. "That doesn't mean I will defend every mistake you have made".

"It was a mistake Yoongi, exactly".

They stared at eachother, Yoongi's voice softened.

"That doesn't take away the fact that you did it".

Namjoon knew it was the truth. I could see it in his eyes, and he had known long before. He simply, didn't want to admit it. He knew it was his fault, he knew that wouldn't change. Mistake or not.

But, what was that mistake?

"Namjoon..." I paused, hesitant to out my next words. "What exactly did you do?".

They all looked at me with wide eyes, shoked at my question.

"What did all of you do?".


Double update.

I Hope you enjoyed.

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