31.Liar Liar

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Taehyung's P.O.V.

"Taehyung" I heard her call, but I continued to walk straight ahead, trying my best to ignore her. The fact that she had found out about all of this, it was scary to me, I would rather tell her it was a lie than sit there and explain. "Taehyung wait".

I stopped, dead in my tracks. I didn't bother to turn around though; I couldn't look at her in the eyes. "Yes?".

There was pure silence for a moment, an akward kind. I just wanted to run away and avoid all of my problems, pretend that none of this had happened and move on. Sadly, that Isn't how life works.

"Is it true?" Her voice was soft, muted, a hopeful undertone to it.

I knew the answer, she did too, but telling her would mean confessing the one thing I had been terrified of. Jungkook's blabbermouth, that didn't mean anything to her. For all she knew, he could have been lying. Something told me she was sold though, maybe because she could sense it.

"No" I lied, picking my words very carefully.

Her eyes fixed onto mine as I turned around, her gaze roaming every inch of my face. "You're lying". Her tone was steady, sure. She was onto me, and I couldn't let that be.

"I'm not" I denied.

She walked closer to me, taking slow and steady strands towards my still form. Her eyes shone with mischief, her expression spoke evil, but in a good way. She followed my movements, not stopping.

What are you doing Aria? I thought, my heart beating loudly against my chest. As her body moved closer, I felt my anxiety rise, my body shiver in fear, I felt nervous. Don't come any closer.

At that point, she was so close that I could reach my hand out and grab her, and she still kept walking as if she could walk forever.

My breath hitched, I swallowed hard as she approached me even more.

She stopped.

Her face was almost an inch away, our tall forms almost touching.

I felt my heart go wild against my chest, as if it was trapped and it fought to escape without succeeding.

"Are you sure about that?" She whispered. I could feel her warm breath fanning my face as she spoke, baffled by our close proximity. I swallowed hard. "Y-Yes".

A small grin grew on her lips, and as if she had gone insane, her long fingers curled around my chin softly, and her plump lips lingered over my own. Her gaze switched to my brown eyes for a moment, and then, her lips touched mine in the most delicate way, as if it were a feather, as if they were so fragile they could break if she pressed just a little harder.

She was kissing me.

I didn't have the chance to kiss her back, she had already seperated her lips from mine, suddenly turning shy. Her cheeks were a light pink color, her confidence fading away by the second. I moved closer to her, missing her sweet taste. I twirled a piece of her dark hair between my fingers, gaining the upper hand. I lowered my head, meeting her soft lips once again. She was caught off guard, but soon, her lips moved against mine in the perfect rythm, fitting eachother so well they could have been made to be together. The kiss was delicate, lovely, full of drained emotions and hidden words. I pulled away slightly.

"Maybe you are right" I said, my voice huskier than ever, my protection shield cracked. "I do love you".

I moved forward again, but she pushed me away the minute her taste came flushing back.

Her gaze switched between my eyes. "You mean it?" I paused, but nodded slowly in response. A huge smile grew on her lips, her pearly whites on full display.

She was gorgeous. That smile could be the one thing that could keep me content, just her pure state of happiness, even if it lasted for just a second.

Her lips crashed against mine, and I spinned us around, her back hitting the hard wall behind us. This time the kiss was intense, lustful, hard, as if we wanted eachother so much we couldn't control our thirst. Well, I certainly couldn't, I wanted her to be mine. Only mine. As our lips battled against eachother hardly, her fingers pulling onto my blonde hair, and my hands roaming her petite waist, I could only think of one thing. How much I wanted to be the guy who could call her his, take her out on fun dates and walk hand in hand with her. The one who stole her kisses and cuddled with her at midnight. The one who loved her, lived for her, cried for her. The one who made her smile.

I broke the kiss once again, the taste of her never leaving. She tasted of strawberries and salt, a little bit of chocolate, and that was the best combination to savour.

"I-" I muttered, too afraid to out the words that had been caged inside of me for so long. I knew how I felt. All of my feelings had been confirmed by the simple sensation of our kisses, the emotions they held beneath them. "I am in love with you".

Her eyes widened at my words, her hands moving over her mouth. She was surprised, and I wasn't sure why that was.

Am I going too fast? I asked myself, fearing that if I did, I could ruin everything. I could scare her away and I didn't want that. Now that I was so close to having her, now that I had touched her that way.

"I mean it. You don't have to answer, I don't want to scare you, I don't want you to feel obliged to respond, or-" I was cut off by the feeling of her soft lips on mine. The surge that travelled up my spine with her touch was unlike anything I had ever experienced, it was magical.

"Shut up" She said, taking a step back, turning serious.

I looked at her expectantly.

Don't get your hopes up dude, the voice in my head spoke, signalling for me to calm down.

"Taehyung" She paused, staring deeply into my warm eyes. "I love you".

My heart clenched tightly. She meant it, I could see it in the way her eyes sparkled at her words.

I felt.... Euphoria.

Like I was daydreaming my reality. For once, I was happy. It had been a long time since I was happy.

My hand engulfed hers, our fingers intertwining.

"Be mine" I spoke, my spontaneous thoughts coming out before I could choose to tell them.

She smiled widely, and then, nodded fiercely in response. "I would love to".

I smiled back. It was a true, genuine smile.

I could finally call her mine.

Don't touch me, I'm soft.

Late night update once again, I'm sorry if it isn't good, I can't write idkw ahh.

We are so close to 1k im squeeling though, how and why is this happening?.

Anyways, goodnight buns, enjoy and thanks for reading.

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