13.Fighting The Enemie

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Just so you don't get confused we went back in time to the last time we saw Jungkook, at chapter 9 or whatever.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I turned my head around to meet the form of a hideous creature. His eyes were deep red and lifeless, shining with a sense of pure evil as they looked down at me.

My stomach turned and my jaw clenched tightly as I stared back with what I recodnised as fear.

"Hello Jungkook" he said in a deep tone, his eyes darkening.

I stood up, picking myself up from the ground and planting my feet right infront of him, our stares at the same level.

What does he want here?

"Hello Hwan" His name rolled off my tongue, my eyes never leaving his as they looked into them with an intimidating stare.

He moved closer. His feet were touching the tip of my own, his wings almost slamming against mine.

He smirked mischievously, his red horns glowing on his head and his sharp tail wagging left and right dangerously.

"Seems that the baby boy found it's way out of heaven" he pouted mockingly "along with the rest of his pathetic excuse of friends"

I felt my blood boil inside my veins, ready to pop at any second as he spat out his words.

He walked to the side, his eyes roaming my body up and down as he moved around my figure. When he got behind me, he stopped.

"I mean..." He slurred "You wouldn't want anything bad to happen to your beloved angels would you?".

I swallowed hard, my adam's apple popping outwards.

"We did nothing to you" I spat, turning around to meet his cruel face.

"Oh but I never said you did anything to us" he replied "just make sure you don't".

He threw a ball of fire to my feet, almost hitting my shoe.

In response, my arm shot out and my wrist curled, shooting water to the floor to put out the fire.

"Oh yeah, I forgot your element was water" he chuckled, stroking the feathers on my wing with his fingers, I hit his hand away.

I didn't know what Hwan wanted from me, because one thing I learnt was that he never did anything without having a reason, a reason that would benefit him or the rest of his cronies.

The whole thing was absurd, the only reason he hated me was because I had gotten him kicked out of the skies, thing is, it was never my fault.

"You know I'm only here to take revenge"

"It was not my fault"

"Oh, well it was, I was the one sent to hell" He came closer, so close that I could feel his warm breath fanning my face as he spoke. "not you".

Hell, was where Hwang belonged all along, even before he fell, landing in a place where fire embraces the demons with a harmless warmth as they fly around with their invisible wings, doing the chores they were assigned by their leader, Lucifer.

Hwan was never nice or cheerful, he was tricky, cunning and boy did he enjoy breaking the rules.

"It's what you did and if you don't fight me right here, right now, I will call my beloved partners to rip your friends into little pieces" he laughed evily, crossing his arms over his chest.

I couldn't let him hurt them, I couldn't let them show up and destroy the people I loved for something they had nothing to do with, I couldn't.

"Okay" I huffed, but my mind was saying that i didn't want to have to agree to this.

Thing was, if I didn't let him destroy me, break me, burn me, he would not be pleased. Our deal will only be on the table as long as he won and I was the one unconciously laying on the ground at the top of that building, or even under it.

Then, he shot me a dirty look, eyes turning a darker shade of red and without a warning, he aimed, and then he fired.

I dodged it right before it hit me, the ball of fire fading into the wind.

He shot another. I shot back, blowing it out.

His fist clenched. Eyes cold, I felt his fist hit my jaw. I flinched.

His anger was visible in his eyes, I had to let him win. I shot water at his face.

His hand reached out; aim, fire.

My wing caught on fire. I ran to him, legs moving fast, skin tightening.

My fist landed onto his jaw, then his rib, I even shot at his eyes, he stopped me.

Our bodies rolled into eachother, fists hitting, hands dodging. Water flying to him, fire landing on me.

He came ontop of me. He landed a punch to my ribs, my chest, stomach, all over. Marks were left.

He pulled me to my feet, almost tearing my shirt.

I heard the slight sound of something ripping.

I shot at him. His eyes shut sharply.

He shook his head, a dead look in his eyes when they opened.

An unamused look was visible on his face as the water ran down his eyes. He wasn't pleased.

I struggled. He attempted to carry me to the edge. I turned him.

He lunged at me from afar. One hit in the stomach, one in the eye, fireball at the chest. I was down.

I hit the hard ground.

He won.

I heard him laugh evily before he flew away from the building.

I couldn't open my eyes, my whole body ached, my skin burned from the fire, but it had to be done. It was for them, I wouldn't betray them.

I coughed.

My mouth felt completely dry. I needed water to quench my thirst,but there was nothing around. Nobody could see me and I doubt anyone would find me up here.

I licked my lips, tasting my blood. Even that was liquid, but blood wouldn't help my dehidration,at this point, I was hopeless.

My only chance was to wish that the boys would go looking for me and that they knew me well enough to know where to look.

Suddenly, my head felt light and my eyes shut firmly.

I fainted.

Fight fight fight!

Okay no.

This was my first time and well an excuse of an attempt at writing a fight scene. Thibg is I'm not gonna proof read this right now because I need it to be up and my eyes are going to close.

I might make some changes when I proof read it but for now I hope it's good enough.

Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment, it means alot to me.


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I'm not even gonna comment on this because of I do there is no stopping me, I'm warning you.


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