20.Dangerous Superpowers

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Aria's P.O.V.

"Anyway..." Namjoon broke the awkward silence. "Let's move on".

Taehyung nodded at his statement, shooting a nasty stare at Jungkook's direction before continuing.

I looked at Jungkook  expecting to see a confused, maybe a hurt face, but what I saw was the complete opposite of that, a smile.

A smile that shone brightly on his face. It wasn't just any smile, it was one of those that you give to people when you are proud of them, when you adore them, or even when you figure something out. An evil smile.

What is even going on here? I asked myself, very confused.

It may have been my brain toying with me as it took in all this new information, but something wasn't right, and that was between Taehyung and Jungkook.

Taehyung stood infront of me, covering my point of vision. I broke out of my thoughts.

"You might want to move over for this" he said to me, a bright smile forming on his lips as he grabbed my hand, guiding me to a small space in the middle of the room.

"This is the safest place here" he said to me, releasing my hand from his. "I know from personal experience".

I contemplated his words for a moment.

Safest? Why did I have to be safe? The questions ringed in my head as I grew scared of what was to come. Scared, but curious.

"Yoongi, i'll leave this one to you" Taehyung ordered, taking a step back so Yoongi could move forward.

He came upfront, stretching his arms and cracking his head to the side. This was some serious bussiness.

He paced left and right, fingers moving in sync.

"Well, being angels, we might have wings, be good, creatures of god and all" he paused, coming to a halt. "But that doesn't mean we don't need self defence to fight, or that we don't have our individual strengths".

My mind took in the information. I only focused on his words.

"All of us, in this room, have a different power" he said throwing me a weird stare. It was like he was asking me for permission to continue.

"Oh so like Superpowers?" I asked him.

He laughed humorousely.

"Sure, if you want to compare Superman to a few angels" He said, the sarcasm dripping from his every word.

I rolled my eyes at his reply, but soon went back to listening to what he had to say.

"You see, in heaven, each of us had a different role to play depending on which power we had" He looked at the boys one by one, then turned his head to check out if I was still paying attention to him. "That depended on what power the angel who created us held".

"Wanna see?" He asked, a smirk etching onto his pinkish lips, his lisp more audible than ever.

I nodded. I was ready to know.

He turned to the boys, his hand on his chin as he thought of his next words.

"So who wants to go first?" Namjoon stepped forward, his fiery red wings open wide on his back.

He didn't speak, he only acted.

His eyelids closed over his beautiful brown eyes, shutting peacefully.

A loud growl came out of his mouth, and next, flakes of blue and red fire climbed up his arms as if it wasn't as harmful of an element as it was known to be.

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