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Jungkook's P.O.V

Taehyung had been missing for three days. Nobody knew where he was, nobody tried to look for him, we just let him be. Up to now the only thing we expected, was for him to come running back like he always did. This time it was different, maybe it wasn't a matter of getting some fresh air. It was about him, and his well-being.

Everyone else had been acting weird lately too.

Namjoon constantly panicked, Hoseok swore in anger, and Yoongi had simply lost his mind. Jimin had just gone silent, the whole situation had hit him hard. His best friend had gone missing, his closest friend.

I mean, if it wasn't for Seokjin, this house would have fallen apart days ago.

Me and him were the only ones trying to stay calm, keeping the balance.

It's not that I wasn't worried about the fact that Taehyung was nowhere to be found, he was my best friend too. The thing was, I already knew that Taehyung was okay. I knew it because I trusted him to make the right decision, for all of us.

All he wanted was to clear his mind, remember who he is, where he started. He had become a different person in these past few months. He was angry, delusional, even a bit selfish, but I knew that wasn't him. I was aware, and it was a fact, that Taehyung wasn't an angry person. He was a fun, loveable boy with a beautiful heart. He was just going through hard times.

The couch dipped, my body jerking forward.

"Jungkook I am going to go crazy" Seokjin muttered, breathing heavily.

I looked at him with a questioning look, more confused than ever.

He couldn't go crazy, not him too. Then it would really be the end.

"What happened this time?" He huffed, his gaze switching from me to the lampshade every now and then.

"It's Namjoon" He paused "I swear, if he doesn't stop I will leave".

His concentrating gaze fixed on me. I urged him to continue.

"He won't stop, he is driving himself crazy" He stood up, pacing the room slowly. His hands moved left and right as he spoke. "He thinks that it's his duty to fix everything, he wants to find Taehyung".

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, my mouth agape as I payed close attention to his words.

"What does that have anything to do with you?" I asked, Seokjin came to a halt.

He turned to look at me sternly, nothing sharper than the look in his bulbous eyes.

"He is following me everywhere, telling me his plans, trying to find comfort in me when he is let down by his marvolous brain" His body shifted, turning straight towards me. "All because Yoongi has gone out of his mind, they all have".

I got what Seokjin was trying to tell me, his mind was already overfloating with a mix of unreleased emotions that he was trying so hard to keep inside, he didn't need to be occupied with Namjoon's worries too.

All Seokjin was hoping to accomplish, was helping this family of ours to remain united, that wasn't of any help to him.

"Can I do something to help?" I asked, my mind a rollecoaster of unasked questions and insane fractions.

There was a second of pure silence.

"Help him find a solution" He muttered, the amount of despair audible in his soft voice.

I contemplated his answer for a mere second, it was obvious what I was thinking. How can I guy like me, help a person way over his standards? Smarter, sharper, faster at though.

I couldn't.

"How am I smart enough to help you with this? Namjoon is a walking iq point". Seokjin laughed at my sentence, finding humor in the way I expressed my opinions.

He had something in mind.

"I don't think this has anything to do with logic or smartness Kookie" His eyes darkened at his statement. "It might just have to do with a little bit of twisted thought".

Twisted thought? I analysed this frase in my brain, over and over again. Something was telling me that this was the key to everything we ever wanted to know.

Maybe I wasn't the person to do it.

I stood up, jogging out of the room. I found my way through the dim lit hallway and stepped right out of Namjoon's bedroom, barging in with nothing in my mind but the one thing I wanted to accomplish.

That was, finding a solution.

"Namjoon we need to talk" I stepped in with no warning. My eyes roamed the empty space. It was a pale room, subtle floral wallpaper; scratched and ripped apart, blue lined walls. Above the fireplace stood a single picture of a flightless bird, the floor was covered in scattered books and miscelanious objects.

I surveyed each corner of the chaotic area. Namjoon was right in the middle, sitting on the beige rounded couch, a glass dangling from his fingertips.

Next to him, sat Aria, bewildered.

"Namjoon?" I muttered, my head spinning in confusion. I was starting to question his sanity.

I blinked hardly, something wasn't right, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"He just-" Aria's eyes were wide open, not really knowing in which way to react.

I couldn't ever imagine how she felt, living with seven fallen angels that had started to lose their minds.

I gave her a knowing smile, not knowing what else there was for me to do.

I reached Namjoon calmly, grabbing the empty glass from his hand and looking at him straight in the eyes.

"Can you hear me hyung?" I asked, he nodded hesitantly.

"Who am I?" I paused "Do you recodnise me?" My stare flickered between his glowing eyes that had started to turn.

There was definetely something going on.

"J-Jungkook?" He said, unsure. His voice shaky.

Was he scared?

Why was he scared?

I turned around, trying to find a way to approach him. I had to find a way to ask him without being misunderstood.

But when my long stare fixed on the crystal wineglass, something clicked.

Maybe I didn't have to ask him, I had to tell him, order him.

"Namjoon, follow me" I said, spinning around on my heel.

He followed, stumbling around on his own two feet, finding it hard to balance himself with the floor.

I came to a halt.

"Aria, you too" I smirked wickedly.

I had found the solution to our problem, or maybe, one of them.

"And bring the glass".


I know this is a smaller chapter, but bare with me. You are lucky I even found time to do this. (in a good way).

I am really excited for what's to come. I actually think this story is taking a different turn than I originally planned, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Also, omg thankyou sooo much for 500+ reads, this is insane.

Feedback? Tell me what you think.

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