33.Banana Milk

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New covers, what do you think? Im debating keeping them or changing them back.


"So..." I paused, stirring the yellow liquid infront of me. "Taehyung huh?".

She turned to look at me, her eyes wide.

She couldn't possibly believe that I didn't know, it was obvious they were together. The way they both snuck off at parallel times and arrived almost synchronized, the small smiles they shot eachother while walking passed one another. You could see the sparks in their eyes no matter how close or far away they were from eachother, as long as they stood in the same room.

I didn't know why they wanted to hide it in the first place. We were all okay, well more than okay with it. The boys would understand, and I had already figured out the feelings that they shared long before they even knew for themselves.

Now, I was thinking; was it Taehyung's or Aria's choice to keep it a secret? Because they were definetely being secretive about it.

"H-How did you know?" She asked, a little confused at the extent of my knowledge.

I grew out a smirk, shaking my head in disbilief and tapping the silver spoon against the glass.

I grabbed it, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Come on Aria" I took a sip of my drink, gulping it down. "I mean, it's obvious".

The confused expression remained on her face, maybe it was the element of surprise. Surprise at me knowing, or at me asking her the specific not-so-subtle question.

I could see the words hanging from her lips, ready to come out at any moment, but still unable to.

"You don't think I have seen you sneek out at midnight, really?". My face dropped, staring at her from the corners of my eyes. "Really?".

I took a sip of my drink, emptying the glass and adding some more into it.

It tasted sweet, a delicious aftertaste to it as I gulped it down.

She watched me closely, her gaze fixing onto the item in my hand.

"Is that banana milk?" Aria asked, and I proudly nodded in response. "Yes, yes it is".

She let out a little giggle, laughing at my kid-like ways.

Her look said it all.

"Hey, you know what?" I said, offended at her unspoken thoughts. "This stuff is freaking delicious".

"Yes, for five year olds" she rolled her eyes.

"Well then, I'd very much like to be a five year old" I said smugly, finishing off my second glass of banana milk.

There was silence for a second, and I knew there was something on her mind. The way she tilted her head to the side and stared into the void.

She was still beautiful, but she was his, all his.


"I've literally never seen anyone else drink banana milk since I was in seventh grade or something" She outed, and I wanted to smack myself for acting like a seventh grader.

I heard a muffled sound behind me, what I recodnised as footsteps. Aria's lips curled into a faint smile, and I turned around, spotting Taehyung in the room.

"Ooh, banana milk" His eyes widened, and he walked over to the counter, gulping down a glass-full.

I could sense some intense face-palming, eye-rolling action from Aria's side, maybe because that was actually what she was doing.

I guess she was into the whole, seventh grader thing then. Even though, I had never been to mortal school, or seventh grade to be exact, I still remember watching over the little kids that played around in the yard with their classmates. In a way, I wish those things were memories I could have made. Angel school was fun, so again, it was school, minus the banana milk, which I wish was there.

"Yo Tae..." My head whipped around at the sound of my voice. "Can I ask you something?".

His eyes trained onto the girl behind me for a split second, and then his attention was back to me, halfly.

"S-sure" He slurred.

I grew an invisible smirk, not trying to give away my plan, but still giving myself a pat in the back for it.

Taehyung trudged towards Aria, stepping close to her and flashing her a big teethy smile. She giggled, and Taehyung immediately landed a kiss onto her soft lips. Lips that had touched mine in the most intimate of ways. All just for a stupid plan.

"What is it?" Tae asked me, pulling away from her the second their lips touched, his arm around her waist.

Nevermind. I thought to myself, it couldn't have been more obvious that they were together.

"You are together right?" I asked, my fingers pointing to the two of them.

Taehyung nodded softly.

"Yes, we are together" He smiled at me weakly, and I smiled back at him.

It was all of those feelings we shared, the secrets we revealed. Everything, it was all worth it to see him smile that way, with all the stars in his eyes shining brighter than the ones in the sky.

He was happy, once again. All I ever tried to do after falling, was make him content, atleast for a while.

I could sense my own idiotic smile, because of my cutesy, emotional thinking. That was not something I did often. Stupid was more of the right term for what was in my mind. Or even, unbelievably weird, to a point where even I, the creator of them, couldn't understand my thoughts.

"Where did you even find banana milk?" Aria asked, an eyebrow raised in question.

As new, officially changed angels, we relayed more on our human needs than we had ever before. That was, including sleep, food, and bathroom breaks. Me and Seokjin didn't really know anything about grocerie stores and shopping, and we were in desperate need of a beverage. Seokjin and I, we had seen the yellowish, chunky luquid before. I remember how much I craved to taste the delicious looking milk.

"Me and Jin hyung went to the store qnd bought some" I answered, and she shook her head, pushing the matter away.

There was moment of silence.

I heard a loud sound of fast footsteps hitting the marble floor.

Someone was running.

Seokjin came flying in, his eyes wide and breath unsteady. He leaned onto the door, pointing behind him.

"Bedroom. Namjoon. Now".


I am not proud of this but I have been writing between days and I don't have the courage to re-write it. I just want it out there so I hope you enjoy.

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