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Jungkook's P.O.V.

I was sitting on the most uncomfortable metal chair, trying to find a position where I would not be in pain, me or my behind. The light that came in from the window, the one on the wall next to me, hit my face lightly. The room was pitch dark, if it wasn't for the street lights that shone into the room in the beautiful colours of neon, I wouldn't be able to see a thing.

The scenery outside was maybe one of the fakest things in this household, just a breathtaking creation of Yoongi's experties. It was an illusion. An illusion of a bright town, skyscrapers and houses where nobody had ever stepped in, and couldn't, that illuminated green and purple palettes. A town that was simply not real, and could never be. A home to nobody but Suga's imagination. It was nothing but pure manipulation of air, dust, and the human mind.

The stress I felt at that moment had surpassed the limit. My breath was unstable, my mind filled with worrying pictures of my future self. Gone, uknown, forgotten.

The risk I was taking by doing this, was deadly. The side effects were even worse, a monthly sleep, hallucinations, amnesia, death. I could evaporate into nothingness in the matter of a second, the choices were infinite. The chances that I would survive were almost none. It all depended on me, and remembering why I had done what I did in the first place.

That was exactly why I did it at that moment, because Namjoom would never agree to do this at a clear state of mind.

But I had to do it, I was willing to risk my life just for Taehyung's good, bangtan's health, Aria. She didn't deserve to get caught up in our dirty work. The least I could do was give her some Joy, stop her from worrying.

All of them deserved that.

My ear caught the sound of glass crashing together, footsteps on the linoleum floor, and muffled mumbles.

It was time.

I was praying to god that he would protect me from everything bad that could happen to me during the next three hours, that Namjoon had done his part right. Something told me that that part of his brain still functioned properly, but there was no way to be sure.

The sound dissapeared. Namjoon came to a halt. His shaky hand was pressed against my stretched neck, the other holding the crystal wine glass infront of me.

My eyes flickered towards it, the green liquid shining with the light. The smell was captivating. So strong it could make you invision things that your mind couldn't by it's nature.

I shut my eyes when the glass reached my bottom lip, It's scent even stronger.

"Get ready Jungkook" Namjoon's voice echoed in the room, his fingers tightening against the glass as it tilted to the side. The green drink went down my throat forcefully. It tasted of metal and alcohol, horrible yet pleasing.

I sat there for a moment, feeling nothing, waiting for something to happen.

Once it kicked in, I felt the overwhelming metal taste come back up. I felt sick. I got up, running towards the bathroom with every part of my strength. Hurling the poison out of my system.

That meant that it was working.

I fell to the floor, weak.

My vision started to become blurry, my breathing stopped for a mere second. Namjoon's voice faded.

"Remember what you have to do" I barely heard him say.

Everything was black, nothing existed but the simple creations of my brain.

I was swallowed into the black abbyss.

Numb, half concious. I was lost.

But Namjoon's words kept repeating in my mind. He was right, I had to stick to the plan. That was the only way out.

The imaginary pictures flipped in my head, this way I could go anywhere, visit every place in the world, but I would not actually be there. It wasn't real, it was all just a way to get what I wanted.

Taehyung. That was what I constantly thought of, it was the only way I could find his whereabouts. He could be anywhere.

I opened my eyes, my dream eyes.

The world infront of me looked as real as the one that I was in, only better.

"Taehyung?" I shouted, looking down to see that I was walking on a roof top, the blue tiles cracking with my heavy steps.

My wings were automatically open, and as I flew over the town I could see Taehyung sitting on a roof, staring into nothingness.

I knew Taehyung couldn't see me, but he could hear me. He was in the real world, I was just a voice in his mind that he couldn't control.

"Taehyung I know you can hear me"
I said to him, hoping he actually could.

He grabbed his head in confusion.

"If you can, come back to us please". He looked around, trying to find the source of the sound.

He was scared, ready to leave.

"Who is this?" His voice was shaky, his eyes never remaining at one spot. "Jungkook is that you?".

He recodnised me, if I could feel, I would be smiling.

"Yes, it is" I paused "Taehyung please come back home, we are worried. Whatever it is you are going through, we will go through this together. Everyone is , they are losing their minds. Please, please come back"

I said, colapsing to the floor, my mind returning to the pitch black world.


Okay, smaller chapter. I hope you enjoyed and I hope this made sense. Any further questions will most likely be answered in the future.

How was it?

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