23.Fase Two

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Taehyung's P.O.V.

I had heard Jungkook's voice so clearly, I knew it wasn't fake. It was too real, too accurate, too alive. We all know dreams have a twist, like you think you are there, when you aren't. You wake up to soon realise, that what you were seeing was nowhere near as close to what it looked like in the real world. His soft, sweet voice, that was the same. I recodnised it too clearly. Even if it wasn't real, and I was just going crazy, it was a sign. A sign that they needed me, that I had to go back.

Jungkook. As for him, I had no idea where he had found me. I was sitting on a rooftop, even I didn't know where that was. He couldn't have just guessed; I had never been there before. Searching; that would take forever. There was only one way I could think of how he could have found me, but it was risky. I didn't think I was important enough for him to take such measures.

I sat on the roof, getting comfortable so they tiles wouldn't dig into my skin. I looked straight ahead, the sunlight fading slowly as the darkness slowly took over.

"Come back" and "Everyone is concerned", "They are going crazy". His words repeated in my head continuously, processing them.

"Come back" A plead.

"Everyone is concerned" a reason.

"They are going crazy" a result.

The brunette had planned it well. His words were so light, yet they sounded like they had been thought out on countless of papers before they were spoken to me.

It was a plan, a plan to get me back home.

Maybe I was wrong, I didn't need an escape from the boys, I needed an escape from myself, from my dreamlike reality that was starting to drastically change.

I stroked my wing, getting sadder, scared.

I had noticed one thing, my powers were becoming weaker. That was another sign, a sign that I was becoming more and more human every day.

It was starting, fase two, what they called, the changing.

That meant; that we were going to show human traits, some worse, some not. Which meant pain; we would grow weaker. Deepending on our sins and their importance, we would be punished. That was scary.

That meant that some of our traits could switch. Powers, wings, anything could happen.

But we would always be angels, that was in our blood.

Craziness. That was a side effect of entering fase two. It seemed to me that Jungkook was the only one that had remained sane. He wouldn't be able to speak to me otherwise.

I already knew who was going to be in extreme pain, and that was Namjoon. A genius, with a well- thought plan that had backfired.

He didn't deserve that.

The rest of us, we were mostly safe. Except I, I was in deep shit, depending on how they chose to act on me.

I wasn't innocent. I had broken an important rule. I knew the result of my actions, even after a warning. I did that, not even caring about how I would end up falling, even when I loved heaven that much.

Heaven, it was my home, my only home. Hanging out by the garden's of Eden, flying over the purple clouds on a sunset, singing with the gardeners so the flowers could grow healthier. Even the lighting fights, I missed them too. I would never be able to replace what I had lost, it was etched into my heart. What would forever, remain a painful memory of the most beautiful moments in life. So alive, so real, so nostalgic. It would hurt, but it would make me happy. Happy sad, the kind where you cry and smile at the same time. That was priceless.

I smiled to myself bitterly, getting up from my place on the cold rooftop.

It was time for me to go home. That's where I belonged, with the rest of my family. A family whom without, life would not be worthwhile.

I opened my wings sharply, taking a light step off of the edge, floating into the air softly.

It was just me, me and the stars that shone into every shape of the universe. Countless of illuminating fireballs of lost opportunities and unaccomplished dreams. Stars were sad, people never knew that.

By wishing on a star, you were hoping that someone out there could get to do what he loves, that was gold.

The chill air tangled into my feathers, my robe moving with the wind.

It was refreshing, to be able to fly like that. No worries, no interruptions. Just me and my wings, flying ontop of the world.

From there, everything looked unreal, microscopic. The way the lights lit the city, the skyscrapers created unwanted shapes and the cars ran through the winding roads, it looked weird.

Heaven, it was simple, yet beautiful in every way the human mind couldn't think of. It was beyond any fantasy.

The world, that was complex, ugly and pretty at the same time. It was fake, a creation of attempting perfection.

Beings that flawed, could never reach perfection.

There was no perfection. People would be miserable. Life would have no meaning.

I could see the house from up there, a short distance away.

I was going back, not a second thought in the world. They needed me as much as I needed them, we were a team.

I descended, crashing to the floor with a loud step as my wings curled into my back slowly.

This was it.

I was convinced.

I was home.

And it was all because of Jungkook.

I stood outside the door, a hesitant hand placed on the copper handle.

I wasn't ready to see what I could face.

Either way, I opened the door.

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