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another typical day , jeongguk was casually walking along the pathway after he went to a club to meet his friend when he suddenly saw the familiar faces who have been chasing after him for quite awhile for debts. the three man were now walking towards his direction.

" ugh- fuck. " he muttered under his breath , stopping his track then walking backwards slowly , as he try his best not to let those men see him.

but he was too late.

" he's over there! go get him! " one of the men , the only one who's taller than the other two , shouted as he points at jeongguk. " fuck this i've got no time for this " the male began to run as fast as he could , then turning his head to look back which he saw them chasing after him. the male didn't know where he was running to , but he never stopped.

he continued running till he had no idea where's he heading to , but when he almost lost them , he ended up at a park where there weren't many people and spotted a cafe nearby. and so he ran towards the cafe and immediately stopped.

" fuck— " he cursed softly as he tried to catch his breath.

i can't hide here
especially not anywhere near here
they'll find me for sure.

jeongguk clenched his fist and thought that he had no other choice but to fight them. but then an unknown guy suddenly came out of the cafe. he had a black hair and , he was wearing a long black sleeve and jeans along with brown sandals. the black haired was also using a earpiece , probably listening to music while reading a book. jeongguk stared at the guy for a moment and the black haired looks up from his book and noticed him. the two of them just look at each other in the eyes and neither of them were saying anything.

it snapped jeongguk out when he heard the same voices again. he immediately turned around to see the group of guys once again , but they were quite far from the cafe.

" where the fuck is he?! " the tall man who might be the leader , shouted angrily , loud enough for jeongguk and the black haired to hear. " damn it. " jeongguk said under his breath. he began to look to both of his right and left , unsure of what to do. the black haired was quick to notice what's happening so he immediately open the door of the cafe. " hey you , go in. quick. " he called him out and jeongguk was confused and thought that it's a stupid idea for him to tell him to go in.

" no i'll— " just when jeongguk was about to refuse , " just go! i got this. " the other cuts him off then without a second , jeongguk quickly ran inside.

the male immediately closes the door then took out the keys of the cafe , squatted down and quickly locks it. just after he locked it , the group of guys appeared infront of the cafe , staring down at him. " hey kid. what are you doing? " one of the them asked him furiously. the male thought that maybe they could've seen him locking the door.

" uh , i was just picking up my earpiece..? " he said innocently as he got up to stand then showed his earpiece to the guys. " whatever. have you seen a guy with a dark brown hair wearing a white t-shirt around here?! " the other guy next to the leader shouted-asked him. " no i don't. " the male answered without hesitation. the leader rolled his eyes and ruffled his hair , " fucking hell! you assholes better search for him. i swear i'm gonna kill him the moment i catch him. go now! " he shouted at the two guys that are next to him. they began to run seperate ways and the leader tried to open the cafe door but it's already locked. good thing the cafe isn't an open view. " what the fuck are you doing here kid? "

" uh i was just spending my time around here.. while reading my book... " he replied, pointing at the book he's holding. " what's this fucking place?! " he shouted as he pointed at the cafe , ignoring the answer he just got. " uh i heard the cafe is already closed for quite a long time. "

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄Where stories live. Discover now