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" he is fine , " the doctor said , pausing for a second before continuing. " his head injury isn't severe but he really needs a lot of rest , try not to make him stress or do any physical activities , some medicines for his head will be provided so make sure he doesn't skip and take them everyday. and by one week he'll have to come back for another check up. " the doctor told the two of them and they both immediately breathed in and out deeply, feeling relieved.

thank god...

jeongguk thought as he placed his palm on his chest trying to calm himself down. " can we see him? and when will he be discharged? " seung ho asked the doctor and the doctor looks down at the paper on his clipboard. " since everything seems to be fine , then tomorrow morning he can be discharged. also only one visitor is allowed to stay with the patient. and it must be someone related. "

" someone related? but , his parents aren't living with him. i'm someone that he's close to , is it okay? " seun ho asked and jeongguk immediately glanced at him in shock.

what?he's gonna stay with him?! i'm the one who's been staying by his side , so what makes him think that he can stay with him?!

" you sure you're someone close to him? because it depends on the patient if he'd feel comfortable or fine with it. if not , i'm afraid that person will not be able to stay. " the doctor said while he flips back the paper back to the front.

" yes , we'll ask him if it's fine first. i'll respect his decision if he doesn't want to. " seung ho says and the doctor nodded his head. " okay, then i'll guide you two to his ward. " the doctor says as he gestured his hand and the two of them followed him from the back.

taehyung wants me. not you , fucker.

they arrived at taehyung's ward and his bed was located at the side of the window. taehyung was sitting upstraight while looking outside , his head was wrapped with bandage. " hello kim taehyung-ssi , how are you feeling ? " the doctor asked as soon at the three of them came.

taehyung turns his head towards the doctor but he didn't reply , he stared at jeongguk who's looking directly at him worriedly. seung ho was beside him , he smiled at taehyung as he was glad that he looks fine. " i-i'm fine. thank you. "

" that's good. anyways, you'll have to decide if you are fine with one of them staying with you here , although they are not your family , we're allowing one of them to stay and it's only your decision so i'll leave you guys to decide. i'll take my leave now. " the doctor says before leaving the three of them alone. taehyung just stared at the two of them , he didn't get what the doctor told him. seung ho then walks toward him and sat on the chair that's beside the bed.

" taehyung , is it okay? i can stay with you if you want to. " seung ho told him and taehyung look at him. jeongguk too walk towards them and stood beside seung ho , glaring down at him. " why the fuck are you making that choice? taehyung should decide and he'd obviously choose me to stay with him! " jeongguk yelled angrily at seung ho. the male immediately got up and looks at. " what? are you fucking kidding me again? did you forget what i just told you just now? " taehyung looks at them worriedly , he didn't want them to start fighting again especially in the hospital. " guys— "

" i fucking know that you asshole , and that's why i'm here to talk to him but you're fucking interfering. why don't you just fucking leave us alr— "

" ENOUGH JEONGGUK! " taehyung suddenly shouted and they both looked at him , who's clenching the bedsheet tightly. " fine. yes , i do need someone to stay with me tonight. " taehyung says softly , looking down. " and who do you need to stay with you , taehyung? " seung ho asked , waiting for his answer. " you still can ask that? he's obviously gonna ask m- " jeongguk was immediately cut off by the older , and then his heart aches at the next thing he heard.

" seung ho. "


jeongguk is so clueless jsdhsjk

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