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"  taehyung! i'll be leaving now! just contact me if you need anything okay? i'll be back soon. "

" okay. "

" don't forget to take your medicine! i'll be calling or texting you to make sure that you don't forget. "

" i won't forget! don't worry. you don't have to do that. "

" fine , i'm leaving now. take care! "

" you too. see you,

jin hyung. "

after seokjin was out of sight , taehyung took a letter that was kept in a box on the table , slowly clutching onto it.

" i'm all alone...once again. it's been almost a year ,

jeongguk ah... "

one year ago...

taehyung opened his eyes slowly , his vision was blurry and he felt someone sitting next to him but couldn't see who was it.

" taehyung? are you okay? " he heard a familiar voice. he blinked multiple times until it was clear to see. he turns his head to his left side. " j-jin h-hyung...? "

" yes. " seokjin replied softly , smiling at him.

taehyung was surprised to see him next to him. he couldn't believe that seokjin actually has returned. he suddenly realised that they're not the only ones in the room. there were two cops and a doctor in the room.

" we're glad that you're awake. kim taehyung-ssi , how are you feeling? " the doctor asked him.

" um fine.. w-what happened? "  taehyung asked , looking at the cops who are looking at him. " do not worry, we're here to ask you some questions. "

" o-oh okay.. "  taehyung replied , starting to feel nervous and worried about what they're gonna ask. " i'll be waiting outside. " seokjin told him and walks out of the room. the cops then walk towards him and stood beside the bed.

" kim taehyung-ssi , we want to know if you're aware about what happened at your apartment. " one of the cops asked him. " n-no i don't... " taehyung answered then suddenly remembered about seung ho and jeongguk's fight.

" oh w-wait! i think i remember... um. back then my f-friends were fighting in the apartment... i couldn't watch so i-i ran out of my apartment... next thing later i passed out on the ground i guess... "

" right. may i know why were they fighting? " taehyung bit his lower lip because he obviously knows the reason why they were fighting. " they weren't happy with each other because of me. so they both kept arguing and fighting... "

" okay. now we're gonna tell you what happened. " taehyung's heart started beating really fast , he felt like he wasn't ready to hear what the cops are about to tell him.

" your friend , jeon jeongguk-ssi , reported to us about what happened to your other friend , yeon seung ho-ssi. it seemed like seung ho-ssi tried to kill both of you for revenge. " taehyung's eyes immediately widened when he heard what the cop told him. " w-what? n-no he's not- "

" jeongguk-ssi had told us everything what seung ho-ssi said to him. and we got the audio clip in the cctv from your apartment and it's confirmed that his intention was to kill you two , also jeongguk-ssi's dad. "

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