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jeongguk stared at taehyung in disbelief. he was surprised and disappointed because he never thought that taehyung would choose seung ho to stay with him. although parts of him somehow knew that he'd choose him anyways. afterall, jeongguk had hurt him so much. " i knew you'd ask me to stay with you, taehyung. don't worry, i'll stay by your side. " seung ho said , feeling proud and happy after got he chosen , but taehyung didn't seem happy after choosing him. he knew that he couldn't let jeongguk stay with him. although he really wants the younger to be with him. taehyung slowly looks up at jeongguk , who was staring at him with a disappointed look on his face. " j-jeongguk i- "

" yeah okay. it's better if he stays by your side. i'm gonna go back now. take care. " jeongguk says then dashed out of the room. " jeongguk! " taehyung shouted and before he could stop him , the male was out of sight. he didn't even stop to look at him nor let him talk. taehyung wanted to go after him , but the moment he tried to get off the bed , he felt his head aching really badly which caused him to fall back to his bed. " a-agh... " taehyung groaned in pain while holding his head that's wrapped with bandage.

" taehyung! calm down please.. you need to rest. " seung ho says while holding taehyung down. the male then lay back down and tries to calm himself down , he even started tearing up after jeongguk left him. " taehyung...please. i can't stand watching you cry because him. he will never stop hurting you and it's making me crazy. just please stop doing this to yourself. he's not good enough for you... " seung ho says with a sad tone in his voice. taehyung didn't expect to hear those words from seung ho. taehyung looks at him , who's looking down at the bed. he then wipes away his tears with his palms and tried to get up again. " taehyung what are you doing? lie down... " seung ho quickly stops him by placing his hand on his shoulder. " seung ho.. w-what are you trying to say..? " taehyung asked before seung ho could push him back to lie down. he stared at taehyung's face for awhile , not saying anything.

" i'm.. trying to say that you'll find someone better, someone who can look after you , someone who can... love you... " seung ho explains , taehyung was still a little bit confused by his explanations. " a-are you trying to say that... someone who can look after me and love me, would be y- " taehyung didn't finish his sentence , because his lip was smashed by seung ho's , his eyes immediately were wide opened. they just stayed for a few seconds and taehyung suddenly kept blinking his eyes and quickly pushed seung ho off from him and looks away , blushing hard. " w-why did you– " taehyung said with his voice shaking , feeling completely shock , after being kissed by him. " yes me. i will be the one to look after you and love you. trust me taehyung , i'll protect you and be by your side. " seung ho told him , he didn't even feel bad or guilty after kissing taehyung. " b-but we're n-not that c-clos– "

" i know. and that's why we can be close. from the day i found out how much you were suffering and getting hurt all the time , i just can't stop myself from feeling worried and being protective over you. so please taehyung , let me be the one to be by your side. " taehyung didn't know what to say , he felt that he's not ready to be with him , though he thinks that seung ho really meant what he said and that he would want to try it out. but he knows that his feeling for him isn't that huge compared to jeongguk. but nevertheless , he told himself that he would move on and be loved by someone else. " o-okay...but.. we shouldn't um, rush- like, i want to be closer with you and get to know each other first.. i..i'm just not ready yet... " taehyung said nervously as looks down , fiddling his fingers. " of course... i don't mind. just take your time. "


idk anymore

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄Where stories live. Discover now