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the rain was still heavy ever since jeongguk left the park , and soon he's reaching taehyung's apartment. when he was about to reach the apartment he suddenly wondered why's the door was wide open , and so he thought that maybe taehyung forgot to close it when he got in.

he went in then began to search everywhere , not bothering how soaked and wet he is. he ran to taehyung's bedroom but the male wasn't there. jeongguk then heard the loud thunderstorm again , but he couldn't hear taehyung's loud screaming or crying anywhere. his heart was pounding really fast. he couldn't find taehyung. taehyung wasn't at home. he ran back to the living room and saw taehyung's bag on the sofa and even his sneakers were at the side of the shoe rack.

" n-no way... did he run out...? " jeongguk muttered worriedly , then quickly ran out of the apartment to search for him. he ran everywhere , the rain was still pouring down heavily and loud thunderstorms still could be heard.

" fuck- TAEHYUNG! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? WHY THE FUCK DID YOU RUN OUT?! " jeongguk shouted angrily as he continued running.

soon he was close to a playground and he squints his eyes when he saw someone under the rooftop of the playground, wrapping himself while covering his ears. jeongguk immediately recognised him.

" TAEHYUNG! " jeongguk shouted out for him , then running towards him. jeongguk could hear taehyung's voice getting louder as soon as he got closer to him. he was crying so much. the younger quickly grabbed taehyung's shoulder and turned him to look at him.he cupped taehyung's cheeks and wipes away his tears , then the older slowly opens his eyes , still crying.

" taehyung! what the fuck are you doing here ?! "

jeongguk scolded him and taehyung kept on crying , as he kept on shivering.

" j-jeongguk... i was looking for you...i was so s-scared... " taehyung told him as he continued to cry , then hugged jeongguk's waist tightly, burying his face in jeongguk's chest.

they both heard the loud thunderstorm again which made taehyung startled and he suddenly shouted in fear and started crying more. jeongguk quickly wrapped his arms around taehyung , hands on both of his back and head.

" i'm really sorry... " jeongguk says sadly then he felt that taehyung's arm slowly loosen then immediately drops to the ground.

" taehyung? TAEHYUNG! " jeongguk started shaking him but the male didn't move. he passed out , once again.

you're like this.. because of me...

i'm so sorry taehyung...

jeongguk carried taehyung back to his apartment and placed him on the living room's couch. he took out his wet shirts and pants then quickly takes a dry towel and wipes all the rain water on taehyung's body. of course , taehyung's boxer is wet too but jeongguk didn't want to remove it so he squeezed the edge of the boxers making the water drip off. the younger then carried him again and brought him to his bedroom and places him down on his bed and pulled the blanket over him. he went to the bathroom to dry himself as well.

few minutes later he stepped out of the bathroom , walking towards taehyung then sat beside him , looking at his pale face.

i was too harsh on him earlier...

i shouldn't have said those things to him..

jeongguk sighed deeply and was about to stand up but then taehyung suddenly moved.

" j-jeongguk.... " he spoke softly and jeongguk turned back and saw taehyung slowly opening his eyes.

" i-i never thought you'd come back... "

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄Where stories live. Discover now