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sexual harassment , abuse & violence


jeongguk and taehyung are now going back , and so they took a bus back and good thing the bus wasn't crowded like earlier in the afternoon.

they finally arrived at their bus stop then made their way back to the apartment. as they were walking along the pathway , they were about to turn left to walk down the stairs , but then they saw three unknown guys. they were just sitting down either drinking or smoking. jeongguk didn't really bother so he continued walking but then taehyung suddenly stops him.

" jeongguk... um can we walk somewhere else? we can walk to the other route.. " the male says nervously , he felt a little bit scared too but jeongguk didn't know why. " why? your apartment is just right ahead. we'll have to walk one big round if we walk to the other route. " jeongguk told him and was about to walk again but taehyung grabbed his arm causing him to stop. " p-please... i have a bad feeling. " taehyung begs and the younger just looks at him , wondering why the other is suddenly acting weirdly. he then sighed , " fine.. " they were about to walk to the other route when he heard a voice , a very familiar voice.

" oh! look who do we have here. " jeongguk's eyes widened and immediately stopped walking , his heart started pounding so fast. " jeongguk..? " taehyung called out and looks at him , waiting for him to continue walking but the male slowly turned back.

it's him.

the guy that almost tried to rape him.

the maroon haired's mouth lifts up into a smirk, it's conceited and cocky , " aww , did you come to look for me? miss me hm? wanna continue what we couldn't finish last time, hm? " he says , slowly walking towards the two boys. jeongguk's blood to start boiling and clenching his fist really tightly. " oh wait , who's that cutie? is he here for me too? " he asks with a tilt of his head as he blinks up at him. " shut the fuck up before i kill you... " jeongguk muttered in deep voice as he looks down to the ground.

" j-jeongguk... let's just go p-please. " taehyung begs again ,  his voice sounding more scared as he tried to pull jeongguk's arm." huh? is he your sweet little baby boy ? or... perhaps your precious daddy? " the three guys started laughing by the maroon haired's words.

hearing those words causes jeongguk to run towards him and kick him in the stomach. " YOU SON OF A BITCH! " jeongguk shouted angrily as he started punching him in the face. taehyung's eyes widened and he started panicking." J-JEONGGUK! STOP! " taehyung ran towards him but was stopped by one of the guys. the other guy pulled jeongguk away and punch his chest and the male fell to the ground. he started coughing then got up and was about to throw another punch but failed. the maroon haired grabbed his arm and spins him around , pushed him to the ground then pinning him down. " a-agh! " jeongguk shouted in pain as he struggled to let go.

" i told you to be a good boy didn't i? since you refused to listen to me i guess i'll have to punish you now. " the maroon haired starts to pull jeongguk's jacket off then ripped his shirt off. the other guy immediately hold onto jeongguk's arm hard after he got off from him.

" what are you going to do haneul? " the guy who's holding onto jeongguk asked. " what else do you think i'd do? punish him, duh. " the maroon haired , now known as haneul replied to the other then started bringing his face closer to jeongguk's back.

meanwhile taehyung was struggling to let go because the guy was holding his hands together. the older couldn't believe at what he's looking at right now. haneul was sucking jeongguk's neck once again which made jeongguk to groan and moan loudly. " AGH FUCK! LET GO OF ME! "

taehyung's eyes started tearing up and when he felt that the guy wasn't holding him that hard anymore because of the distraction , he pushed the guy hard which caused him to fell backwards then he quickly ran towards the three guys.

"STOP! GET AWAY FROM HIM! " taehyung shouted and kicked  the side of haneul's face off jeongguk. the raven quicky kicked the guy who's holding his own hands from his back and quickly got up. haneul got up and wipes the blood away from his lips.

" hyuksi , jungho , stop. let me handle him myself. both of you hold him now. " the other two guys were about to run towards taehyung but haneul stopped them. they both then walk towards jeongguk but the male avoided them by fighting. they kept attacking each other and taehyung quickly ran to help jeongguk but suddenly his neck was grabbed and he was pushed to the ground.

" where do you think you're going? you're not going anywhere after kicking my face you fucking asshole. "

haneul was now ontop of taehyung as he grabbed his neck. the brown haired was trying to let go of his hand with both hands. " i wondered why you didn't look too happy about it , ah perhaps , you're in love with him hm? you're gay right? " haneul curved his lips and slides his finger down taehyung's jawline then stop at his chin.

jeongguk was still fighting with the two guys then he suddenly looks towards taehyung and haneul , frowning after what he heard from the maroon haired. without a second his face was punched and fell to the ground again.

" what about you get the punish instead , you'll like it right ? well unlike him , he really hates it a lot. and i still wonder why are you two together. " haneul started to rip taehyung's shirt off , jeongguk was now unconscious , his vision was blurry but finally saw what haneul was doing to taehyung. haneul bites taehyung's neck then to his collarbones , slowly moving down to his chest which made taehyung to moan out loud. jeongguk felt too weak but he still tried to get up. haneul was holding both taehyung's hands then he slowly kissed and bite taehyung's stomach.

" a-ah please s-stop..! j-jeongguk h-help me.. " taehyung moaned and groaned at the same time , shouting out for the younger. jeongguk couldn't leave taehyung alone , so he got up and ran towards them and pulled haneul by his shirt and punched his face. he was too weak and so the maroon haired kicked jeongguk's chest and jeongguk fell back then started coughing out blood.

" JEONGGUK! " taehyung shouted when he finally got up and ran towards the other when he fell on his knees , lying on the floor. jeongguk's vision was slowly fading and he could see taehyung's face infront of him. taehyung was shaking him but jeongguk couldn't move.

haneul slowly walks towards them but suddenly they heard all a loud siren. it was getting louder and he immediately stopped. " fuck- let's go guys! " he shouted and the three of them quickly escaped. taehyung was holding jeongguk in his arm as he shakes him , he was already crying a lot.

" j-jeongguk please wake up. don't do this to me please. i beg you... open your eyes please... "

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