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jeongguk and taehyung then prepared for bed. the older was on the side where it's nearer to the wall , and the younger was on the other side which is beside him, which is next to the nightstand. jeongguk's body was facing taehyung , while taehyung was lying on his back, he crossed his arms as he stares at the ceiling. they didn't say anything ever since they got in bed, but taehyung decided to break the silence. " jeongguk? "

" mm? " jeongguk hummed in response with his eyes closed.

" um... don't worry about us staying together , i'll make sure sure that no one knows about it... " taehyung told him , he feels that jeongguk probably doesn't want anyone to know about them staying together because people might start a rumour and shits about them well , since they're both guys, after all.

jeongguk opens his eyes slowly and thought about it for a second before opening his mouth to reply , " it doesn't matter. "

" huh? " taehyung turns to look at him, confused look on his face.

" i mean, i don't mind if anyone finds out about us staying together. but i guess it'll be best if they don't know because i'm afraid that once it gets spread around, those guys would find out and they'll probably gonna find us. "

taehyung was shocked, thinking about what jeongguk had just told him was true , he didn't want anyone to know because who knows that the guys might ask any student around and they probably will tell them about jeongguk and taehyung staying together.

" r-right! we should be careful. but jeongguk... um. when we're going to the campus , you don't have to walk with me or else people are going to see us... " taehyung said to younger softly , feeling a little sad and disappointed all of a sudden. the thoughts of him not being able to walk with jeongguk to the campus just makes him upset. " no. i'll walk with you. " jeongguk said making taehyung's heart beat fast. " but people are g- "

" it's my decision, taehyung. i'm worried about you. i've promised you that i will stay by your side anyways. "

taehyung couldn't help but to smile so widely. " okay... but , i'm sorry that you have to do this because of me... " the older knew that jeongguk is just doing this for him , but it also makes him think that he had to forced himself. even if he didn't want to , he had to. " no i insist. don't worry taehyung , i meant what i said. "

taehyung could feel his tears starting to form in his eyes , so he nodded making his tears roll down his cheeks. the room was too dark , so jeongguk didn't notice taehyung was crying softly. taehyung tried to control it ,he tried not to make any sound and keeps on holding his breath. jeongguk thought taehyung has fallen asleep , because he didn't reply him after what he said.

" taehyung ? are you asleep ? " jeongguk asked, waiting for any response. the male flinced , and he quickly wipes his tears away.

" h-huh? oh n-no, not yet. " taehyung's voice cracked a little bit , which jeongguk was fast to noticed.

" taehyung? what happened? are you cry- "

" oh no, no! i was just- uh yawning. " taehyung lied , because he didn't want jeongguk to worry about him again.

" oh. okay. by the way, which class are you from? "

" oh class 1. " taehyung replied which made the younger surprised.

" class 1? wow you must be pretty smart huh? " jeongguk coos and taehyung chuckles softly. " i do study a lot i guess. because all i can do during my free time is either read books or study... "

" you don't hang out with your friends?" jeongguk asked out of curiosity and suddenly taehyung went quiet. taehyung doesn't really have many friends, because in school he doesn't talk much and people find him a little bit weird. because all he does is listen to music while he read books or study , and he would always excuse himself during physical education. the thoughts of him being a loner just makes him really sad.

" n-no. the only friend i have is jin hyung, but he already went to daegu yesterday. he's like my older brother. he was there for me and looked after me. he did feel bad for leaving me , but i was fine with it since i do understand that he had to go because of his work... " taehyung told him then again , he started crying softly. jeongguk immediately got up and turned on the lamp light , then looks at taehyung , who's crying with his eye closed , his hand clutching the bedsheet. jeongguk feels really sad for him, because taehyung doesn't deserve to live this way. he seems like a weak guy to him.

the older slowly opens his eyes , he then noticed that jeongguk wasn't lying down anymore but was sitting as he stares at him , and so taehyung slowly got up too.

" jeongguk? "

jeongguk's eyes were filled with sadness , he kept thinking about how much taehyung was suffering. not only he's afraid of the lightnings and thunderstorms , but he's alone and had no one , and even had a terrible nightmare which he didn't know what was it about. jeongguk pulled taehyung and brought him into his arms and hugged him tightly. taehyung was shocked at his sudden move, and he froze for a second. " j-jeongguk? "

" taehyung. i'm so sorry for asking questions that would make yourself force to answer them and that would hurt you a lot. i'm really sorry to hear about it. i didn't know you're suffering this much. " it breaks jeongguk's heart a lot. although he didn't know taehyung nor talk to him before , jeongguk felt like he already cares for taehyung a lot. the male kept quiet , his eyes were already filled with so much tears once again but he wouldn't let them fall.

" it's okay, go ahead and cry for as much as you want... let it all out. " jeongguk says and without a second taehyung bawled his eyes out , jeongguk continues to hug him as he cries , patting his back softly.

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