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seung ho stared at taehyung for awhile before replying to him , " alright then , i understand. it's up to you, but if you need someone , come and find for me okay? like i said , i don't mind. " seung ho told him and taehyung gave him a small smile. " i will... and thank you... i really do appreciate your help. and thank you for worrying about me too... "

" i think you should go home now. it's late. " seung ho said as he looked at his wristwatch. " ah right , i should go. " taehyung stood up and look at his wristwatch as well. he doesn't really like going back late , because sometimes it really scares him too. " do you want me to come with you? " seung ho asked.

" um...if you don't mind.. " taehyung says shyly as he scratched his nape. seung ho nodded and he laughed softly and they both left together.

as soon when jeongguk had left taehyung alone , he stood by the wall , leaning against it. he could hear taehyung crying loudly and it actually breaks his heart. he felt bad , but still , it's for the best. he really didn't want taehyung to fall in love with him. jeongguk is just staying by his side to protect him , that's all.

" maybe i was really too harsh... those words must've broke his heart... but.. " jeongguk muttered and wanted to apologise to taehyung , but suddenly that unknown guy came back. he stopped and turn his back again and walks away. jeongguk was heading back to taehyung's apartment. when he reached outside , he suddenly stopped.

i shouldn't stay here with taehyung. after rejecting him , it's gonna be difficult for him. especially when he has to face me everyday.

but... i need to be by his side...
i can't leave him alone...
who's gonna look after him once i'm gone?

fuck. jeongguk... you should've rejected him nicely.

maybe i'll try to be normal and talk to him more...

i'm sure he won't like me after i...broke his heart...

and i'm sure he'll move on...right?

jeongguk stops thinking and then entered the apartment. he went to the washroom to take a shower.

after showering , he got out and walks to the living room. he suddenly saw a familiar person outside the apartment through the window. he walk towards the window and peek outside.

it's taehyung and that guy again.

they were saying something to each other which jeongguk couldn't hear , he then frowned at the sight of them , then quickly walks to the room when taehyung already walking towards to enter the apartment as soon after the guy left.

the male was walking to his room when suddenly jeongguk got out , stopping infront of taehyung. taehyung flinched when jeongguk appeared infront of him then quickly looks away.

" i...want to tell you that i'm— " jeongguk was about to tell taehyung something , but taehyung cuts him off. " i take back my words. i didn't think before i said those words. i didn't even think about your feelings and that the fact that you're straight , i was too dumb to think that i'd actually be in love with you. so i'll try my best not to fall in love with you. i'm sorry jeongguk. " taehyung said with his head down , then quickly walks to his room and lock the door.

" w-wait taehyung— " jeongguk stood outside his room by his door , his hand on the doorknob. he suddenly felt disappointed and... brokened? he didn't know why , but taehyung's words just broke his heart for some reasons. he lets go of the doorknob then slowly walk back to his room and close the door behind him , walking to the bed and sit.

why...why am i feeling this way? shouldn't i be glad that he is moving on.. and that he won't fall in love wtih me..

jeongguk sighed then walks out of the room and went to the kitchen to get a drink.

after taehyung closed and locked the door , he instantly falls to his knees on the floor , crying again. his heart hurts after saying those words at jeongguk. he couldn't believe that he said that he won't fall in love with him. but he's doing this for jeongguk , since he doesn't want them to be awkward and not talking to each other. so that's why taehyung had to say that to jeongguk.

" jeongguk... i'm sorry... i hope you're happy that i won't fall for you anymore..." taehyung's phone suddenly vibrated. he took out his phone while wiping his tears with his other hand then blink his eyes to read a message that he received.

seung ho:
taehyung ah , open your door quick!

taehyung was confused when he read the message, he didn't know why seung ho told him to open the door. he thought that maybe seung ho came back , so he got up. but the moment when he got up and opened his door , a loud thunderstorm was heard and taehyung screamed and immediately dropped to the floor , quickly covering his ears. his heart was racing and he started crying and shouting in fear.

after jeongguk finished his drink , he put the bottle back in the fridge. he suddenly heard someone knocking on the entrance door multiple times.

who could that be...?

he walks towards the door and open the door to see the he same guy again. he was bending down a little , with both of his hands on his lap while panting hard.

" who are you and what are you doing here? " jeongguk asked coldly and seung ho immediately glared at him.

" i've got no time to talk to you , now tell me where is taehyung. " seung ho asked him and jeongguk clenched his fist. " why the fuck do you want to know where he is ? why should i fucking tell you? " jeongguk replied rudely , his hand still on the door to block the male from entering.

" because he needs me you fucking asshole! " he yelled at jeongguk then suddenly they both heard a loud thunderstorm then it started to rain heavily.

jeongguk was shocked after he heard what he said and they both suddenly heard taehyung screaming from his room.

" f-fuck— " jeongguk suddenly remembered that taehyung needs him and when he was about to run to his room , seung ho already pushed the door and ran past him , and went straight to taehyung's room. jeongguk stops at his track , he froze and his eyes widened when he saw taehyung being hugged by seung ho. taehyung's face was burrying in his chest , his arms around his waist.

" i'm here for you , don't cry anymore... "


y'all gotta ship taeho for now ,,, taekook is ded here oof- i'm just kidding hdjsgsfj it's fun to see jeongguk jealous right?

oh wait , is jeongguk even jealous? nahh.. he's not even into guys pffttttt what were y'all thinking.

jhsdh ok bye.

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