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taehyung was glad that his appartment was really near and so he managed to bring jeongguk back. he had to make sure that the police won't catch them as it'd be a bother for him to answer whatever questions that they'd ask. although taehyung knew it's best if he tells them in order for them to arrest them three guys , he'd rather not to avoid any huge problems.

taehyung placed jeongguk on his bed then took out his shoes , he ran to the storage room and took out a first aid kit then ran back to his bedroom. he placed the kit on the nightstand and took out any of the medication or alcohols that would cure jeongguk's injuries. taehyung wipes some alcohol onto jeongguk's cuts on his face , then the younger suddenly started groaning in pain , with his eyes closed. he started coughing again and blood started dripping from his mouth. taehyung noticed it and quickly took some tissues and wipes the blood away.

taehyung really hates to see blood , but he tried to control himself and stayed strong , especially for jeongguk. the younger then opens his eyes slowly , his vision was still blurry but he tried to look around and blink his eyes multiple times.

" j-jeongguk! are you okay...? " taehyung immediately asked as he looks down at him worriedly then jeongguk's eyes stopped at hin. he didn't say anything and grabbed taehyung's hand who's wiping the blood away from his face. taehyung froze at that moment. he then just kept holding it without saying anything. he slowly closes his eyes again.

" i couldn't protect you. i'm so sorry jeongguk..." the older muttered softly , letting tears to roll down his cheek.

[ 18:50 ]

jeongguk opened his eyes and found himself in taehyung's room. he looks around first and when he tried to move , he realised that he's holding onto something. he look to his right and saw taehyung sleeping at the side of the bed and realised that he was holding taehyung's hand which was placed on his own chest. he slowly lets go of taehyung's hand and tried to get up. he felt the painful sensation in his stomach but tried to hold the pain.

" a-agh.. " jeongguk groaned in pain softly but managed to sit up straight. he breathed out deeply before getting out of bed.

later he carefully carried taehyung and slowly puts him on bed but taehyung suddenly woke up. " mhm.. jeongguk.. " taehyung spoke and slowly open his eyes to see jeongguk finally putting him on the bed. " you probably didn't sleep well because of the position. so go back to sleep... " jeongguk told him then was about to leave when taehyung quickly holds his wrist to stop him. " wait where are you going..? "

" i'm... going out for awhile. " jeongguk replied and taehyung brought his other hand to fully hold jeongguk's wrist. " no please don't leave me... "

" just for awhile , don't worry about me. " jeongguk said as he placed his other hand ontop of taehyung's hand. " b-but you're still injured.... i'm worried about you jeongguk..." the older said as he looks at jeongguk's injuries that are still swollen. " i'm fine, it doesn't hurt anymore. just text or call me if anything happens. " jeongguk said and lets go of taehyung hands , then walk out of the room.

" JEONGGUK PLEASE! " taehyung shouted but jeongguk wasn't coming back. he heard the door slammed and slightly jumped in shock. the male doesn't want to be alone , he's also curious about where jeongguk is going. so he quickly got up and took his coat from his wardrobe and quickly dashed out of his room , and out of his apartment. he looks around then saw jeongguk walking along the pathway and so he quickly tried to catch up without letting him notice him. taehyungie kept follwing and finally he saw the younger going into a place. taehyung stopped and look at the name of the place and it showed ' Club Avenue ' taehyung's eyebrow pinched as he thought of why ks jeongguk going in there. to dance? to drink? or...

taehyung quicky ran and entered the club. he tried to look for jeongguk but it's too hard since there were a lot of people there. people were dancing and making out on the dance floor and it was pretty hard for him to walk through. he finally managed to get out of the crowd and saw jeongguk sitting by the bar , drinking.

he's now drinking his second shot and when taehyung was about to walk towards him , a woman suddenly appeared beside him. taehyung couldn't hear whatever they were saying , but the next thing later , he saw jeongguk putting his hand around her neck and bringing her towards his face. taehyung's eyes widened and he felt his heart aching .

he couldn't watch anymore so he decided to leave. when taehyung turned around , he accidentally hit someone causing his drink to spill on himself.

" WHAT THE FUCK?! " the tall and big sized man shouted loudly causing some people to stop what they're doing and look at the commotion. " i-i'm so sorry! " taehyung quickly apologised as he bowed.

" YOU THINK APOLOGISING WOULD FIX THIS?! " the man started pulling taehyung's collar and the male immediately felt like crying and dying from embarrassment and fear. the man threw taehyung to the ground and was about to punch him when he suddenly felt a punch in his face instead. " WHAT THE- "

" come on dude , it was just an accident. don't need to cause any more problem. he already apologised so shut the fuck up already. "

" YOU SON OF A B " the man was kicked in the stomach. taehyung's hand then was grabbed and he was pulled out of the club and was brought to the side of the club. " are you okay? "

" y-yes... " taehyung wipes away the tears that was streaming down on his cheeks earlier. " he was drunk , so don't be afraid anymore. "

" o-okay.. thank you um.. who are you by the way...? "

he smiled at him before opening his mouth to reply ,

" seung ho. yeon seung ho. "



𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄Where stories live. Discover now