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jeongguk felt a squeeze in his heart. he didn't know why , probably because he couldn't be there for taehyung , or he's watching some random dude is being hugged by taehyung. he felt his blood boiling , and the longer he watches , he felt even more pissed. he clenched his fists then walks back to his room. he slammed the door behind him , walking towards his bed and stood beside it. " how... " jeongguk mutters softly , looking at the floor.

" how did he move on that fast...? why is that asshole with him? how did he know about taehyung's fear... "

he sat on the bed then grips the bedsheet and clenched his jaw , trying to calm himself down. " fuck this , forget it. " jeongguk punched the bed feeling annoyed , then lay his down. suddenly someone knocks on the door. he got up and went to open it. " what the fuck do you want? " jeongguk asked aggressively.

taehyung kept on crying and shouting , then soon he was hugged by someone. with his eyes closed , he thought it was jeongguk. he quickly wraps his arms around him and hugs him tightly with his face burried in his chest.

" i'm here for you , don't cry anymore... "

taehyung cried himself to sleep , and when seung ho noticed , he carefully carried him to his bed and pulled the blanket up to his stomach. he then got up and walk towards jeongguk's door. he assumed that it's jeongguk's room since he saw him entering earlier. he knocked on the door and few seconds later the door opened , revealing jeongguk , who seemed to look really annoyed. " what the fuck do you want? "

seung ho curved his lips as he rolled his eyes. " well i've something to tell you. "

" if it's about you and taehyung , then i'm not interested. " jeongguk replied coldly , folding his arms. " well apparently yes , and i'm sure he hasn't told you yet and so you need to know about it. " seung ho says , jeongguk immediately turned his back to him not bothering to listen to him but when he was about to close the door , seung ho managed to stop him by palming the door.

" i'm gonna live here and stay with taehyung. and i'm gonna protect him. so stay away. " jeongguk's eyes widened and anger started to form in him. he immediately turned back to seung ho and grabbed his collar.

" who the fuck are you and who the fuck allows you to make that decision?! i'm supposed to be protecting him not an asshole who taehyung nor i haven't met before! " he yelled angrily, his eyes piercing through his eyes.

" you think taehyung would want to be protected by someone who just fucking hurt him?! hah , what a fucking joke. " seung ho grabbed jeongguk's collar back and jeongguk's strength slowly loosen after hearing what the other just said. he stared blankly at him , not knowing what to say.

" why aren't you saying anything? cat's got your tounge? " seung ho smirks at him , knowing that he won. jeongguk's heart was pounding in anger when he knows that he can't say anything about it.

" i've talked about it with taehyung and he agreed , and the fact that he didn't want to kick you out and still wants you to stay here , you should be fucking grateful for that. he's kind enough to let you say. and yet , you still dare to hurt him. " seung ho says still grabbing jeongguk's collar , which later jeongguk was already slowly letting go of him.

" but anyways , don't worry. i'll take good care of him. so don't interfere and especially , don't hurt him anymore. " seung ho warned him one last time before turning away and walked back to taehyung's room. jeongguk just stared at seung ho's back till he closed the door. he suddenly wipes his tears that he didn't even notice that is rolling down his cheek. " w-what.. w-why am i– "

he looks at his finger that has the tears on it, feeling lost and confused. " no way... " jeongguk then wipes the rest of the tears on his cheeks.

" i shouldn't be feeling this way... "

meanwhile , seung ho was already on taehyung's bed , sitting beside him. he looks down at taehyung who's sleeping soundly , with dry tears on his cheeks and a little bit of sweats on his forehead. he took a tissue from the nightstand and slowly wipes the dry tears and sweats when taehyung suddenly moves. " p-please... i'm s-scared... " taehyung whines softly in his sleep , he was frowning and gripping the blanket tightly. seung ho then placed his palm on taehyung's hand. " everything's fine... " he brings his face closer to taehyung's ear and whispered , so that he could hear. " stay by my side... please d-don't leave me again "

" i won-"

" ...jeongguk "


so fake love was released ytd and i love the song

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