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warning: blood


jeongguk began to look around as soon when they both reached taehyung's apartment. his apartment wasn was big, but it's not too small as well. his living room was connected to the kitchen, with a bathroom next to the kitchen and three bedrooms which jeongguk guessed that he would be sleeping in one of those rooms.

taehyung directed him to a room that he'd be in , then again jeongguk started to look around. his room was really simple and neat , and it's opposite taehyung's room. the door of taehyung's room was wide open so jeongguk could see the inside. his room was covered with black curtains and the windows cannot be seen. unlike jeongguk's room, it has curtains which it's see-through. the younger figured out that taehyung probably wouldn't want to see the lightning , so that's why he had to cover the window with the curtain.

" just to confirm with you , if there's gonna be a thunderstorm, i'm just gonna be by your side right? also what are you gonna do ? are you gonna like put on your earpiece and listen to music while i just stayed by your side or something "

" no... since you'll be with me then i won't have to... also i really , really want to overcome it. i really hate to get scared all the time... i just want to get over it... " taehyung tried to hold himself back from crying because he really hates the fact that he always gets scared of them and couldn't overcome it for months now. jeongguk noticed the change of taehyung's expression and softly grips taehyung's shoulder. " hey hey, don't cry. " then again, he felt bad for talking about it again.

" i'm sorry for bringing it up. you don't have to force yourself to tell me. i promise to be by your side and protect you. so don't worry... " jeongguk said moving his hands as he caresses the back of taehyung's head which the older immediately nodded his head and smiled. jeongguk's words warmed his heart. he has never heard someone said those things to him before besides seokjin. he felt protected and relieved to have someone by his side now. " um anyways, are you hungry ? " taehyung asked then jeongguk placed his left palm on his stomach. " hah a little, i guess. are you gonna cook ? "

" uh....... i don't know how to cook... " taehyung said while scratching his nape feeling a little embarrassed.

" same. but i've seen my mum cook before when i was little so maybe we could try it out? i just hope we don't burn your kitchen down. " jeongguk said making taehyung laugh.

" okay then, let's go to the kitchen to check the ingredients... actually i don't think i got that much ingredients since i always eat out. " taehyung says trying to recall back what ingredients he had in his fridge.

" well let's go and check then. " jeongguk said and grabbed taehyung's arm , pulling him along as they walk out of the bedroom. they soon entered the kitchen and taehyung began to open his fridge to search for ingredients.

" i've eggs...sausages... and um...potatoes? " taehyung said and finally remembered that seokjin recently came over and bought those ingredients to cook for him. jeongguk tapped his foot as he think about what to cook.

" i guess it's fine then. let's take all of them out and start preparing. " jeongguk said and took an apron that's hanging at the side. he hangs it around his waist and took another apron and walk towards taehyung passing it to him.

" i guess we'll start with the potatoes first. let's peel them off first then slice them. " jeongguk told him and grabbed a chopping board from the cabinet. " so i think you'll have to start peeling them like this... " jeongguk began demonstrating and taehyung just paid attention.

" there, easy right? " jeongguk said after peeling everything, taehyung nodded and the other passed a potato to him and taehyung started doing the same thing like what jeongguk just did. " that's right, you're doing well taehyung! "  taehyung slightly blushed when jeongguk praised him.

after a few potatoes are peeled, jeongguk took out a knife and began slicing one of the potatoes.

" now slice them like these, not too thick and not too thin. " jeongguk said while slicing them. after slicing the whole potato, he carefully passed the knife to taehyung. the male stared at the knife for a few seconds, his heart suddenly started beating really fast.

" taehyung? " jeongguk called out and taehyung snapped out. " huh? o-oh right. " taehyung carefully took the knife and took one potato and slowly slice it.

" be careful of your finger okay. " jeongguk told him and taehyung nodded. the male smiled then walk to the other counter to get another knife to slice more potatoes. taehyung finished slicing the potato and he went to throw some of the potato skins to the rubbish bin beside the counter. jeongguk was cutting a little too fast when he accidentally poke his finger with the knife. " ah shit! "

taehyung immediately turns around. " jeongguk! what's wrong?! "

" nothing i accidentally just cut myself here. it's fine. " jeongguk told him as he gently squeezed his finger causing the blood to flow down his hand.

taehyung quickly grabbed a cloth and walks to jeongguk's side but the moment he stood beside jeongguk, he saw how much blood was on his hand and his eyes immediately widened, his heart started pounding more faster and he suddenly to feel dizzy. jeongguk turns his head left to look at taehyung and the he noticed that his face looks so pale.

" taehyung? are you okay? "  without a second, taehyung collapses.

jeongguk's eyes widened , quickly falling on his knees and started shaking him. " t-taehyung?! wake up! " jeongguk kept shaking him then quickly took the cloth and wipe his blood away then placed his right arm under taehyung's neck and his other one under his legs then quickly carried him to his room.

jeongguk put the male down on his bed and covered him with the blanket. he stared at taehyung's face, noticing the frown on his face , his lips were slightly apart and he was sweating alot. " what happened to you... why did you faint all of a sudden? "

jeongguk said softly as he runs his fingers through taehyung's hair. he got up to take a cloth and a bowl of water to wipe taehyung's sweat away. he removed taehyung's shirt too which soon his body was exposed. he took the cloth and starts wiping the sweats on his body too.

once he's done , hd put the bowl aside and got up to sit beside taehyung on the bed. the younger pulled the blanket up til taehyung's chest and lay down beside him. a few minutes later, jeongguk fell asleep.


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