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jeongguk got out of the apartment as fast as he could. he could hear taehyung shouting for him , but he didn't stop. he needed to go out and clear his mind for awhile , these days had been really tough for him and so he decided to go to a nearest club , the usual place that he'd always go.

after five minutes of walking , he finally arrived at the club and went inside. and as usual , there were a lot of people and familiar faces but he didn't really care much about them. he walk through the crowd then sat by the bar and ordered a vodka. he drank one shot just a few seconds then requested for another one.  later he felt someone's presence beside him.

" jeon jeongguk? oh my- hey! it's been so long! " he turned to his side and noticed that it was his friend, kang somi, who happens to be working in the club , a stripper to be exact. she has been a stripper for the past five months and so they became close. well of course they didn't date or anything , they're just really close.

" somi! how are you? " jeongguk exclaimed and placed his hand around her neck and pulled her closer to his face , and both of their cheeks touched ; in a way to greet each other. they do that often when they meet.

" i'm doing well! you can see i'm still working here, it's really fun and enjoying! " she raised her voice and chuckled loudly. " that's great! i'll be sure to come back again and watch you! "

suddenly he heard someone shouted and raising his voice like a mad person. he didn't bother to look nor care since it's probably some random drunk people picking a fight. he was about to drink again when he heard another voice.

" i-i'm sorry! "

jeongguk frowned and immediately turns to look back at the person.


" YOU THINK APOLOGISING WOULD FIX THIS?! " the man started pulling taehyung's collar and shouted angrily at him.

the guy threw taehyung to the ground and was about to punch him and jeongguk's eyes widened and he quickly got up to run towards them but suddenly an unknown person dashed and punched his face causing him to fall.


" come on dude , it was just an accident. don't need to cause any more problem. he already apologised so shut the fuck up already. " the unknown guy said aggressively.

" YOU SON OF A B— " the man was kicked in the stomach.

the guy then took taehyung's hand and pulled him out of the club.

who the hell is he—

jeongguk then quicky rushed out of the club to follow the two of them. once he got out of the club , he looks around to search for them then finally saw the guy pulling taehyung to the side of the club. he quickly walks and stops before turning. he peeked at the side of the wall , noticing the two of them standing and looking at each other. he heard their conversations and soon they introduced themseleves.

" nice to meet you seung ho-ssi.. i'm taehyung. kim taehyung... " the brown haired said with his eyes dazed.

" don't have to be formal , just call me seung ho. " he laughed as he pats taehyung's back , the male giggled softly before replying , " okay seung ho... thank you for helping me once again. " taehyung says and bowed at him a little.

" no worries. by the way what happened ? you looked like you cried... are you okay? " seung ho asked as he looked at taehyung's face closely. the male then remembered about jeongguk. tears started to form in his eyes and he started breaking down. " oh shit are you okay?! what's wrong? " seung ho asked worriedly as he placed his hands on taehyung's shoulder. jeongguk noticed and he started worrying about him. jeongguk wanted to walk towards them but later taehyung started to speak again.

" t-there's this guy.. i-i saw him in the club just now. and i just saw him doing something that i shouldn't have seen... my heart still hurt ... i really hate this feeling... i hate myself for... " taehyung pauses for awhile as he was still sobbing. " for...? " seung ho tilts his head as he waits for the other to continue.

" f-for being in love with him... when i know that i shouldn't... b-because he isn't like me... " taehyung's heart started aching even more badly after he said those words. he thought it'd be better for him to let it all out. jeongguk's eyes widened when he heard what taehyung just said. for some reason , his heart started beating really fast , even his blood is boiling.

seung ho pulled taehyung to the bench and they both sat down. taehyung was still crying as seung ho tries to comfort him. " taehyung? can you stay here and wait for me for just a few minutes? i'm going to the convenience store to get something so wait okay? " seung ho told him and taehyung nodded looking down at the ground , then seung ho left him alone and quickly ran to a convenience store nearby.

jeongguk then finally decided to go to him. he walks towards him slowly and stopped right infront of him. the older then slowly looks up , his eyes widened and he quickly got up as soon as he saw him. " j-jeongguk..! "

" taehyung. why are you here? " jeongguk immediately asked him with a straight face. " i-i...was just walking around so i ended up here... " taehyung replied , and of course he lied since he didn't want to let jeongguk know that he stalked him earlier. " you're lying right? you followed me didn't you? " jeongguk asked and glared at the male. taehyung's heart was beating so fast , he didn't know jeongguk's glare would actually suddenly scare him. " y-yes i did.. i'm sorry... i just— "

" taehyung. do you like me? " jeongguk suddenly cuts him off which made taehyung froze for a second. " j-jeongguk i... " taehyung wasn't sure whether to tell him or not , because it's not right for him to say it.

" y-yes... i li- " taehyung felt that he had to answer and tell him the truth anyways but he was interrupted. the next thing he heard from jeongguk , broke his heart a lot.

like , a lot.

" no. stop. do not like me. do not fall in love with me. you do know that i'm not into guys. "



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