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when taehyung woke up , he found himself on his bed. he remembered about last night where he was crying and shouting in fear , and the next thing he remembered he was hugged by someone , but he didn't open his eyes. he knew it was jeongguk , and he felt relieved that jeongguk was still there for him. and so he looks beside him , but there was nobody. he thought jeongguk went to his room after he fell asleep , but he's glad that he's feeling fine and safe now anways.

he got up and walked out of his room , then noticed that jeongguk's door was wide open, but the younger wasn't inside. he looks around , and wondered where he'd be at. taehyung then walks out of the room and went to the living room , and found the younger getting up from the couch , turning around to see him.

they both looks at each other in the eyes , then jeongguk quickly avert his eyes from him. he went to walk towards taehyung and past him but the older quickly grabbed his wrist. " j-jeongguk " taehyung called out and jeongguk stopped , his eyes not looking at taehyung. " u-um.. th- "

" what do you want? " jeongguk cuts him off and taehyung was confused , he doesn't know why's jeongguk acting this way. " i-i just want to thank you for staying by my side yesterday... " taehyung said softly , still holding onto jeongguk's wirst.

" can you leave me alone? " jeongguk yanked his arm away and turned to look at taehyung , who's looking down. the older then looks up at him frowning , tears brimming in his eyes.


taehyung yelled angrily , tears started streaming down his cheeks , his heart was beating really fast and he could feel the pain in both of his heart and throat. he quickly ran past him and to his room , slamming the door hard.

jeongguk just stood at his spot , his heart was already racing since just now , he was too hurt and now he felt even more hurt after hearing taehyung's words.

" it's not even my intention... " jeongguk said softly , staring ahead. " taehyung... you shouldn't have agreed... "

taehyung was in his room , sitting on the floor with his back agaisnt the side of his bed , crying to himself.

" w-why... why is he like this... "

i guess falling in love with him was a mistake...

if i didn't tell him that i was in love with him,

this wouldn't have happened...

the thoughts made taehyung cry even more , it hurts him so bad that he felt like he couldn't cry anymore. he kept crying until his phone rang. he turn his head to the back , still crying , and took his phone that was on his bed. it was seung ho , calling him. he tried to stop himself from crying , but he couldn't stop sniffling and his breathing was heavy. he then answered the call and brought the phone to his ear.

" h-hello " taehyung's voice cracked as he continues sniffling and tries to calm himself down. " taehyung? are you okay? why's your voice like that..? "

" n-nothing.. i'm f-fine.. " he tried to keep his voice normal , but he failed.

" taehyung... don't lie to me, i know something happened. i'm coming to your apartment and i'll be reaching soon , so wait for me. " seung ho told him which taehyung was surprised to hear. " w-wait why– "

" don't ask , i'm arriving already , wait for me at the door , and don't let jeongguk to be the one to open the door. i'll see you soon , okay? " seung ho told him and before taehyung could say another word , he already hung up the phone. " h-huh...? why would he come here.. and why wouldn't he let jeongguk open the door..? " taehyung was really confused , but the he suddenly remembered something.

wait...last night...

seung ho texted me telling me to open the door...

but i didn't manage to open it..

did he really come..?

but why...?

taehyung kept thinking about it but he still had no idea at all , later he remembered about seung ho so he quickly got up and walks out of his room. he noticed that jeongguk wasn't in the living room nor the kitchen so he thought that he'd be in his room already. he walks to his apartment's door and open it , which seung ho happened to reach just in time. taehyung looks at him and found that seung ho had brought a big bag along with him , but he was unsure what was it for. " seung ho? why are you here..? "

" can we talk in your room? it's really cold out here... " seung ho said while wrapping himself , and taehyung did noticed that it's really cold today since it was raining so much last night. " s-sure.. " taehyung moved aside to let seung ho enter then closes the door. they both walked to taehyung's room then seung ho immediately placed his bag down. taehyung then sat on his bed , looking at him and waited for him to talk. " how are you feeling now? are you still scared or anything..? i'm sorry that i had to leave early. " seung ho said as he sat beside him on the bed. " h-huh? uh um , i'm fine... and what do you mean that you had to leave early? "

" you don't know? i came to your apartment last night and i was the one who was by your side when you got scared. you fell asleep and told me not to leave... " taehyung's eyes widened , he was shocked to find out that seung ho was the one who stayed by his side last night and not... jeongguk.

he felt really disappointed and hurt , knowing that jeongguk wasn't the one to stay by his side. " a-ah r-really...? i didn't k-know.." taehyung said with his voice shaking , he could already feel his heart aching but he tried really hard not to start crying again. " like i said taehyung, i'm gonna stay here with you and protect you. that's why i left early in the morning to pack my stuff and move in here with you. so don't he afraid anymore okay..? " seung ho told him and pointed at the bag that's on the floor. taehyung didn't say anything , and his eyes were staring at the bag. he was still thinking about the fact that jeongguk wasn't there for him. " taehyung? are you okay? you don't want me to be here..? " seung ho asked , his voice starting to sound sad.

" h-huh? um no... i don't mind... t-thanks seung ho... " taehyung mutters sofrly then forced to put on a smile on his face. the male then smiled at him back and pulled taehyung into a hug. " don't worry okay? i promise to be by your side. "

i promise to be by your side....

those are the words that jeongguk said to me.

he promised me.


he broke it.

jeongguk ..



𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄Where stories live. Discover now