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jeongguk stared at taehyung with his lips apart , his heart slowly aching when taehyung confirmed himself about his relationship with seung ho. guess seung ho was telling the truth then. he thought.

" are you kidding me ? taehyung , you shouldn't be with someone like him! " jeongguk said making taehyung gritted his teeth. " why do you even care ? seung ho is a sweet and nice guy and it's my choice if i want to be with him! he's there for me and looks after me! " taehyung yelled , trying to hold back his tears. jeongguk felt like a knife just stabbed in his heart when taehyung said that. it hurts him that jeongguk had been there for him too and looked after him before seung ho does , but yet taehyung is already appreacting seung ho for being there for him when clearly jeongguk was there for him first.

the younger didn't say anything for a few seconds , but then he clenched his fist , before he started speaking again. " so you love him ? " jeongguk asked making taehyung's eyes widened and eyebrows pinched together.

" w-what? "

" i'm asking you , do you love him? taehyung , do you love seung ho? " jeongguk repeated his questions which made taehyung feels nervous all of a sudden. " i-i... y-yes... " taehyung replied softly , not looking back at him. " look me in the eyes taehyung. are you sure that you're in love with him? " jeongguk asked again which made taehyung's heart beating fast and angers starts to form in him.


taehyung shouted angrily at him , letting all the tears roll down his cheeks which he failed to hold. he then ran to his room and slammed the door loudly and threw himself on the bed , then sobbing loudly in his pillow.

jeongguk just stood in his spot and when he heard taehyung's loud sobbing from the room , a few tears were already streaming down his cheeks. he doesn't even know why he's crying. but hearing taehyung made his heart break , and so jeongguk slowly walks towards taehyung's room and opens the door which he's glad taehyung didn't lock. but the moment he opened the door , taehyung's sob became even more louder. jeongguk just stared at him for awhile , breathing deeply before walking towards him then stood beside the bed. " t-taehyung... "

taehyung immediately stops sobbing , his breathing was heavy, as he was sniffing. " l-leave me alone... " taehyung said softly under his breath , his face still burried in his pillow. jeongguk then sat on the bed and placed his hand on taehyung's back. " taehyung please look at me- "

" NO! j-jeongguk please...i-i.. i'm really tired. i can't handle this anymore. you'll never stop hurting me. i'm tired of crying over a jerk like you! leave me alone! "

" i-it's okay , go ahead and say whatever you want to me , continue to just say any hurtful words to me , i deserve it anyways... " jeongguk mumbled softly as he sighed , taehyung immediately got up and looked at the younger with his red and a bit swollen eyes.

" w-what? a-are you kidding me? do you possibly think that i'd want to say hurtful words to you? WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR JEONGGUK?! I CAN NEVER HURT YOU LIKE HOW MUCH YOU HURT ME! "

" i-i'm sorry... i know i've been an asshole and a jerk to you... i'm really sorry for hurting you taehyung... please forgive me... "

" no... even if you apologise... you'll still hurt me multiple times... please just.. l-leave me alone... " taehyung said softly then turning his back at jeongguk and covered himself with the blanket.

" leave him alone you fucker. " jeongguk turns his head towards the door and saw seung ho standing outside the room , glaring at him. he quickly got up and stared at him. taehyung immediately got up as well and looks at seung ho.

" s-seung ho? h-how come you're back already...? " he asked with his voice shaking.

" i told the lecturer that i can't stay back. so i decided to come back. and i knew a fucker would be here , hurting you again. " seung ho said then deathly glared at jeongguk , clenching his fist which caused his knuckles to crack.

" shut the fuck up you ass- " jeongguk was about to walk towards seung ho to punch him when taehyung grabs his wrist making him stop. " STOP IT YOU TWO! PLEASE STOP FIGHTING ALREADY! "

" LET GO OF ME TAEHYUNG! " jeongguk tried to let of of his grip , his eyes still pierced at seung ho who's deviously smirking at him. taehyung felt weak , and so he slowly lets go of his wrist then jeongguk quickly ran towards seung ho and punched him making his back hit the wall. they both started fighting and taehyung got up from the bed , running past them and out of the apartment. seung ho and jeongguk didn't even realise that taehyung had ran away.

jeongguk was about to throw another punch when seung ho kicked his stomach which caused his back to slam against the wall. jeongguk started coughing and seung ho immediately wipes away the blood on his lips.

" looks like taehyung had disappeared. " seung ho said , curving his lips. " w-what..?! " jeongguk looks around and found out that taehyung wasn't in the room.

" W-WHERE DID HE GO?! " jeongguk shouted worriedly and seung ho started laughing. " well i don't know... no actually , i don't care. oh and looks like it has already started raining heavily... " seung ho said when they both heard the loud thunderstorms. jeongguk got up and grabbed his collar. " WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY?! "

" it wasn't even my intention to be with him in the first place to be honest. damn gotta admit that it sucks to put up an act. i'm tired as fuck. "

" w-what do you mean...? " jeongguk stares a him confusedly, his brows furrowed. " you and taehyung were the reason why i'm here. " jeongguk's grip slowly loosen and seung ho quickly pushed him away and immediately got up. " your dad and taehyung's dad were very close , and they both treated my dad like shit. my dad worked so hard for your dad , and he just fired him just because of a small mistake he made and never paid him. my dad didn't have enough money to help my mum. she had cancer. and paying the amount that was needed for the sugery was the only way to save her. my dad begged taehyung's dad to lend him money but he didn't even care at all. my mum died one week later and that made my dad depressed and he was so drunk and wanted revenge. " seung ho paused , jeongguk's eyes were already widened and he was very speechless.

" he went to taehyung's house and killed his dad. he stabbed him multiple times and then taehyung's mum managed to take a knife and stabbed my dad too. back then i knew my dad would go to taehyung's house , but i was too late. they both were dead infront of my eyes. taehyung ran out of the house and that day it was raining heavily. his mum went after him and was hit by a car and then died right after that. " jeongguk was shaking so badly , his heart was beating really fast and tears couldn't stop leaving eyes.

" and i've come to seek revenge. because my main target was your dad. but looks like he disappeared huh? " seung ho said the last sentence softly and slowly walks into taehyung's room to take out a knife from the drawer that he already placed few days ago. jeongguk stared at him as he tried to slide himself away slowly against the wall.

" but i guess... my main target now would be taehyung and.. you? i could've killed you two earlier but well... i am not that bad you know? unlike like both of your fucking dads. " seung ho mutters in a deep voice , taking the knife out and started walking towards jeongguk. jeongguk quickly got up and ran away from seung ho but suddenly tripped because of the impact on his stomach.

" you can't run away , jeongguk. don't be a coward... just like your fucking dad. " seung ho said while tapping the knife on his palm , slowly walking towards him.

" a-agh.. no don't... " jeongguk whimpered softly as he tried to get up again. seung ho curved his lips , " why not? you always wanna fight with me and punch me in the face all the time... why not , come and punch me again? "

" i-i'm s-sorry " jeongguk slides himself against the floor, reaching for the door when he suddenly stopped beside a table , placing his palm ontop of it.

" too late. "


sorry for the sudden plot twist LMAO

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