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warning: sexual harassment & rape (almost)


one week has passed , jeongguk and taehyung has gotten a little closer as they both had been spending time with each other watching movies , cooking and playing games together. it's been so long since taehyung smiled and laughed a lot and it's all because of jeongguk. he is grateful for the younger. thankfully during that week , it didn't rain again which means taehyung didn't had to suffer with hearing the loud thunderstorms. he also hasn't been getting any nightmares after jeongguk stayed by his side.

there was one time when jeongguk brought up the topic about their past relationships , which he used to have three ex's but all of them either dumped or cheated on him. it's been a year since he broke up with his last ex. taehyung felt that he shouldn't keep it to himself , and so he revealed to him that he's gay , saying that he used to date one guy back in high school but turns out he's bisexual. which means he dumped taehyung just to be with a girl. it broke taehyung's heart a lot and he had lots of mental breakdowns. but thankfully he got over it now. jeongguk was shock at first when he finds out that taehyung is gay , but eventually he didn't really care. taehyung is still normal anyways.

the two boys got ready for their first lecture , and taehyung felt so happy because he finally has someone to be with and it's his first time going to campus with him. they both left the apartment and walk together since their campus isn't that far. as they were walking , taehyung tried to walk a few steps away from jeongguk which the younger noticed immediately , then softly sighed and walk closer to him.

" taehyung , what did i say about us walking together? don't worry about it. i know people will see us but they don't know about us staying together. " jeongguk reminds him and taehyung nodded his head although he still felt worried.

when they were about to reach the campus gate , some of the students were already looking at them, and of course they gave weird looks and started gossiping to one another.

" hey isn't that jeongguk? why's he with that guy? i thought that weird nerd boy never hangs out with anyone. "

taehyung started to feel anxious and uncomfortable so he started walking away from jeongguk and enters the campus alone. jeongguk watched him walk away , sighing deeply again then glaring at the students who were looking at taehyung then back to him. he then entered and later more students started looking at him. he tried to look for taehyung but he was nowhere to be found.

fucking hell. stop staring for fuck sake.

where is taehyung- is he in class already?

jeongguk walks along the hallway then later he saw class 1 which is taehyung's class. he stopped by the door of the class then looks around, and finally found taehyung sitting at the corner of the last row , with earpiece in both of his ears while looking outside the window. he realised that he was staring at him for awhile because the students in the classroom were already looking at him.

" hey , we've been calling you since just now. do you need anything? " a male student with blonde hair called him out and jeongguk quickly snapped out.

" huh? oh no, i don't. " jeongguk replied then soon taehyung noticed him. he immediately stood up and they both looked at each other. the blonde haired male noticed jeongguk looking elsewhere so he turned back to look at the direction he was looking at then found out that taehyung was the person he was looking at.

" ah, you're looking for taehyung? "

" hey taehyung, i think this guy is— " the guy was about to tell taehyung but the male immediately cuts him off.

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄Where stories live. Discover now