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it's currently 22:45 and taehyung was at the cafe , ready to close the shop. he has been working at the cafe for seokjin ever since the incident one year ago.

seokjin had been by his side ever since he got discharged but now he had already returned back to daegu , and would be back in probably three months. so once again , taehyung is all alone again.

and of course, taehyung has already forgotten him.

it was really difficult and painful for him at first , he took months to get over with it , he cried all night and couldn't sleep , but he finally got over it.

taehyung sighed deeply and looked around the cafe , making sure that he didn't miss anything else to clean. he took out his apron and placed it inside the drawer then took his stuff and turned off all the lights and fans. he walks out of the cafe and locks the door, then taking out his earpiece and listen to random songs as he walks back home. as soon as he's about to reach his apartment , he saw someone standing outside. he couldn't see who was it , because the neighbourhood's light was quite dim.

he thought it was just some random stranger or someone he maybe know. so he took out one of his earpiece and squinted his eyes as he slowly walks closer. " u-um excuse me, who are you? " taehyung asked and the other didn't move nor turn. taehyung's heart was beating fast , he prayed that it wasn't some random creepy person or a rapist... but later the person turned to look back at taehyung.

taehyung tried to look at the person's face clearly , then finally it was clear enough to see. but then his eyes suddenly widened and he didn't even notice that he dropped all his stuffs on the ground. his leg started to wobble and his body was shaking. he slowly walks backward until he suddenly couldn't feel his legs anymore and immediately fell to the ground. the person then quickly walk towards him , his face was full of sadness and worries.

" h-how... n-no... " taehyung stutters , still couldn't believe that he's infront of him.

" taehyungie... "



𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄Where stories live. Discover now