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college resumes the next two following days , and jeongguk woke up in his room at taehyung's apartment. he rubbed his eyes , yawning and stretching along before getting up from bed. he then went to the bathroom to get himself ready.

fifteen minutes later , he got out from the bathroom then heads out of his room. as he was walking along the way to the living room , he suddenly stopped outside taehyung's room. he was wondering whether taehyung was still asleep or if he's already awake. he placed his hand on the doorknob , thinking whether he should twist it open or not. suddenly he felt the doorknob twisted in his hand , and quickly lets go of it , the door opens and revealed someone.

it was seung ho. he was standing right infront of jeongguk , shirtless with only his long pajamas pants , and messy hair.

" why are you here? " jeongguk asked him , clicking his tounge. he hates that he's already feeling so annoyed early in the morning. " i've moved in to stay with taehyung, remember ? god , why is it so hard for you to understand? " seung ho replied while massaging his temple.

" well that's because i can't accept the fact that you're looking after someone who he just met for only like what ?three , four days? " jeongguk scoffed.

" oh did you forget? that you and taehyung barely knew each other when he requested you to stay with him. so don't say that it's not right for him to let me stay with him. " seung ho smirks , watching the other looking so dumbfounded by him. " but anyways taehyung is still sleeping and i'm gonna wake him up soon. also, i'll be going to campus with him. " seung ho said then closes the door at his face.

" why that stupid fucking asshole- " jeongguk was so ready to barge into the room and punch seung ho but he just let it go. what's the point anyways , they'll always continue to fight everytime they see each other. he's tired to death. he then walks away and headed out from the apartment and makes his way to the campus.

taehyung was sleeping when he felt someone tapping his arm softly. " taehyung? wake up. you've to get ready. " he heard seung ho's voice and then slowly opens his eyes.

" i'm so tired... " taehyung whined and closes his eyes back , seung ho chuckling softly at the other being cute.

" taehyung, you're gonna be late you know, " seung ho said softly as he runs his fingers through his hair. taehyung immediately opens his eyes again and sits up , looking at the clock. they're going to be late. " no! i don't want detention! i'm gonna get ready now! " taehyung quickly rushed to the bathroom to get ready. seung ho watches him and laughed under his breath.

later seung ho and taehyung were walking to campus , and taehyung hasn't said anything since they left their apartment , as he still felt awkward thinking about the kiss and the part where they should be closer before they can be together makes him feel uncertain and nervous. although taehyung feels unsure too , will taehyung really be with seung ho?

they were about to reach the campus when suddenly taehyung stops. " oh wait. that reminds me , you're not from this college right? are you transferring here? like are you a new student? " taehyung asked and seung ho smiles as he nodded his head. " yes , i moved to seoul few days ago before we met and i'll be attending here so, " seung ho replied , taehyung hummed in response before they both entered.

taehyung stood outside the general office waiting for seung ho as he had to register and everything. five minutes later seung ho came out with a paper and taehyung walk towards him. " i'm from class 2. " seung ho said while flipping through the papers. " oh it's next to my class. i'll bring you to your class since our class is next to each other. " they both then walk together to their classes.

" your lectures will end at twelve right? i'm gonna end late which is at three since i've just transferred here and the lecturer told me that i've some things to do and all. " seung ho told him before they enter their class. " oh okay. "

" are you okay? will you be fine? i can just tell the lecturer that i can't go you know? " seung ho frowns as he looks at taehyung worriedly.

" no, no! it's okay! i'll be fine. i'll see you later.. " taehyung smiled and waved at him. " i'll be going now , have fun! " seung ho exclaimed then entered his class which taehyung does the same too.

a few hours later , taehyung's lecturers ended later one and he left the classroom , walking along the hallway. since he had nothing to do , he decided to go back home.

taehyung unlocked the door of his apartment and as soon when he opens , he suddenly saw someone walking out from the kitchen which caused taehyung to gasped loudly and quickly covers his face. " taehyung what's wrong?! " jeongguk quickly ran towards taehyung and grabbed both of his wrists. taehyung quickly let go of his hands and shook his head.

" n-nothing. you just scared me... " taehyung said in a low voice , looking down. " oh sorry. "

" nevermind... why are you here? you didn't attend the lectures...? " taehyung asked as he removes his shoes.

" well i did. i just went for one lecture then skip the rest. so i went back. " jeongguk laughed softly which made taehyung to smile a little bit. " you're always like this.. " taehyung mumbles softly. the older then walks past him , heading to his room when jeongguk suddenly stops him.

" wait , taehyung " taehyung stared at the door for a second before turning back to look at him.

" are you... are you really together with that ass— i mean seung ho..? " jeongguk tried to ask him trying not to sound like he's desperate to know. taehyung stared at the floor, unsure of what to reply. he knows that he wants to move on and be with seung ho , but the thing is , taehyung isn't ready and of course , he's not together with seung ho . he then forced a smile and looks directly at the younger

" yeah, so what if i'm with seung ho...? "


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