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" no. stop. do not like me. do not fall in love with me. you do know that i'm not into guys. " jeongguk said , still with a straight face , his voice sounded normal and serious.

taehyung's eyes were still widened , tears already started forming in his eyes and he could feel the pain in his throat and heart. and with that , jeongguk turned his back at him and walks away. taehyung then slowly falls to his knees , crying as much as he was before. seung ho later cameback with a packet of tissue and two bottles of drinks. he stopped for awhile and saw taehyung , kneeling on the ground with his right hand clutching his chest and tears kept rolling down his cheeks. the male quickly run towards him and kneeled down infront of taehyung , looking at his face worriedly. " taehyung? what's wrong? what happened?! "

" s-seungo ho... it hurts so really h-hurts... i c-can't breathe... " taehyung says with his voice trembling and stuttering , his body shaking as he tries to control his breathing. " no no taehyung , please calm down , breathe in and out deeply... " and so taehyung tried to breathe in and out deeply like what seung ho told him to do , tears kept on leaving his eyes. seung ho took a piece of tissue and gave it to taehyung. he took the tissue and wipes his tears as he tried to calm himself down. seung ho grabbed taehyung's arm and they both sat on the bench again.

" taehyung...? did something happen while i was gone? "

taehyung hesitates , though he thinks that nothing is going to fix anything even if he tells seung ho. " h-he...found me... a-and he told me n-not to... "

" not to...? "

" f-fall in love with him... " taehyung suddenly broke down again and this time it became more worse. " he told you what- "

" i...i never thought that i would get hurt this bad from a rejection... especially when he's my f-first love... "

"'s's normal to feel this way. everyone, or most people will always experience this. you just have to move on and stay strong. there will always be someone better for you , and that person will be able to make you happier than the person you love. " seung ho tried to comfort him while patting taehyung's back. " b-but him being my first even more painful than i thought... i d-don't think i can move on... and he's staying with me... how am i going to face him... "

" wait what? he's staying with you? that'd be more difficult for you. you've to avoid him , or preferably not to let him stay with you.. " taehyung doesn't want to leave jeongguk , the younger promised him that he'd stay with him. because if he leaves , who's gonna stay by taehyung's side and protect him? " i can't... "

" why not..? " since taehyung thinks that he could trust seung ho , even though they just met , he decided to tell him why. about why jeongguk is staying with him , his fears , everything.

after telling everything to seung ho , seung ho finally understand why taehyung didn't want to leave jeongguk.

" so you're telling me that jeongguk is staying with you because you need someone to stay with you , especially when there's lightning and thunderstorms , or incase you have nightmares? " taehyung nods , wipping his eyes with the tissue. " but you told me that jeongguk isn't into guys, then why did he agree? "

" well... first of all , jeongguk told me that he doesn't really mind about me being gay , and so i thought that , that's why he wouldn't mind staying with me , and also he's being chased , so i offered him to stay with me... but later he yelled at me saying that he dislikes gays and even rejected me because he's not into guys... "

" woah , that's so stupid. i'm sorry taehyung. you're suffering so much... wait- what about... " seung ho kept quiet for awhile , and taehyung waited for him to finish his sentence. " you stay with me...? i don't mind staying by your side and protect you. "

taehyung's eyebrows pinched together as his eyes widened , shocked by what seung ho had just suggested. " i...i do appreciate that but...w-what about jeongguk...? he's gonna stay my apartment... "

" that... "

" well if he doesn't mind , he'll either need to leave the apartment and maybe i will stay at your apartment instead? don't worry i won't be freeloading. "

" w-what? no! j-jeongguk won't have a place to stay... "

" taehyung... you're being too kind. have you forgotten what he just said to you...? "

taehyung was unsure of what to say , after he remembered jeongguk's words. he looks down and sighed deeply. " i...i'll be okay. i will move on. i can do it.. so um...maybe you can s-stay with me and jeongguk will be in the guest room. "

" you actually... still allow him to stay in your apartment..? taehyung , jeongguk isn't going to be staying by your side but me. "

" i-it's fine...i don't mind..."

" why? "

" because he was the one who has been with me so i'm not just gonna ask him to leave.. also i.. care about him a lot... "


i'm sorry that jeongguk won't be staying by taehyung's side soon but anyways, we'll see jeongguk's reaction, yeah?

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