
159 6 3

warning: blood


seung ho wrapped his arms around taehyung and hugged him , but the other didn't hug him back but he didn't mind. he then pulled away , and placed his hands on taehyung's right shoulder then looked into taehyung's eyes. he noticed that taehyung's eyes were red when he arrived but he didn't ask him about it yet. " now... tell me , taehyung... did you cry? " seung ho asked and the male immediately look away. " n-no i didn't. " he lied and seung ho grips his shoulders hardly. " stop lying! i know you did! " seung ho says angrily and taehyung suddenly whines in pain.

" a-ah! it h-hurts seung ho! " taehyung grabbed seung ho's hands trying to stop him. the male immediately lets go of his hands realising what he just did. " i-i'm really sorry taehyung " taehyung didn't say anything , he felt the pain on his shoulders as he was massaging it with both of his hands. " i'm sorry i didn't mean to hurt you taehyung... i was just worried about you... " seung ho muttered softly , looking away from him. " i-it's okay i- "

" what the fuck did you do to him? " they both turned their heads and saw jeongguk standing outside the room. his face looks really worried and angry , both fists clenched. seung ho immediately got up from the bed and walk towards him , then standing infront of him. " why do you even care? " seung ho spatted and suddenly jeongguk pushed him to the ground and punches his face. " YOU ASSHOLE! WHAT DID YOU DO TO TAEHYUNG?! "

jeongguk shouted at seung ho furiously as he grabbed his shirt. taehyung's eyes widened as he quickly got up and ran towards the two of them.

" JEONGGUK STOP! " taehyung shouted worriedly as he grabbed onto the younger's arm. jeongguk suddenly yanked his arm hard causing taehyung to fall backwards and hurt his back head hard on something.

there was a loud thud the moment his back head hits the nightstand , then taehyung immediately fell on the ground. " AH! " taehyung groaned loudly in pain while holding the back of his head. seung ho and jeongguk's eyes widened when they look at him. " TAEHYUNG! " seung ho shouted worriedly and pushed jeongguk away , then going towards taehyung. he held the male in his arms while shaking him.
" TAEHYUNG! ANSWER ME! ARE YOU OKAY?! " taehyung's eyes were slightly open , they were starting to feel blurry , but he could still see seung ho and hear him.

" y-yes i-i'm f-fine... " taehyung managed to reply him but the sound was inaudible. jeongguk was shocked as he stared at the two of them especially at taehyung , he froze and he didn't know what to do. " taehyung are you su– " seung ho suddenly felt something wet on his palm that's at the back of taehyung's head , he looks at his palm and realised that there was blood covered.

" OH FUCK! TAEHYUNG! YOU'RE BLEEDING! YOU'RE NOT FINE FOR FUCKS SAKE! " seung ho shouted again , now panicking. " i'm f-fine but p-please don't blame on jeongguk... j-jeongguk...i-it's fine.. it's not your faul— " taehyung didn't manage to finish his words , he slowly closes his eyes, seung ho started shaking taehyung hardly. " t-taehyung? TAEHYUNG! no no.. oh god... OPEN YOUR EYES! " jeongguk noticed and quickly got up and rushes towards him and kneeled down infront of him. " t-TAEHYUNG! "

" WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? GO AND FUCKING CALL THE AMBULANCE! " seung ho yelled at him and jeongguk quickly took out his phone to call the ambulance.

jeongguk and seung ho were outside the ICU room , which taehyung was brought in. jeongguk stood agaisnt the wall , feeling regression and guilty. seung ho suddenly grabbed his shirt. " i told you not to fucking hurt him. now look what you've done. " seung ho says in a deep voice , trying to control himself , and not to cause any commotion since they're in hospital. jeongguk didn't say anything. all he could think about is taehyung. " what the hell did taehyung ever do to you ?! all he did was confessed his love , and then you fucking rejected him and now you hurt him even more! "

" taehyung is a weak guy. you should be aware of that already... but yet you can still just go and hurt him like it's a normal thing for you to do?! i don't get you. and now was even more shocked to hear that he would actually say that it's not your fucking fault. this is seriously too much , i swear. look how fucking kind he is to even say not to fucking blame shits on you. " the thoughts of taehyung's words before stabbed jeongguk's heart. it hurts so much thinking about it. it's all his fault. he felt so disappointed at himself and regretted everything. after all the things taehyung had done for him , jeongguk ended up just hurting him way too much.

taehyung...i'm so sorry...please...forgive me...

the doctor suddenly came out from the ICU room and seung ho quickly lets go of jeongguk's shirt and they both immediately ran towards the doctor. " how is he..? " seung ho asked worriedly.

" kim taehyung-ssi is ... "


haha what do you think

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