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it's already the start of their college break. taehyung was getting ready and he felt so excited because jeongguk recently asked him out since be thought that they should hang out more somewhere and get to know each other better as a friend.

the male was unsure of what to wear , though it's not a date but it is a date to him. jeongguk was already done five minutes ago and currently waiting for taehyung in the living room while he uses his phone. taehyung kept on tapping his foot , his chin resting on his right palm as he looks at the shirts that he had arranged in order and to see which suits him better. the door suddenly swings open and jeongguk walks in. " hey taehyung are you d– " the male stopped and faced at taehyung's bare back.

taehyung flinched and turned around , then quickly took his towel that was at the edge of the bed and quickly cover his chest. " h-huh uh y-yeah! i'm done! "

" you sure you're done? doesn't seem like it. " jeongguk look at the clothes on the bed then at taehyung's chest which is covered by the towel. " uh.. yeah. i'm not.. i just.. don't know what to wear... " taehyung looks down in embarrassment.

jeongguk chuckled softly and walks towards him which made his heart beat really fast. he noticed that jeongguk's outfit was really nice , he was wearing a white top with a denim jacket and a long black jeans. the younger walked beside taehyung then stopped infront of the sidebed to look at the clothes that were arranged.

he was skimming through the clothes then stopped at the black shirt and took a flannel from his wardrobe then passing it to taehyung. " here , wear these. "

taehyung stared at the clothes that jeongguk was holding then smiled and nodded straight away , then taking the shirt and flannel from jeongguk. he wore the shirt and flannel as soon when jeongguk left the room then later look at himself in the mirror.

" he really picked a good one... " taehyung muttered softly and smiled. he sprayed his favourite cologne then heads out of his room to see jeongguk putting on his sneakers. taehyung stares at him before jeongguk look up to see him standing infront then he got up. " oh you're done. you look good. " jeongguk smiled which made taehyung slightly blushed and scratch his nape.

" t-thanks.. that's because you picked the clothes.. "

" you're right, i did a great job. " jeongguk winked then laughs , and taehyung couldn't stop smiling, his feels his heart doing somersaults because the younger wouldn't stop saying things that'd make him smile or blush sometimes.

" c'mon , wear your shoes so we can leave . " jeongguk took out taehyung's sneakers from the shoe rack and places it down on the floor. taehyung nodded and quickly walk towards him , crouching down to put on the sneakers.

they both walked together to the bus stop and then waited for the bus. taehyung didn't know what to talk about , because all of a sudden he felt so awkward and shy when he's with jeongguk. but the younger was doing just fine.

the bus finally arrived and it was really crowded since it's already the start of holiday. the boys boarded the bus and joined with the other people and grabbed the bars to support themselves and avoid from falling. taehyung and jeongguk were standing side by side , their bodies kept hitting each other each time the bus moves.

about ten minutes later , the moment the bus stops moving when the traffic's red light , taehyung took this chance to let go of the bar to stretch his arm because he felt abit sore.

but then the bus suddenly started to move again and taehyung didn't manage to grab the bar in time so he stumbled and was about to fall to the side.

oh no!

taehyung knew he's either gonna fall on the ground or hit someone so he was getting prepared for it when suddenly he felt someone wrapped their arm around him. he looks back to see the person and knew it was jeongguk. their face were really close and taehyung's face started to heat up. jeongguk unwrapped his arms and taehyung quickly stand still again. " be careful , grab the bars tightly. " jeongguk told him and taehyung immediately nodded shyly.

" o-okay , t-thank you. " taehyung quickly face to his other side , not letting jeongguk see him so that to he can hide his face since he knows that he's blushing hard. he breathed in and out deeply , closing his eyes to calm himself down.

stop acting this way , taehyung! just act normal!

they finally alighted at the last station where there is a mall nearby , then walking there together. " what do you feel like eating? " jeongguk asked as he looks around.

" u-um anything is fine! "

" hmm what about japanese foods? or ... chinese foods? " jeongguk suggested , taehyung nodded then replied excitedly, " japanese foods! "

the boys had been chatting together as they ate their foods , talking about themselves and so on. although taehyung tried to make eye contact with the younger when they talk , he would keep focusing on his food because he knows that if they both make eye contact , taehyung would start to blush and that's be the last thing he wants that to happen . jeongguk obviously didn't know it , so he didn't question him anything.

after they finished eating , they went towards the cashier counter to pay the bills. taehyung was about to take out his wallet when jeongguk stops him. " i'll pay. " 

taehyung frowns at him. " no jeongguk , i'll pay. " he started to take out some cash.

" no, i asked you out so i should be paying." jeongguk said and quickly pass some cash to the waiter.

" but... " taehyung felt bad. he didn't want jeongguk to pay , because of the situation he's in. jeongguk took the receipt , waving it at him before walking out. taehyung pouts as he followed him from the back.

they began to walk around and jeongguk noticed that taehyung hasn't been looking at his direction nor his right side since they left the restaurant. he then walked infront of taehyung and stops him to look at his face but taehyung kept avoiding eye contact. " taehyung? " he called out. no answers. " hey, are you upset? " jeongguk teased him and taehyung still didn't look at him.

" hey come on, don't be. i just really didn't want you to pay okay? i asked you out so i should be the one paying it. besides , the foods weren't that expensive so don't worry. "

jeongguk said and placed right palm on taehyung's leftt cheek. taehyung then slowly looks at the younger and noticed him looking directly at him. and there he goes again , his heart started beating fast again and his face slowly turns red.

" o-okay.. i just don't want you to spend anything for me okay so next time , please don't okay?  " taehyung says then placed his palm on jeongguk's right hand that is still on his cheek. jeongguk then sighed and slowly remove his hands away from taehyung.

" taehyung i... i know you're worried about me because of those guys chasing me for money. but i'm not the one who's bankrupt , taehyung. i am still financially stable since i did some work before and i earned enough. so i'd do anything for you okay? spending money on the foods was nothing compared to you allowing me to sleep with you and freeloading. so , don't feel bad for me, okay? "

taehyung hates this feeling so much. because now is not a good time to feel sad and the urge to cry in public especially infront of jeongguk. but he failed , tears already started rolling down his cheek.

" taehyung please don't cry. we're supposed to have fun and be happy right? stop crying , please? " jeongguk says while wiping taehyung's tears. " i'm sorry... i'll stop. thank you jeongguk. "

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄Where stories live. Discover now