Chapter Six

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Season 1: Lost Girls

Damon lets the fire burn one of the boys body. He picks a phone off the ground and turns it out. The lock screen shows Stefan, Rosalie, Jeremy and Matt all huddling together for a picture. Damon rolls his eyes and slides the screen to open her phone. It opens to Stefan and Rosalie's messages from today. Damon smirks and presses on the arrow to go to Stefan's contact and hits the phone image. He lifts the phone to his ear while pouring alcohol on the girls body.

"Hello? Rosalie? Did you get home safe?" Stefan immediately answers the phone. Damon chuckles. "Who is this?"

"I want my ring" Damon croaks. He looks well and alive again after draining all of Vicki's friends.

"Where are you?" Stefan growls. "Why do you have her phone? What did you do to her?" Stefan demands.

"Oh, relax. She's sleeping right now. I have her all wrapped up in a blanket next to the fire so she doesn't get cold" Damon lies.

The only thing indicating that she's alive, is her chest rising slowly. She lays on the dirt, blood dripping from her head and it took everything inside Damon not to drown in her blood. He's never smelt someone so intoxicating.

"I'm at the Sizzler. I had a buffet. Where's my ring?" Damon strides away from his sarcasm.

"I don't have it. Where are you? What have you done?" He demands. Stefan stands outside of Elena's house. After Elena discovered what Stefan is, she threw a fit and threatened to tell Rosalie. Something was off about Elena. She knew more than she was putting on.

"No," Damon shakes his head. "What have you done? You're the one that locked me in the basement and starved me, so whatever I've done, whoever I've sucked dry is on you, buddy"

"You're being careless. How many more animal attacks is this town gonna believe, huh?" Stefan reminds him.

"I know how to cover my tracks, Stefan. I can make it look like homicide if you want me to. I can start with Rosalie"


"Where's my ring?" Damon whines.

"I gave it to Zach to hide. Probably shouldn't have killed him" Stefan tries. Damon scoffs.

"Ah, you almost got me. Where is it?" Damon asks one last time.

"I'll get it back, but I need time" Damon threw his hand in the air.

"What? Did you Fedex it from Rome? Where is it?" Damon kneels down to Rosalie, caresses her face with the side of his pointer finger. "I want my ring, Stefan. Rosalie's life depends on it"

"I already want you dead, don't give me another reason to make it happen" Stefan barks.

"Don't give me another reason to rip you apart"

"Yeah? Is that gonna be before or after you get your ring back?" Stefan purses his lips. "Tick-Tock, brother" Damon hangs up and drops Rosalie's phone next to her.

Damon looks around to make sure everything is clear. He realizes he missed Vicki, the girl who just keeps getting involved with Damon. He picks up a bottle and starts to pour the remaining alcohol left in the bottle on Vicki. Vicki coughs. Damon scoffs. He throws the bottle and kneels down.

"You just don't wanna die, do you?"


"Why is she here?" Vicki gestures to the sleeping beauty on Stefan's bed.

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