Chapter Eight

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Season 1: 162 Candles

Stefan strokes Rosalie's brown hair softly; her slow breathing indicating she's in a deep sleep. Instead of going with Elena inside her house, she decided to give Stefan a chance so they went to his house. Stefan explained everything to her, apart from his teen years, or how he was turned. He didn't say a word about Damon and Katherine Pierce either. Stefan fed her his blood which took her a couple of tries for her not to be repulsed. Rosalie isn't sure of how she feels about it, but she keeps in mind that Stefan has never hurt her. Stefan prays it'll be enough for her to stick around with him. Stefan told her Damon turned Vicki, not the reason he turned her. He didn't think she could handle Damon's stupidity.

Stefan rests his hand on her shoulder. She scrunches her eyebrows in her sleep. He smiles a little before doing it again. Out of nowhere, a book falls off the table. Stefan gently takes the pillow off his lap and holds Rosalie's head, softly placing them both down on the red couch. Stefan picks the book off the ground and sets it on the table. He starts investigating. A women's laugh echoes through the Salvatore Boarding House. He listens intently for any movement.

The window opens next. He closes it quietly not to wake sleeping beauty. Clinks and crashes boom through the house, making him feel unsettled. Rosalie had been through enough tonight, he didn't need anything else to happen to her.

"Damon?" He calls out. A person whips around him.

The person hits Stefan on the back and he grunts; slamming to the floor. Stefan flips around and gets a full face of vampire. A perky blonde sits on top of him; fangs bared out.

"Lexi?" Her face returns to normal and cheeky smirk is replaces it.


"What are you doin' here?" Lexi lifts Stefan into a standing position and she looks at him with doubt.

"How could you even ask that?" Stefan scoffs and embraces her.

"I missed you" Lexi pulls back.

"Happy birthday, now who is the girl on your couch?" She points to Rosalie.


"Come on! Lets go! I mean, what's keeping you here?" Lexi groans.

"I told you, her name is Rosalie Phoenix" Stefan smiles.

Rosalie is still coma girl downstairs. It's been a rough night for her. "Well lets just hope she's better than the last girl you got all sprung over" Lexi teases; flaunting the picture of Katherine. Stefan gets up and snatches it from her.

"You didn't even know Katherine" Stefan chuckles.

"Yeah cause if I did I'd kick her ass. Little bitch..." Lexi smirks. "Speaking of--where's Damon?" Stefan frowns.

"Inflicting misery somewhere. Do me a favor and make sure he doesn't get anywhere near Rosalie. Him turning Vicki into a vampire is what caused Rosalie to find out and she got hurt" Stefan grumbles. "Hey, uh, you gonna be okay here alone? I got some things I gotta take care of"

"Meaning wake up Rosalie and bring her to school?" Stefan purses his lips. "Nailed it. And also, it's not exactly like I can go anywhere and you and Damon are the only ones with these nifty little daylight rings," Lexi gasps. "I have a mood ring from '75. Trade ya?" She jokes.

"Doesn't work that way and you know it"

Rosalie stretches; her eyes fluttering open. An outfit is placed on the table in front of her. Her bracelet sitting on the top. She looks around the living room for Stefan. Rosalie grabs the bracelet and slips it on.

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