Chapter Thirty-One

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Season 2: Katerina

"Hello, " Damon smiles weakly at Rosalie, remembering what he said last night. Rosalie grins at Damon. Rosalie enters the house and Damon follows behind her.

"Stefan called, said it was important?" Damon nods. Stefan walks over to his girlfriend and wraps his arm around her waist, kissing her temple. Rosalie smiles up at him. "Hey" She breathes. Damon looks at the ground. "What's going on?"

Rose enters the hallway nervously where the three stand. She's wearing some blue jeans and a green v-neck. Rosalie smiles and walks over to Rose and wraps her arms around her. Rosalie didn't hold a grudge against her, especially after Rose witnessed Elijah murder her best friend. Rose sighs in relief and embraces Rosalie back. Rosalie pulls away and smiles.

"Come on, let's go talk in the living room" Rose nods. Everyone follows Rosalie to the living room. Rosalie plops down on the couch and kicks her shoes off, pulling her legs up on the couch. Stefan sits beside her and Damon leans against the chair. Rosalie extends her legs onto Stefan and he massages them.

"Okay, you have to understand that I only know what I've picked up over the years. And I don't know what's true and what's not true, that's the problem with this vampire crap," Rosalie nods. "But Klaus, I know he's real" Rose shivers.

"Who's Klaus? I know he's Elijah's brother, but what did he do?" She asks.

"Elijah's the Easter bunny compared to Klaus. He's a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal" Rose snorts.

"Klaus is known to be the oldest" Stefan adds.

"So the oldest vampire in the world is coming after Elena?"

"And you" Rosalie's eyes widen.

"What? Why me? I'm not a doppelganger nor did I do anything to him--"

"You're a Phoenix. He wants all the Phoenix's dead. They've never met a nice Phoenix. You're ancestors, I'm sorry to say, were god awful people. Elijah didn't seem to happy when you talked back. But thank you for that" Rosalie smiles.

"Look, Elijah's dead. He won't be able to tell Klaus anything" Rose scoffs.

"Yes, because missing brother means he'll be chipper" Stefan sighs. "He's probably some bedtime story because no one's even seen him before" Rosalie shakes her head.

"No, he's real. Elijah even said something about him when he saw me" Rosalie confirms.

"Thank you! He's real and he doesn't give up. If he wants something, he gets it. If you're not afraid of Klaus, then you're an idiot" Rose huffs.

"Alright, we're shaking. You made your point" Rosalie looks at the time. She pops off the couch. Rosalie slides her shoes back on.

"Oh jeez, I'm late for school. It's nice seeing you again, Rose. Thank you for coming here and telling us that" Stefan gets up from the couch.

"Let me go grab my stuff. I'll go with you" Rosalie smiles and nods.

"I'll wait in the car" Rosalie waves again at Damon and Rose before walking out the door.

"She took that surprisingly well" Rose comments, sitting down in the chair.

"It's Rosalie, she seems to take everything well" Rose bites her lip.


"Caroline, I mean. As long as you can trust him, that's all that matters. I'm sure he doesn't want you going around telling people he's a werewolf," Rosalie shrugs. "I just can't believe Katherine compelled Sara too. I saw her talking to Matt. I--I wonder what Tyler's going to do on a full moon" Caroline sighs.

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