Chapter Seventy-Nine

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Season Four: Into the Wild

The waves crash against the rocky shore line of the island. Rosalie shivers with the crisp wind hitting her face. Shane specifically addressed the dress code they should wear. It can get pretty cold here. Damon hands the brunette her backpack and lifts his own over his shoulder.

She hears a loud thud behind her and sees Elena on the ground with Rebekah hovering over her with a smile. Rosalie sighs and looks over at the raven haired man. He shrugs.

"Stefan's fault for inviting Barbie here" Damon grumbles. Rosalie shoves him playfully. He grins at her.

Elena walks over to her bag and shoves the white oak stake into it. She quickly twists the bag around to her bag .

"Looks like someone forgot her team-building exercises" Damon teases the doppelganger.

"I'm not apologizing for not wanting her here" Elena growls. Rosalie smiles sympathetically.

"We just need to get the cure and then boom! This is all over" Rosalie gives her a thumbs up. She chortles.

"You're right. I'll have to deal with her a few more days and then we'll find the cure and I'll never have to deal with her again" Elena takes a deep breath. "I feel a little better" Rosalie giggles.

"Good" She responds.

"I'm going to go talk to Jeremy" Elena excuses herself from the conversation

"Human Rebekah. Can't imagine her without fangs" Rosalie stares at Damon.

"You know, you've never talked about what you want to do with the cure, once we find it" Damon gapes at her.

Her cheeks and the tip of nose is a light red from the cold. The black beanie hangs loosely on her head. Rosalie's large hazel eyes sprinkle as she stares into Damon's. Her long brown hair is pin straight instead of having its usual wave. Her light brown freckles dance across her nose bridge. She's gorgeous. He blinks and looks away from her.

"I don't like to speculate" Rosalie frowns slightly.


The large group consisting of: Rosalie, Damon, Bonnie, Shane, Stefan Jeremy, and Rebekah all follow Shane up the mountain path. This place is beautiful with shimmering blue lagoons and the high grey rocks with scattered green trees lining the shores of the lagoon.

Shane raises his phone up to the sky, but it just beeps repeatedly at him, signaling that he has no reception. He sighs and stuff the useless phone into his pocket.

"Satellite phone lost its signal" Shane announces.

"Well, that's a good sign" Damon rolls his blue eyes. Rosalie quickly scoffs at the agravited Salvatore. She walks in between Stefan and Damon with Shane in front of her and the of the group behind.

"Is anyone else a little creeped out?" Elena asks; paranoia setting in. Rosalie nods.

"Just a little" She mumbles.

"So then leave. Out of everyone, your presences is the least necessary" Rebekah growls at the girls.

"Please don't start" Stefan groans.

"I'm merely stating facts. Jeremy has the spell on his body. Bonnie's the witch that unseals the cure. Shane is the human compass. You and I have the tombstone, which does god knows what. And Elena and Rosalie have no point" Rosalie bites her cheek.

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